Hamas Attacks aka Religion Of Peace


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Hamas fooled Israel's advanced surveillance by doing all of its planning offline, retired US general says

"What Hamas did, what their leadership did, was apparently they moved off of the normal modern communications links that we take for granted every day, and went back to what you did in the 19th century: face-to-face meetings, they went and used couriers instead of going in and using the telephone or the cell phone," he said.

Israel also uses surveillance drones and an intelligence network in Gaza, and has some of the world's most advanced defense systems, like its Iron Dome anti-missile system.

But Leighton said that Hamas launched missiles with a short, lower trajectory, making them harder for Israel to shoot down.


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US puts Delta Force and SEAL Team Six on standby to help Israeli forces locate American hostages as hundreds of brave IDF reservists arrive at JFK to answer call to fight - after terrorists beheaded babies

  • Delta Force and SEAL Team Six have been put on standby in a European country near Israel, The Messenger reported on Tuesday
  • U.S. hostage negotiators are already in Israel and working alongside their Israeli counterparts, the Pentagon confirmed: 20 Americans are missing
  • Israel has called up an unprecedented 300,000-plus reservists, and JFK airport in New York City saw crowds waiting to board flights to Tel Aviv


PREMO Member

Cornell University official slammed for disturbing posts calling Hamas terror attacks a ‘resistance’

Derron Borders, of the Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management, voiced his support for the Palestinians and criticized Israel following the devastating invasion by Hamas terrorists who killed more than 900 people.

“When you hear about Israel this morning and the resistance being launched by Palestinians, remember against all odds Palestinians are fighting for life, dignity, and freedom — alongside others doing the same — against settle colonization, imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, which the United States is the model,” Borders wrote on his Instagram Story.

“F–k your fake outrage at Palestine when you’ve literally been silent about the violence perpetuated by Israel against Palestine every day,” Borders wrote on the day of the Hamas invasion.

A letter was sent to Cornell University regarding Borders' comments on social media.

Law Firm Rescinds Employment Offer For NYU Bar Association President Who Defended Hamas Attacks

Ryna Workman, the president of the NYU Student Bar Association, issued a statement in response to the Hamas attack, explicitly placing blame on Israel and praising Hamas. Workman wrote that Israel “bears full responsibility” for the terror attacks, according to a screenshot of the statement. She also wrote that the nation created the conditions that made the “resistance necessary.”

Poisoned Ivy: Harvard students will be blacklisted by Wall Street after joining 31 organizations that blamed Israel for the Palestine war

  • Harvard students have been warned they have jeopardized their futures after putting out a statement blaming Israel for the horrific Hamas terror attack
  • Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is among wealthy business chiefs who say they want the students named and shamed so they don't get jobs

Harvard students who blamed Israel for the massacre of its citizens by Hamas had their own future thrown into doubt last night as a host of blue chip CEOs declared them unemployable.

The elite university faced a massive backlash after 31 of its student societies issued a joint statement ‘holding the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence’.

The Anti-Defamation League denounced the statement as ‘anti-Semitic’ and others accused the university of tolerating hate speech.

Starbucks Union Backed By Prominent Dems Claims ‘Solidarity With Palestine’ After Hamas Terror Attack

A social media account for Starbucks Workers United posted “Solidarity with Palestine!” following the deadliest terror attack on Israeli soil in the nation’s history, according to The Washington Free Beacon. The attack was carried out by Hamas, an Iran-backed terror group elected to lead Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The attack left over 1,200 civilians dead and thousands wounded, marking the deadliest single day for Jews since the Holocaust.

The union has since deleted the post, made on X, formerly known as Twitter, according to the Free Beacon, which captured a screenshot of the image. Starbucks Workers United is an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and represents roughly 9,000 baristas.

The now-erased comment was made while reposting an image of a Palestinian bulldozer tearing down the Israeli-constructed wall between Gaza and Israel. The Hamas attack against Israel, which took place Saturday, included hundreds of terrorists who tore apart sections of the wall to transport vehicles, weapons, and militants into Israel.



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Have they NO shame? Anti-Semitic college group 'Students for Justice in Palestine' are plotting a 'Day of Resistance' in support of 'historic win' against Israel after Hamas killed 1,200 people

  • Students for Justice in Palestine was founded at the University of California at Berkeley in 2001 and counts over 200 chapters
  • The group announced on their Instagram feed Monday that they will hold a 'Day of Resistance' in the wake of the Hamas attacks
  • They appear to support the violent tactics of Hamas and their surprise terrorist onslaught, the latest example of radical campus activism



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There is no doubt that if they can, the Palestinians and their Iranian allies will kill every Jew in the State of Israel. That is their oft-stated goal. On Saturday night, Gaza’s military took a step in the direction of genocide by massacring 900 or more Israelis, most of them women and children. All normal people have been horrified by the video and photographic evidence of the horrors that were perpetrated by Palestinians.

But some in the West were weirdly unmoved. The Biden Administration twice called for a cease-fire before deleting those tweets. Barack Obama was silent for several days. Many Democrats have remained quiet up to the present, and in some cases have actually expressed support for Hamas. The Democratic Socialists of America have rallied on behalf of the Gazans’ mass murder. Harvard couldn’t bestir itself to condemn the Palestinians’ attempt at genocide, and dozens of student groups there expressed approval of mass murder.

Other “mainstream” organizations have likewise been AWOL. It is a long list, but let me point out just one: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran group in the U.S. Like the other “mainstream” Protestant denominations, the ELCA has been drifting leftward for a long time. Still, you would think this is an easy call. What would Jesus think about murdering, raping, torturing, injuring, abducting and imprisoning thousands of innocent people? Not a hard question to answer, one would think.

But apparently the leaders of the ELCA don’t see it that way. Their web site does not include even a pro forma objection to the Gazans’ rampage. It does, however, prominently feature a video by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton titled “Why I am Against Christian Nationalism.” Those “Christian Nationalists,” whoever they might be, are the real enemy!

The ELCA’s News feed contains no reference to the massacre in Israel. However, Bishop Eaton has recently commented on events in the Middle East. She released a Statement Concerning Jenin Incursions on July 5. That statement is consistent with past pronouncements by the ELCA, which always demonize Israel:

As presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, I join my colleague, the Rev. Dr. Sani Ibrahim Azar, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, in being “deeply dismayed at the ongoing Israeli military incursions into Palestinian communities, especially in the city and refugee camp of Jenin.”
I echo what Bishop Azar said in his recent statement: “The extensive damage to human lives and property, including the death of children, does not further the cause of justice and will not bring Israelis or Palestinians closer to peace or security. Our church calls for the upholding of human rights for Palestinians, for a ceasefire, and for an end to the occupation…”
In addition, as noted by the World Council of Churches Central Committee late last month: “We are witnessing a recent surge in attacks against individuals, families, churches and holy sites, as well as physical and verbal abuse targeting clergy by Israeli radicals.” …
There must be accountability, not impunity. As a church that accompanies our Palestinian siblings, we call for justice and an end to extremism.


Well-Known Member
And NBC wants to protect our eyes from “disinformation.”


They tell you who they are, you can believe the evidence they themselves have for you, and that is why you are not allowed to see it.

Know them.

And destroy them.

They don't want the American who's not on Twitter, or uses YouTube to become more outraged about the Palestinians they protect.


Beloved Misanthrope
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White House Claims $6 Billion To Iran Absolutely Not Related To The Exactly $6 Billion Worth Of Rockets Being Fired Into Israel



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Harvard students having second thoughts about siding with Hamas

Earlier this week a collection of 30-some progressive groups at Harvard signed a letter saying Israel was “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ attacks. But there has also been some substantial pushback on those groups since then.

There have also been serious consequences for at least one student at another law school who lost a job she had lined up with a corporate law firm because of a similar statement. And then yesterday a large group of professors at Harvard came out with their own letter which correctly concluded the students were condoning the mass murder of civilians.

In the context of the unfolding events, this statement can be seen as nothing less than condoning the mass murder of civilians based only on their nationality. We’ve heard reports of even worse instances, with Harvard students celebrating the “victory” or “resistance” on social media…
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has a long and complex history. We hold varying opinions, but none of us endorses all of Israel’s past actions. However, the events of this week are not complicated. Sometimes there is such a thing as evil, and it is incumbent upon educators and leaders to call it out, as they have with school shootings and terrorist attacks. It is imperative that our academic leadership, whose good faith we do not doubt, state this clearly and unequivocally. Further, while individuals’ free speech should be protected, our leaders should make it clear that our community rejects any statements that excuse terrorist acts.

The pressure has apparently gotten to some of the students and who groups who, starting yesterday were trying to disassociate themselves from the letter. The Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Student Association said yesterday that it regretted co-signing the statement and announced it would be retracting the group’s signature from the statement.



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‘The US Conducts Prisoner Swaps’: Hamas Official Cites Biden’s Iran Deal As Rationale For Taking Hostages

Ali Baraka, a senior Hamas official, told Russia Today in a Sunday interview that Hamas demands that the United States engage in prisoner swaps and cited President Joe Biden’s recent Iran hostage deal as a rationale for taking of American captives.

Baraka noted in a translated excerpt of the interview provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) that there are multiple Hamas members serving life sentences in U.S. prisons. “We demand that the U.S. free our sons from prisons,” Baraka said.



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An Egyptian official speculated to Times of Israel it was possible the warning did not make its way to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s desk.

Various intelligence experts have also expressed shock and surprise over the apparent failure.

“The Israeli services are among the best in the world, so missing something of this magnitude is truly shocking,” Emily Harding, a former intelligence official, told the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) on Tuesday.

Retired Col. Rich Outzen told DCNF those groups who attacked Israel exercised a “purposeful disinformation and deception” campaign.



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NYU Student Bar Association President sides with Hamas and loses a job (Plus Harvard faculty reacts)

The breezy statement opens “Hi y’all” and then goes on to blame Israel for the mass murder by Hamas.

This week, I want to express, first and foremost, my unwavering and absolute solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance against oppression towards liberation and self-determination. Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life. This regime of state-sanctioned violence created the conditions that made resistance necessary. I will not condemn Palestinian resistance. Instead…
I condemn the violence of apartheid. I condemn the violence of settler colonialism. I condemn the violence of military occupation…

NYU released a statement making the obvious point that terrorism is immoral.

The statement issued by the Student Bar Association does not in any way reflect the point of view of NYU. Acts of terrorism are immoral. The indiscriminate killing of civilians and hostage-taking, including children and the elderly, is reprehensible. Blaming victims of terrorism for their own deaths is wrong.

That’s fine but maybe NYU should think about how Ryna Workman, age 24, doesn’t understand that justifying the murder of civilians is bad. How did someone so morally clueless wind up as president of the student bar association? I’m guessing the non-binary thing had something to do with it, but who knows.

Meanwhile, the law firm where Ryna had interned just announced she no longer has a job offer from them.

Law firm Winston & Strawn said on Tuesday that it had rescinded a job offer to a New York University law student who wrote in a student bar association online publication that “Israel bears full responsibility” for Hamas’ deadly attack in Israel…
“Winston stands in solidarity with Israel’s right to exist in peace and condemns Hamas and the violence and destruction it has ignited in the strongest terms possible,” it said.



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Student Groups at Harvard Starting to Think Maybe it Was a Bad Idea to Sign Letter Blaming Israel for Hamas Attack

At least a dozen more CEOs endorse Bill Ackman's vow not to hire Harvard students who blamed Israel for Hamas terror attack - as undergrads double down on their statement and whine about being 'flooded with racist hate speech'

  • Dozens of business executives joined Bill Ackman's called to blacklist the Harvard students who blamed Israel of the terror attack
  • The CEOs of Sweetgreen, FabFitFun, Inspired and more chimed in online
  • Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee stood by their statement and claimed to be receiving death threats


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"At first we were ecstatic": Gaza's FAFO moment and Iran's strategic miscalculation

This is what made Gazans “ecstatic.” Reports and video showing Hamas raping women and killing children didn’t bother them a bit. Only after they considered the potential consequences of the hostaging did their enthusiasm dim somewhat.

Let this serve as a reminder to those who argue that we should separate Gazans from the Hamas government they elected in 2006 and which they have fully supported ever since. Hamas launched this war in part to make Gazans ecstatic, and they succeeded. And Gazans are clear on the objective, which isn’t more fully autonomous control of Gaza:

“I don’t support Hamas’ positions, but this war is a direct result of the siege on Gaza and the occupation by the enemy. Israel has been occupying our Palestinian lands since 1967, Maher said, adding that Palestinians despair of how they have been treated by successive Israeli governments. “We all know very well that they are not interested in negotiations with the Palestinians. That’s the only option we have left – to fight,” he said. Maher does not agree with the claim that this war was launched because of the normalization process taking shape with Saudi Arabia. “The war for Al-Aqsa is our top priority,” he said, referring to the mosque on the Temple Mount, known to Moslems as Haram al-Sharif.

They want Jerusalem back, and Israel pushed back to its 1948 borders — as a start. Their real mission is clear from the Palestinian protest chant From the river to the sea — the eradication of Israel entirely. That very much includes making everyone they see as settlers into legitimate targets of violence, children and babies included. Raping and pillaging are embraced as well by the Gazans.

So why should anyone object when Israel responds by defeating and subjugating Gaza in the barbaric war their government launched and they cheered?

What becomes clear in this piece from the far-Left Haaretz is the dawning realization that Gazans made a fatal miscalculation by launching this war. They cheered when Hamas terrorists dragged hostages back because they assumed that the Israelis would play by the old rules: some retaliatory attacks and then generous terms for hostage swaps. They likely assumed that Israel’s allies in the West would pressure them, as usual, to use only “proportional” force in precision-targeted strikes.


PREMO Member

Israel will not supply water, fuel to Gaza until hostages freed, says energy minister

  • Israel refuses to lift its siege on the Gaza Strip until all Israeli hostages are released, according to Israel's Energy Minister Israel Katz. The country's unity war government stands firm on its position.
  • The ongoing conflict has had devastating consequences on the people of Gaza, with overwhelmed hospitals facing power shortages, limited medical supplies, and a lack of essential services. The Red Cross has appealed for fuel to prevent further loss of life.
  • The conflict has disrupted diplomatic plans in the region, jeopardizing Israel's efforts to normalize ties with Saudi Arabia and further complicating relations between Iran and its rivals.


PREMO Member

MEMRI gives Hamass the chance to tell us exactly who they are ... believe them

In this video, he goes on a little talk show on the Arabic version of Russia Today—a.k.a. Russian State Television. It looks like a perfectly ordinary news show, the kind you would see in America, only they are calmly talking about wanton murders, mass rapes and the decapitation of babies. The interviewer even smiles sometimes:

You have to understand that this guy represents the racist lunatics of Hamass, and what he is saying is calculated to achieve their ends. He still might let his guard down here and there, but you have to keep in mind that his goal isn’t likely to tell the truth, but to say the things that he thinks will help his cause.

The first thing to note is that he basically threatened Joe Biden, saying that Biden is against the Palestinians and ‘he must pay the price’ for that.

Second, there are several parts where he suggested that Russia is to some degree on their side. Russia asked what they were up to after the attack, according to this spokesmodel for an organization that butchers babies. Russia expressed sympathy, the baby butcher spokesmodel said. The strangest part was where this man who not ashamed to represent mass rapists said that they got a supposed license to make Kalashnikov bullets. Perhaps we are ignorant of something, but were they worried that if they didn’t get that license that someone in Russia would sue them? ‘Sure, we will decapitate little babies, but we draw the line at violating someone intellectual property rights!’

Look, Russia is run by a dictator who might see a benefit increasing global instability. And Putin is almost certainly glad we are focusing on Israel and not Ukraine. But at the same time, Hamass would probably prefer that we focus on Ukraine, too, and therefore has every reason to say whatever they had to, to keep as much anger directed at Russia as possible. So, they have an incentive to lie and hurt Russia. But it doesn’t follow that what he said is a lie.

But, it is not lost on us that this is on Russia Today. One has to assume that you aren’t going to see anything on their network unless they think it is going to be broadly pleasing to the powers that be in Russia. Including, apparently smiling as we discuss mass rapes and beheading babies.

Third, they indicated that Hezbollah had joined the fight. Which relates to a story we are working on as we speak.

But to us, the most important part is when they describe themselves. We’ve often used this cartoon (made by someone else) to encapsulate the difference between Israel and its enemies:

And, well, this Hamass spokesmodel agrees, saying:

The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land.

We don’t assume he is right when he claims to speak for all Palestinians, but we take this words seriously as the philosophy of Hamass. The Israelis love life. Hamass loves death. In fact, Hamass thinks that all Palestinians love death, which means they have no problem with even little Palestinian babies being killed in the crossfire.

And from a certain perspective it makes sense—you know, if you are a sociopath. The Palestinian babies die as martyrs, they get to live in heaven for eternity, and they help to score propaganda points for the cause. It’s sick, and it suggests that if we normal people don’t want to see Hamass endangering Palestinian civilians, then maybe we need to stop giving them the propaganda victory they normally get from it. In other words, stop blaming Israel when Hamass hides its weapons and fighters in schools, mosques and hospitals …

… and Isrealis can only destroy them by destroying those buildings. Start blaming Hamass for making those buildings military targets in the first place.
