We can argue about this until we are blue in the face. My daughter HAD been treated before going to the hairdressers....she DID NOT have LIVE lice crawling around her head but YES she did have some eggs that where hard to get to because of the thickness. I went to a high class salon so u hair cuttery girls have nothing to worry about. Like someone commented......."hairdressers are TRAINEDto look for lice"....NONE where obvioulsy active for her to see. The eggs stick to hair like glue and would not drop off as easily as u are all making it out to be......if it was that easy then I wouldnt have had a problem WOULD I?? It would be a case of treating then removing the eggs in one day. It takes 7- 10days for an egg to hatch........well im pretty sure that MOST hairdresser's clean floors and surroundings more frequently then 7-10 days. You put a fresh towel and gown on when you visit .....right!! combs are sanatized right!! Whats your friggin problem. Anyways your the ones living in fear of getting head lice not me

My child is going back to school 2moro......even with a few eggs in her hair. YES nurse said it was ok!! Hummmmmm I think u all need to get educated before you fire you comments at people. Do yourselves a favour and stop acting like children in a play gorund. Its funny at first but it sure does get old..... ARE YOU ITCHING YET LMAO PATHETIC PEOPLE