Grown Men Livin Wit Mommy....


My Sweetest Boy
migtig said:
There can be several legit explanations as to why somebody lives with their parents as an adult, i.e. financial, ill health of parent, caretaking concerns, etc. Perhaps before dismissing all men who live with their parents from your life, you should take the time to get to know them and find out why they choose to live at home. You might find a very admirable honest caring person.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
migtig said:
There can be several legit explanations as to why somebody lives with their parents as an adult, i.e. financial, ill health of parent, caretaking concerns, etc. Perhaps before dismissing all men who live with their parents from your life, you should take the time to get to know them and find out why they choose to live at home. You might find a very admirable honest caring person.
Sure - if you want to live with his parents after you're married. I admire people who care for invalid parents - I just don't want to do it myself. Financial is no excuse - I left home at 19 and haven't lived there since, even after my divorce with two dependent children.


aka Mrs. Giant
vraiblonde said:
Sure - if you want to live with his parents after you're married. I admire people who care for invalid parents - I just don't want to do it myself. Financial is no excuse - I left home at 19 and haven't lived there since, even after my divorce with two dependent children.
Everybody's different, and sadly, not everybody can be as strong as you. I have known guys who moved back home after divorces, just so they had child care assistance. My father moved back in with my grandmother for a short time, after my grandfather died (back in the 90's) to help HER financially and emotionally recover from her loss. Every story is different. Doesn't hurt to hear it out and then make a decision, rather than making a snap judgement.


New Member
I moved back in with my mom when I was 28, after leaving for college, graduating and working in another state for a few years. I left to come here when I was 32.

No biggy. Lots of reasons why I moved in with mom. But both of us benefitted from it. I was able to pay off college bills and save up for a house of my own, and my mom benefitted from all of the work that I was able to do on her house, stuff that needed to be done that she otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford to get done.

I don't see a problem with it. I ran into a few women that did though. No big deal to me. I don't have time for folks that shallow, friend or otherwise.

Sometimes life isn't as black and white as we'd like it be.


Im On 1.
cattitude said:


Because if your 34 and spending money at the bar and offering to take me out but you dont have your own place but living in your mothers basment rent free for 4 years....

what financial trauma are you in that your not by yourself.

Im not stupid so I ask: "is your mother ill?"

His reply: "no, she just doesn't want me to go, and why should I?"

Basically its convienance and thats just laziness to me.
Ponytail said:
I don't see a problem with it. I ran into a few women that did though. No big deal to me. I don't have time for folks that shallow, friend or otherwise.
*dingdingding* Exactly...weed them out right up front...:yay:
Qurious said:

Because if your 34 and spending money at the bar and offering to take me out but you dont have your own place but living in your mothers basment rent free for 4 years....

what financial trauma are you in that your not by yourself.

Im not stupid so I ask: "is your mother ill?"

His reply: "no, she just doesn't want me to go, and why should I?"

Basically its convienance and thats just laziness to me.
Your first post was a generalization. You attacked all grown men living at home.


Ponytail said:
I moved back in with my mom when I was 28, after leaving for college, graduating and working in another state for a few years. I left to come here when I was 32.

No biggy. Lots of reasons why I moved in with mom. But both of us benefitted from it. I was able to pay off college bills and save up for a house of my own, and my mom benefitted from all of the work that I was able to do on her house, stuff that needed to be done that she otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford to get done.

I don't see a problem with it. I ran into a few women that did though. No big deal to me. I don't have time for folks that shallow, friend or otherwise.

Sometimes life isn't as black and white as we'd like it be.

Besides, mom usually made breakfast for me and the chics I drug home after a long night of bangbangbang and mom makes some damn fine scrapple and eggs.


My Sweetest Boy
Qurious said:

Because if your 34 and spending money at the bar and offering to take me out but you dont have your own place but living in your mothers basment rent free for 4 years....

what financial trauma are you in that your not by yourself.

Im not stupid so I ask: "is your mother ill?"

His reply: "no, she just doesn't want me to go, and why should I?"

Basically its convienance and thats just laziness to me.

He's not 34, he's 22. He works two jobs, he's not a bum. He has some bills and is working to pay them. He cannot afford to take care of his obligations and live outside of the home. I don't mind him living at home and neither does his father. He helps us. He is more bothered about living at home than we are having him there.


Im On 1.
kwillia said:
Your first post was a generalization. You attacked all grown men living at home.

well with good reason.

unless mommy dearest is ill you wont get a date with me. Call me shallow if you will but your a MAN who shouldn't be living with mommy because it's convienant and your helping each other out.

If you want to get intimate with your date where do you take her? A hotel???
Dont want to wake mother up!


Im On 1.
cattitude said:
He's not 34, he's 22. He works two jobs, he's not a bum. He has some bills and is working to pay them. He cannot afford to take care of his obligations and live outside of the home. I don't mind him living at home and neither does his father. He helps us. He is more bothered about living at home than we are having him there.

He's still a boy.

Let me put an age limit on the ones Im speaking about:

25 and over!!!


professional daydreamer
cattitude said:
He may be but I think he's pretty wise. He told his Dad the other night that all women are mental. :lol:
My daughter's not mental. She thinks men are, though. :lol: