High School Football This Weekend


New Member
No wonder they hold a grudge! Think CHS has a chance?
LHS's Pistol Pete (whatever) offence is turning out to be a squirt gun with a weak stream. :killingme
At least the Post sent a photographer and reporter to one of GMHS' games. The Emptyprise and the County paper have declared LHS the county darling (every year) with one win.
Chopticon is rated as one of the top football programs in the state and almost in the top 1000 in the US ( out of 8000+ schools) with only two wins. Why? Their super hard schedule. GMHS isn't, because theirs was so easy - all wins against losing teams (including LHS). Of course the Hornets will very abruptly be playing the best teams in the state.
I vote with my wallet. Everytime one of those nice, polite people offer me a paper in the grocery store - I look at the sports section - never see anything about GMHS and say no thanks.

But the Pistol Spread Offense is the offense of the future. It even had a 4 set DVD of how to implent it!!!!!


low 5... hi 5......
But the Pistol Spread Offense is the offense of the future. It even had a 4 set DVD of how to implent it!!!!!

Pistol formation is just a wrinkle of a true spread offense.....

running out of the pistol in the future is most likely false....


New Member
So what is the "line" for tonight's games???

Chopticon by 6 over Great Mills at home in an exciting game...

North Point by 30 over Leonardtown tomorrow at North Point's Homecoming...

Rain should hold off in Southern Maryland until the end of tonight's games...

Bam Wroble, Nick Landavazo and the rest of the CHS defense will step up BIG tonight!!!


So what is the "line" for tonight's games???

Chopticon by 6 over Great Mills at home in an exciting game...

North Point by 30 over Leonardtown tomorrow at North Point's Homecoming...

Rain should hold off in Southern Maryland until the end of tonight's games...

Bam Wroble, Nick Landavazo and the rest of the CHS defense will step up BIG tonight!!!

NAW you missed the stats:
If it rains:
GMHS by 3 over CHS

North Point by 40 - at least - over LHS. It all depends when they start a running clock. Do they have to wait until the second half?:killingme

I can see the Enterprise headline:
"North Point slogs a squeaker by LHS 43 -3"...
No mention of GMHS or CHS because they don't count.


New Member
So what is the "line" for tonight's games???

Chopticon by 6 over Great Mills at home in an exciting game...

North Point by 30 over Leonardtown tomorrow at North Point's Homecoming...

Rain should hold off in Southern Maryland until the end of tonight's games...

Bam Wroble, Nick Landavazo and the rest of the CHS defense will step up BIG tonight!!!

Not so fast!! dont count the Hornets out just yet, they have a little something to settle from last year. lets hope we can get some good officiating for the game. I have witnessed some horrible officiating most of the year.


New Member
Tonights Games

Not counting Great Mills "Out" I do expect it to be a great game.
It is Senior Night and the last home game for the season for The Braves.
If it rains, it is a tossup, HOWEVER....Last week in the rain CHS beat Calvert 33-0 and GM lost earlier in the year to Calvert...

ALSO, Chopticon still has an outside chance for the playoffs (believe it or not!)
as at least one 5-5 team will make the playoffs in 3-A South but some teams that will finish at 7-3 will not in 4-A East...
Lackey, Potomac, Friendly, Northern, Crossland, Largo and CHS are all battling for 2 playoff spots (Huntingtown and Westlake have virtually locked up 2 of them already)
I was being kind when listing the North Point vs Leonardtown "line' at 30 points.

BTW If you check out the County Times each week, there is EQUAL 1/2 page coverage foe CHS, GM, LHS and Ryken...Chris Stevens does a great job with the Great Mills and Ryken coverage and we almost always have great photos too. ( I write the CHS and L-Town columns)

TONIGHT is virtually the "County Championship Game" because if GM wins, they are the Champs of St Marys....If CHS wins, they still have L-town but it would be tied at worse...


Not counting Great Mills "Out" I do expect it to be a great game.
It is Senior Night and the last home game for the season for The Braves.
If it rains, it is a tossup, HOWEVER....Last week in the rain CHS beat Calvert 33-0 and GM lost earlier in the year to Calvert...

ALSO, Chopticon still has an outside chance for the playoffs (believe it or not!)
as at least one 5-5 team will make the playoffs in 3-A South but some teams that will finish at 7-3 will not in 4-A East...
Lackey, Potomac, Friendly, Northern, Crossland, Largo and CHS are all battling for 2 playoff spots (Huntingtown and Westlake have virtually locked up 2 of them already)
I was being kind when listing the North Point vs Leonardtown "line' at 30 points.

BTW If you check out the County Times each week, there is EQUAL 1/2 page coverage foe CHS, GM, LHS and Ryken...Chris Stevens does a great job with the Great Mills and Ryken coverage and we almost always have great photos too. ( I write the CHS and L-Town columns)

TONIGHT is virtually the "County Championship Game" because if GM wins, they are the Champs of St Marys....If CHS wins, they still have L-town but it would be tied at worse...

Are you going to cover the Ten Ounce trophy award ceremony? :yahoo:
I just saw yesterday's issue, with the great picture on the back cover. Good job! Thanks.
If it turns into a mud bowl, it will indeed be a tossup. I think GM has the balance to win. We shall see!
It's going to be a physical defensive game anyway you look at it.


Great Mills 12 - Chopticon 8

I will not say what I think of the 'officiating' I saw tonight, except it reminded me of a kiddie football league I was once involved with.


New Member
Hey man....thanks for stating the obvious! FIRST, even though both teams had many fumbles, the one Great Mills scored the TD on WAS NOT A FUMBLE!!! The GROUND cannot cause the fumble and the QB was DOWN!
SECOND, Nick Fuhrmann (#25) scored when he dived and hit the pylon with about 2 min left in the game...The ref said his knee was down at the one yard line...Both Defenses did a great job though...
The clock management by the refs was horrible as well...
Gongrats GM fans....you got one tonight!


New Member

Tonight’s game between the Great Mills Hornets was definitely a barn burner that came right down to the last second, which the refs opted to add as if it were back yard football. Great Mills did win 12-8 and the GMHS crowd was cheering as any high school football fans would. A few excited students threw a couple of the super soft rubber footballs given out by cheerleaders onto the field.
A staff member and GMHS administrator immediately took care of the students that were throwing the balls just as the enraged Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director came running over to the visitor bleachers and began yelling "get the he** out of my stadium" to all of the GMHS fans present. He continuously yelled it over and over again, which wasn't taken lightly by many fans. What makes this young man believe this is professional behavior that should be exhibited by a SMCPS employee.
Another staff member that was present attempted to talk with the outraged Chopticon staff member, who responded by telling him to leave too. The staff member then went to a Chopticon Administrator, who responded by telling him that he wasnt interested in any of his rhetoric and that he just wanted to go home. The staff member was very calm and simply stated that the behavior was unprofessional and someone should be aware and the administrator responded by asking him if he "could have a soap box so he could complain too".

Did anyone else witness this behavior? Any thoughts?
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Tonight’s game between the Great Mills Hornets was definitely a barn burner that came right down to the last second, which the refs opted to add as if it were back yard football. Great Mills did win 12-8 and the GMHS crowd was cheering as any high school football fans would. A few excited students threw a couple of the super soft rubber footballs given out by cheerleaders onto the field.
A staff member and GMHS administrator immediately took care of the students that were throwing the balls just as the enraged Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director came running over to the visitor bleachers and began yelling "get the he** out of my stadium" to all of the GMHS fans present. He continuously yelled it over and over again, which wasn't taken lightly by many fans. What makes this young man believe this is professional behavior that should be exhibited by a SMCPS employee.
Another staff member that was present attempted to talk with the outraged Chopticon staff member, who responded by telling him to leave too. The staff member then went to a Chopticon Administrator, who responded by telling him that he wasnt interested in any of his rhetoric and that he just wanted to go home. The staff member was very calm and simply stated that the behavior was unprofessional and someone should be aware and the administrator responded by asking him if he "could have a soap box so he could complain too".

Did anyone else witness this behavior? Any thoughts?

"Unprofessional" is an understatement. I had no idea who that man was but I have learned one thing about emotionally charged events. Especially High School ball: You never, ever pour lighter fluid on a smoldering fire. I took one look at that guy and left totally disgusted with the officiating and (I assumed) security.
HOWEVER the kids were GREAT! I was proud of the way the students acted. That was one of the better games I've ever seen.
Defense was the name of the game. High emotions are always the rule at Chopticon, they have pride and it showed, especially in the way the students carried themselves after the game.
Good game, good time.

Great Mills High wins the 2009 "St. Marys 10 ounce Trophy"



A week late and $3 short
Definitely one of the best games I've seen in a very long time. I'd love to see them play it again with officials that know what they're doing. I understand you can't catch everything, but c'mon, last night went beyond ridiculous (for both sides).

Congrats again to the Hornets! You're having a superb year! :buddies:


All Up In Your Grill
Hey man....thanks for stating the obvious! FIRST, even though both teams had many fumbles, the one Great Mills scored the TD on WAS NOT A FUMBLE!!! The GROUND cannot cause the fumble and the QB was DOWN!
SECOND, Nick Fuhrmann (#25) scored when he dived and hit the pylon with about 2 min left in the game...The ref said his knee was down at the one yard line...Both Defenses did a great job though...
The clock management by the refs was horrible as well...
Gongrats GM fans....you got one tonight!

:yeahthat: But I have to commend the boys on both sides of the field. They were respectful and showed excellent sportsmanship; regardless of the suckazz calls that were made on both sides of the ball.

Congrats to the Hornets! And :thewave: to my Braves!


All Up In Your Grill
Definitely one of the best games I've seen in a very long time. I'd love to see them play it again with officials that know what they're doing. I understand you can't catch everything, but c'mon, last night went beyond ridiculous (for both sides).

Congrats again to the Hornets! You're having a superb year! :buddies:

I must say you looked extremely :hot: sporting that new garb you were wearing. :love:

Red and black are definitely your color. :biggrin:


"So what is the "line" for tonight's games???

Chopticon by 6 over Great Mills at home in an exciting game...

North Point by 30 over Leonardtown tomorrow at North Point's Homecoming...

Rain should hold off in Southern Maryland until the end of tonight's games..."

NAW you missed the stats:
If it rains:
GMHS by 3 over CHS

North Point by 40 - at least - over LHS. It all depends when they start a running clock. Do they have to wait until the second half?:killingme

I can see the Enterprise headline:
"North Point slogs a squeaker by LHS 43 -3"...
No mention of GMHS or CHS because they don't count.

North Point 42 - Leonardtown -7

Not bad, split the difference.


North Point HS

Wow just looked up the stats on NPHS!
Impressive. Well balanced offense, good defense. GMHS will have their hands full.
Out of pure ignorance: How do they figure out the final SMAC standings? I know the divisional breakdown on the State level, but you have three divisions here.


New Member
Wow just looked up the stats on NPHS!
Impressive. Well balanced offense, good defense. GMHS will have their hands full.
Out of pure ignorance: How do they figure out the final SMAC standings? I know the divisional breakdown on the State level, but you have three divisions here.

I am assuming you are implying if there is a tie at seasons end. The only tie breaker is head to head record, if the teams tied at the top did not play each other then they are co-Smac champs. This scenario should play out this year with North Point and Huntington.