Hamas Attacks aka Religion Of Peace


PREMO Member

Israel’s Strict Gun Control Track Record​

The narrow eligibility criteria for Israelis to apply for a gun license remain the same as before the attack. You are eligible to apply only if you live or work in the settlement areas or are employed in professions that use guns — like security guards, police officers, or firefighters. Active duty military, military veterans of a certain rank, and special forces can also apply.

When applying, an individual must provide references, proof of residency for three years and meet the minimum age requirement (based on military service and residency.) Applicants must also prove a basic knowledge of Hebrew and provide a health declaration from a doctor.

The person must pass the interview, pay a licensing fee, buy the gun, and attend 4.5 hours of training at a shooting range.

Applicants can meet all these requirements but still be denied based on criminal convictions, drug use, or certain mental health conditions.

An Israeli who no longer meets all the eligibility requirements must notify the Firearm Licensing Department and deposit their firearm and license at a police station within 72 hours.

The complex application process may explain why only 140,000 of the 9 million Israelis have a permit.



PREMO Member

The real problem is Elon letting people see what Hamas videotaped themselves doing

Check out the sympathetic spin the media puts on Hamas. Anything for public consumption to further the narrative – the anti-Israel narrative – is never “disinformation.”

In this instance, they’re reporting on “pain” instead of flagrant “hatred of Jews.”

“Pain” sounds so much better.

Darn it. People would have probably swallowed the whole “Those Jews were asking for it” line IF ONLY THEY HADN’T BEEN ABLE TO SEE WHAT HAMAS ACTUALLY DID.

As they videotaped themselves doing it.

That’s why X and Elon are so dangerous and the worst.

They allow these Stone Age barbarians to prove the lie themselves, to blow up their own narrative, and for people to begin to understand the feral nature of the terrorists’ bloodlust in spite of the decades of combined corrosive…

…collusive cover MSM…

…Democrats, the U.N…

…Obama and now Biden administrations have been laying over the butcherous bastards in Gaza and beyond.

There are over 1000 dead in Israel as of this moment. OVER 1000 slaughtered souls.



PREMO Member

House Democrat Levels AOC's 'Squad' as Tempers Flare Over Their Response to Hamas Terrorist Attacks

News of Tlaib's twisted display came a day after her belated official statement that suggested there could be peace in the region only after "lifting the blockade, ending the occupation, and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance."

Between Tlaib's victim-blaming and that of Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), who made similar comments, their fellow Democrat House member Ritchie Torres (N.Y.) has had enough.

In a statement to Jewish Insider, Torres - who once described himself as "the embodiment of a pro-Israel progressive" - called Tlaib's and Bush's remarks "reprehensible and repulsive," saying "aid to Israel is and should be unconditional":

“U.S. aid to Israel is and should be unconditional, and never more so than in this moment of critical need,” Torres told Jewish Insider in a statement. “Shame on anyone who glorifies as ‘resistance’ the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. It is reprehensible and repulsive.”

"Congress must act decisively to provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself in the face of unprecedented terrorism," Torres also said.



PREMO Member

The Ministry of Truth Fires Up the Afterburners

National Review reported on the interoffice emails at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that instructed its journalists not to refer to the Hamas members who attacked innocent civilians as “terrorists.” The organization StopAntisemtism had copies of the emails in which the CBC’s Director of Journalistic Standards, George Achi, stated, “Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists. The notion of terrorism remains highly politicized and is part of the story. Even when quoting/clipping a government or a source referring to fighters as ‘terrorists,’ we should add context to ensure the audience understands this opinion, not fact.”

On this weekend’s edition of “Meet the Press,” Nikki Haley clashed with Kristen Welker over whether or not Iran’s big payday, courtesy of Joe Biden, helped fund the attack. Fox noted Welker recalled Antony Blinken’s statement that the $6 billion Biden shipped to Iran was not a factor in the attacks. Haley drew on her time as U.N. ambassador to call Blinken’s statement irresponsible, commenting that she had seen the results of Biden’s $400 million cash infusion to Iran:

When I was at the United Nations, you saw that when those planes full of cash sent by Obama to Iran, I went to the International Atomic Energy Agency. I met with them. What happened was those funds were sent to Hezbollah and Lebanon. They were sent to Hamas and Gaza. They were sent to the Houthis in Yemen. They go and spread terrorism every time they get a dollar.

According to the Daily Caller, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt lit into MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire for the network’s coverage of the attack. In particular, Ali Velshi’s attempt to blame the attacks on Israel. Greenblatt stated in part:

These have been some of the hardest days of my adult life. I’ll be honest, I am angry. I am angry with a world that allowed the dehumanization of Israelis and sanitized the terrorism of Hamas. I must say, I love this show and I love this network but I gotta ask, who is writing the scripts? Hamas, the people who did this, they are not fighters, Jonathan, they are not militants, and I am looking right at the camera: they are terrorists. It is a barbarian who rapes and brutalizes women, who kills children in front of their parents, and then brings them over to Gaza.

You can and should watch the video here. As to Greenblatt’s question, I think we all know who is writing the scripts.

And hot on the heels of his Sunday barbecue, Biden called an early lid for the press today:



PREMO Member

International Women’s Rights Orgs Quiet On Kidnapping And Sexual Violence In Israel

Equality Now, a human rights organization that targets violence and abuse of women around the world, has not released a statement regarding the attack but noted the upcoming International Day of the Girl Child on Oct. 11, which celebrates justice for young girls, according to a Monday Twitter post.

A spokesperson for Equality Now told the DCNF that it condemns “any use of sexual and gender based violence as a weapon of war, which is a grave violation of international human rights” and that the protection of women and children should be “prioritized.” The spokesperson did not answer the DCNF’s questions about why the organization had not made a public statement on Hamas’ attacks against Israeli women.

The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and the Global Fund for Women (GFW), have similarly not mentioned the violence in Israel. GFW blames Israel’s “military occupation” for gender-based violence and has an entire section of its website dedicated to the “gender-based violence against Palestinian women, girls, and gender nonconforming people.”

The MeToo Movement, which exploded across the globe in 2017 to give a voice to survivors of sexual assault, last posted on Oct. 5 about South Asian domestic abuse survivors in the U.S.

Attendees of a music festival said that Hamas terrorists attacked the rave early Saturday in pickup trucks, killing over 200 people, according to Tablet Magazine. Many women were brutally assaulted next to the dead bodies of their fellow concert-goers before being executed themselves while others were paraded through the Gaza Strip and taken as hostages.


PREMO Member

When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them

At the end of the Second World War, it took the Allies months, if not years, to uncover the full scale of Germany’s war crimes. That’s because the Nazis tried to hide them.

In October 2023, Hamas broadcast what they did—what they are doing—in real time.

They took horrific videos to document and share it all. Videos of naked women; of a captured six-year-old-boy; of beheaded soldiers.

This young woman—her name is Mor—learned that her grandmother had been slaughtered because a terrorist took her grandmother’s cell phone, filmed her murder, and then uploaded the video to the grandmother’s own Facebook page, ensuring her family would see it.

Now they are threatening to execute the hostages they have captured on live television.

It’s as if the Cossacks had TikTok.

On the one hand I think: surely this will be sufficient. Surely this amount of blood will be enough to shake the world awake. Surely no one can equivocate or justify this. As my friend Sarah Haider wrote, “How easy is it to simply condemn targeted violence against civilians? Can there be a lower bar?”

And yet, across the world, people have sunk below it.


Well-Known Member

Crowds filled with so many women that I was told not to Judge that they enjoy the way they are treated by Muslims.
Happy people marching to celebrate the rapes and kidnappings. Not in Iran, but right here in America.
They belong to the cult because they WANT to belong. They enjoy being Muslim slaves to their men.

These people as well as those invading us across the border do not have any notions of becoming Americans they intend to turn America into the shtholes they left, and Joe Biden and Obama are helping them do it.


PREMO Member
They should label the Islamist's as Anti-Covid Supporters, they would put them right down


Well-Known Member
How 'bout we get the Columbian and Mexican drug cartels to organize the Palestinian migration to sympathetic Arab countries since those countries are all for the Palestinian people? They would be immigrants, not illegals, right?


Well-Known Member
How 'bout we get the Columbian and Mexican drug cartels to organize the Palestinian migration to sympathetic Arab countries since those countries are all for the Palestinian people? They would be immigrants, not illegals, right?

They don't want them. They kicked them out of their countries.


PREMO Member
They don't want them. They kicked them out of their countries.

Time and Time again the suggestion has been put forth ANY Arab country take the people in Gaza ....
THEY ALL REFUSED - they don't want the refugees and the love the chaos of having people in Gaza

When Hamas isn't killing Israelis they are killing each other ... NOBODY wants to import that problem.