Holly Point Show...


Sorry to be a little off topic, but Im glad I was great entertainment to EVERYONE Sunday. I was the one who fell off. Im really glad that you all were so entertained about it. Now if this makes anyone any more entertained, I could of been paralyzed because of a fall earlier in my riding career. I have spinal neck damage and any damage to my neck again I can be paralyzed, but Im happy to be the source of entertainment. Also Rack'm not to be the ##### of the site BUT you need my permission to post my picture on YOUR site but not on here. I dont see the connection there, why is this SO much differnt. That bugs me, that your site needs permission but this doesnt. I really dont want to be one who is hated but Im glad that I coule be source of entertainment. And "Sadielady" I know you know my trainer, and I dont care. You dont need to go around talking about me. I foudn out WHO you are today from my trainer. Ha Ha. Anyways, so I dont make everyone hate me, I dont mind being the source of entertainment, even if it isnt funny, but have the decensy to find out if I really was ok before you assume. Also Rack'm you need to get my permission to post my picture like that ANYWHERE... but again Im glad I entertained all you

So on a better note... Holly Point was a lot of fun up till then. Phyxius has 2 very nice pictures of me on my Green Bay in the Stepping Stone. Beautiful thank you

Sorry, you can't pick and choose what pics you want posted.. glad you liked Phyx's but Rack'm happened to catch you at a bad fall. :whistle:

Unless this was her first run, I have other pictures of her as well. :shrug:

The photo does NOT show your face. Rack'm can, as a photographer at a public event post any pictures anywhere. What he can't do is sell them to someone like the breeder of your horse or the maker of your saddle and use them for advertisement without a model release. Well...technically he CAN, but there could be legal issues with that.

This is exactly why it was posted.

Thanks for stealing my picture Alexis :yay:


Ahhhh Florida!
I think you guys need a better copyright mark that make it harder for people to steal. Put your mark right in the center where you can still see the horse's and rider's legs and the rider's face. Peeps would buy them! You guys are great photographers. Keep up the great work. You can make more money that way too. Just a little free unsolicited advice!:buddies:


New Member
Unless this was her first run, I have other pictures of her as well. :shrug:

This is exactly why it was posted.

Thanks for stealing my picture Alexis :yay:

You have to make surePROOF is accross the whole picture
or when they right click to steal they get a big :nono:


Ahhhh Florida!
LOL LOL LOL ROFLMAO this is so funny. go WWWWD!!!! Geezz Alexis cool your jets, what they heck are you so worried about? You don't like being the center of attention? (not that you were the center of attention...haha). I've flipped over many a jump and i sure wish i had a picture as cool as that. And you must think its pretty cool as its on your myspace page....I label you the Photo Stealer...talk about not having permission.

:lmao::lmao:Now she is creating that source of entertainment she thought we were looking for!:roflmao: I will e-mail your trainer, so she gets to hear both sides.


New Member
Hmmm. I thought the picture was pretty cool. I've taken many a face plant too. :otter: Nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens.

Stealing pictures isn't too cool :nono:


New Member
Whoa, ho, ho!

I DO know who you are, Alexis. And if that photo embarassed you so much how come you decided to make it your main photo on Myspace.


Oh well and since that's copyright infringement. How 'bout the other stolen, copyrighted photos on your myspace?


I don't think you have any room to talk.

Ouch! The internet is the land of "you can run but you can't hide!".

MyAlexis - We are all happy to know you are ok after that spectacular unintentional dismount. No one was particularly amused by it. When we see shots like this we wince a bit. Knowing you were ok, i.e. no ambulance called to the show, we could view it as just one of those things we've seen a hundred times. Falls happen. The only thing you can be certain of is you WILL come off again. Doesn’t make you a bad rider or us bad people for commenting on the pic. Hope you are feeling better about the issue now and will participate in the board again. :howdy:


New Member
Normally I don't post, but MyAlexis if the picture that was posted upset you that much then why use it as your MySpace avatar?


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
HOly Cri-kee! I heard rumors of this....wow! Hey MYAlexis, glad you are ok....BUT I think you have taken pictures without permission. THis may not seem like a big deal, but the people that took them were professionals, and you took the pics without permission...I would kindly purchase them and tell the photographers thank you instead of complaining they are posted and then heisting them for yourself.


New Member
First off "SadieLady" I do know who you are. We even talked at Holly Point. I feel that everyone is getting the wrong idea about me. Im not this person who goes and busts on everyone. I apologize for all that. It wasnt my intention. Also Jana you dont need to bug my trainer, shes aware I let her know. Leave her out of it. Christina I used your pictures on myspace becasue you gave me permission before to. You let Kat use your pictures and you said I could. I thought that meant all not jsut the 2 you took at MSA. My fault I misunderstood you. Rack'm I realize you intention was not to embarass me, your right you cant see my face and I shouldnt of blown it all outta proportion. i took the picture off myspace if that makes it better. Julie you had no right to post my whole mysapce up here. that was kinda mean. Anwyays I really am just on here now to apologize to the whole lotta you. my intetntion was not to be the bad guy in SOMD... I was just saying that I didnt feel right about it. But apparently I used a bad choice of words and what not. So everyone, Im not this person that that last post made me out to be. I apologize and I wish it could make everything better. I know some people hold grudges and first impressions are always the ones that count and I screwed that up but oh well life goes on. Again I apologize and Im here to start over. I am glad you enjoyed that show and lets start over.

I do apologize for stealing your pics and Christina if you dont want me to use them, let me know. Rack'm I got rid of yours... I have a printed copy(friend gave it to me) so sorry


New Member
wait, who posted your myspace page?

and we don't hold grudges, we just like to be entertained haha, you certainly provided a lot of that and we thank you for it!


New Member
Also, totally not my intention to "steal" your pics. I dont know the rules but now I do. I have fallen off many times and I knw it will happen again. I just have never had it posted or whatnot. But hey now that you all know who i am. go ahead I guess. And really, my name is Tara, I ride a Thoroughbred named Alexis and Im not a mean/bad/cruel/crude person, please understand that fully


New Member
Sorry I was talking to my freind about Julie (nothing bad) I mean WWWDD... didnt have the right to post my myspace page...

But everyone does understand that Im not bad right?


New Member
well i take that back. there are some of who hold grudges.....:whistle:

but if you haven't noticed real names are :gossip:


New Member
Yea well Im not afraid to use my name... and sorry if I used real names, I will try not to do that anymore. You can refer to me as MyAlexis I guess... or Alexis LoL

So are we all friends?

And dont hold a grudge against me PLEASE


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Aw real riders are the ones that fall off & get back on.:yahoo: Good for you MyAlexis & hope to see ya at some more Holly Point shows.:huggy: Who was the chestnut horse you were riding anyway? You did however worry me when you fell off at MSA & your back landed on top of the fence. Ouch!!! I get worried sometimes if I haven't fallen off for a while.:lmao: Then I just get Pi$$ed off & get back on for some more abuse. :killingme


New Member
My trainer doesnt tolerate not gettting back on. Once I fell off and fractured my knee (of course we didnt know) all we knew was I was in a lot of pain but she made me get back on and finish out the lesson. I have never fallen off an not gotten abck on except when i fractured my tail bone. We wont be at anymore Holly Point shows. The November one is the same weekened as the MSA banquet and the December one, I dont remeber why. The chestnut I was riding, his name is Scotty and hes SUCH a sweet heart I love him. He just doesnt like leaning on his neck, Alexis doesnt either, so he stopped. Which time at MSA worried you. honestly, Im just getting used to Alexis' tantrums and I didnt finish a course at MSA on her until the 1st August show. So which time. I have a permenant bruise on my hip from landing on a jump (in MAY still brusied). When I fall off Alexis( which I didnt at Holly Point, which means my training is working) I jsut sit on her and drive my spurs right into her kidneys and whip the hell outta her with a crop, she needs it. I love her but shes a little whore LoL


Ahhhh Florida!
:diva:Wow....I am powerful.:buddies: We expect you to be on your best behavior for a "little" while. I forgive you, but I already e-mailed your trainer.:howdy:


What Would Winn Dixie Do?
When I fall off Alexis( which I didnt at Holly Point, which means my training is working) I jsut sit on her and drive my spurs right into her kidneys and whip the hell outta her with a crop, she needs it. I love her but shes a little whore LoL

I didn't realize the address for your myspace was on that screen capture, but it's public anyway.

I wasn't at the show, but that chestnut looked pretty cute. Is he green too? Yours or the trainers?

I've met sadielady, she's not a meaner (from the movie barnyard).

Oh, and as for kidneys. Here's a diagram from the pony club in Victoria, Australia. It details the horse's anatomy. The kidneys are much higher up and to kick a horse in the kidneys you'd have to kick down, on their back, behind/below the latissimus dorsi (behind your saddle). I'm not sure that's physically possible for a rider unless they're a contortionist.