Grossly Overweight Spouses


Football season!
Originally posted by Heretic
Its really awful that we live in a society in which being a drug addict is more acceptable to many people that being fat.

As far as health concerns go, yes being fat does make your health decline, however I always hear this from people that smoke. Did you know smoking increases your risk of a heart attack more than being a lard ###?

So should lard ### chain smokers just kill themselves now and save everyone a little pain?


Originally posted by SmallTown
So should lard ### chain smokers just kill themselves now and save everyone a little pain?

Only if it is done in such a way that there is no need for pallbearers.



Originally posted by cariblue
You guys can compare this to smoking all you want, but I'd lick an ashtray clean before I'd have sex with someone like that.






Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by cariblue
I don't care how much love is involved, I just can't imagine being intimate with someone who is grossly obese. You guys can compare this to smoking all you want, but I'd lick an ashtray clean before I'd have sex with someone like that.

:yeahthat: and I sure as $hit would hope that my SO would do anything to get me to lose weight if I ever got like that.

But as we all know I'm perfect so that would never happen. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick, gastric bypass is when they basically divide your stomach in half with staples and reattach your intestines to the top half of your stomach. At first your stomach will only hold about a tablespoon of food, which gradually increases to about a cup or so, once the stomach stretches.

It's gross and it's dangerous.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
At first your stomach will only hold about a tablespoon of food, which gradually increases to about a cup or so, once the stomach stretches.

Doesn't sound reversable. I understand that there are some types of things that are. Like I heard they can put a balloon or something into your stomach which (I assume) has the same effect of making you full faster, but after your habits have changed suitably, and your body is suitably smaller, they can take it out.

This bypass thing sounds pretty dramatic.

150 pounds overweight is not good. However I would not think it's so dangerous as to warrent such a drastic approach. I've known people who were 200 or more pounds overweight : and shed most of it. Well, one did - the other guy still lugs around the extra weight, and now has a nice case of diabetes: that was years and years of being over 200 lbs overwieight though. (In other news, The doctor put him on a diet, and he's now losing quite a bit of weight, very quickly, I might add). Either way, both guys managed to do drop pounds by simply dieting. Not even increasing their activity level.

But I am no doctor, but that sort of operation seems like shooting a squirrel with a howitzer.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by RoseRed
Was it Al Roker and Carni Wilson that had it done?

Yep. And interestingly, Al Roker WILL NOT be a spokesperson for the procedure. He's been approached by drs. etc. He says that he thinks it is VERY dangers and certainly not for everyone. He felt he had no other choice.


Originally posted by RoseRed
Was it Al Roker and Carni Wilson that had it done?

I didn't hear about Roker - but I think that's what Carni Wilson had done. I heard she's real thin now. I haven't even seen a picture, and cannot begin to imagine what she looks like thin.

I think Roseanne did it too - but don't quote me on that.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
Yep. And interestingly, Al Roker WILL NOT be a spokesperson for the procedure. He's been approached by drs. etc. He says that he thinks it is VERY dangers and certainly not for everyone. He felt he had no other choice.
Good for him! :clap:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Carnie Wilson actually webcammed hers - you can do a Google search and probably find it.


It's good to know that the data is there if I ever need it. However, at this time, I think I'll pass.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I liked Carnie before because she was always so stylish looking.

In addition to having her GB surgery, she's also had to have almost complete body reconstruction done because of all the loose skin after she lost weight.

I like the story of Jared the Subway Dieter best - he just got fed up one day (no pun intended) and decided to modify his behavior. People who choose to make positive changes in their life impress me.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
In addition to having her GB surgery.

I thought she had the gut-balloon thing... :confused:

-- Assuming that by GB, you mean Gastric Bypass, and not Gut Balloon
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Originally posted by vraiblonde
In addition to having her GB surgery, she's also had to have almost complete body reconstruction done because of all the loose skin after she lost weight.

They said that my brother in law would lose an additional 100 lbs when they cut off the extra hanging flab.