How did you meet your spouse


New Member
Since I get to reply first before anyone else does - after I'd been dating my wife about a month or so, I invted her to two New Year's Eve parties - one at a forumite's house (who no longer posts) and one at Christy's (the very same).

The first party was one of those calm wine and cheese, easy listening events. Everyone toasted in the New Year at 10:30 because no one wanted to stay up late.

So I told my wife the next party would be very different. Expect about 10 times more people, a lotta noise and a lotta drunken folks (they didn't disappoint).

On the way into the house, I warned my wife that they had a pool, and even though it had a cover, to watch ......

SPLASH! Face first, in the puddle on top of the cover. I was soaked. My wife was mortified and was sure I'd flip out and go home.

Nope. Told her I was going inside to give Ken King a great big soggy hug. Since he comes up to about my sternum, he'd get the worst of it.

My wife later says that this incident was instrumental in convincing her I could put up with anything she could dish out.

:lol: And I remember standing there witnessing the entire incident.


Throwing the deuces
We were out with our respective pets. Mine peed between his feet and he wouldn't talk to me no matter what I said. Told a lie so he'd have my phone #. Two months later, we moved down here together. A month after that, we were married. I knew he was the one because he was the "only one".
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Active Member
I had seen my hubby at a party. I asked my friend about him. Later, that night mmy friend comes up and tells me the girl he was talking to has a thing for him and it maybe mutual and i looked at my friend and said i will marry him and have his kids. she looked at me like i was crazy. 2 weeks later, I met my frien and she told me that He(future) hubby was looking for a girl, My eyes lit up and asked what about "the girl", to which she replied She liked him but he didn't. The next day, I went to work pulled out the Harford county(MD) phone book and went through every indian name and asked them if they had attend a party. I called his number 4 times no reply, no answering machine so I wrote a note and about to mail it when the people who had adopted him told him they would like to introduce him to an indian girl, very independant, smart,, blah, blah blah, he was hesitant at first then, He comes walking into my parents house. After a brief introduction we talked and the next thing that comes out of my mouth were "I want to marry you." I start laughing and he just smiles and then i asked him where he lived While writing the address I realize that The note that I was going to mail has the same address so i excuse myself to double check, triple check. Then, come to findout, his uncle is my dads classmate through elementary school, my father-in-law was our whole entire family(uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins) eye doctor in kenya. never met him once in kenya we hung out at the same place but we met here and 3 months later we married. It'll be 15 years in August.


In My Opinion
I was in when she was a guard, we used to meet in the license plate stamp room after hours


New Member
How did you meet your spouse and how did you know they were the one?

I was going through a box and i found a picture from the first day that my Hubby and I started hanging out. It brought back memories. We actually met in 2001 but he doesn't remember because he was to! In 2003 I went to my friends house and laying on the couch sleeping was this guy. So i sat on him and punch him in the azz. He woke up and rolled over and looked at me and smiled. I said i know you. He said i don't know you well not! After that night i didn't see him for a couple months. I kept asking my friend about him and he did vis versa. He kept going out to sea so i was like what ever. Then the day after St. Patty's Day he came back and when he walked through the door i was so happy. We all went out had fun. The next day i told my friend i was going to marry him. She laughed. We went out on our first date and he looked at me and said you wana be my girlfriend so i wrote on a napkin yes and circled it. 6 weeks later he asked me to marry him. When we finally did get married it was 6 months later and now we have been married 4 years in September.

No lie! THE CAR WASH!!! 13 years later,.....still in love! Cars are dirty but the love is still there!!


Isaiah 55:8-9
How did you meet your spouse and how did you know they were the one?

I was on/off dating a guy who didn't accompany me to the wedding and he was recently seperated/ filed for divorced. We were both in my best friends wedding. She (the bride) was my best friend and He (the groom) was one of his best friends.
So the last dance of the night, I (very sh!t faced) walked over to him and asked him to dance. He said, "Nah, ain't really in the mood to dance." To which I replied " Whatever all you have to do is stand and walk in a circle, Jeeze"
And we Danced........ I won!

That was it, 3 weeks later he asked the his friend who was that girl I danced with. we went out on a date, then another, then some more and we were married 8 months later.

Still married and as happy ever.


New Member
Since I get to reply first before anyone else does - after I'd been dating my wife about a month or so, I invted her to two New Year's Eve parties - one at a forumite's house (who no longer posts) and one at Christy's (the very same).

The first party was one of those calm wine and cheese, easy listening events. Everyone toasted in the New Year at 10:30 because no one wanted to stay up late.

So I told my wife the next party would be very different. Expect about 10 times more people, a lotta noise and a lotta drunken folks (they didn't disappoint).

On the way into the house, I warned my wife that they had a pool, and even though it had a cover, to watch ......

SPLASH! Face first, in the puddle on top of the cover. I was soaked. My wife was mortified and was sure I'd flip out and go home.

Nope. Told her I was going inside to give Ken King a great big soggy hug. Since he comes up to about my sternum, he'd get the worst of it.

My wife later says that this incident was instrumental in convincing her I could put up with anything she could dish out.



Darwin was right
I played in a rock band. She came to the dances with her brother and a hot blond friend. She started talking to me a the bus stop after work one day. I thought going out with her would help me meet her hot blond friend. She was very hot herself, but she wasn't a blond and I had never dated one of them before. (Chances are if I had gotten a date with the other girl, I still wouldn't have dated a real blond). She though going out with me would get her a date with the lead guitar player. I decided that life was better with a brunette and she decided that life without an extra a**hole (the guitar player) was better . We started dating in December, got engaged in March and got married in October. This October will be 41 years and we still really like each other.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I played in a rock band. She came to the dances with her brother and a hot blond friend. She started talking to me a the bus stop after work one day. I thought going out with her would help me meet her hot blond friend. She was very hot herself, but she wasn't a blond and I had never dated one of them before. (Chances are if I had gotten a date with the other girl, I still wouldn't have dated a real blond). She though going out with me would get her a date with the lead guitar player. I decided that life was better with a brunette and she decided that life without an extra a**hole (the guitar player) was better . We started dating in December, got engaged in March and got married in October. This October will be 41 years and we still really like each other.

Good Gawd, how old are you guys????


I heart CLeValley
I met CLeValley through my brother-in-law. They were both stationed in Adak, Alaska. (June) I occasionally would call my BIT, just to chat and see how things were going. One night, I called and my BIT handed the phone over to CLeValley to take another call. We talked for a few and I knew right then he was the one. After that night, CL would call me every couple of days and we would just talk about our days and how stupid my BIT was. When he came back to Maryland, I couldn't wait to see him in person (I had no idea what he looked like and he had no idea what I looked like) I also told him from the start I was a single mom of a son who was a little hard to handle. I made it perfectly clear, we were a package deal. I also made it clear that my ex-husband was a big problem. It didn't even make him nervous. He came over the night he flew home. We sat on my front porch for hours and talked. My son sat with us and we just clicked. I told my neighbor, he was the one. Our first date, I took him to Casey Jones and was trying to get him drunk so I could have my way with him I was the one drunk, he was sober and we drove to the Blue Dog and shot pool for a while. I was still trying to get him drunk. Then he told me that all they did in Adak was drink because there was nothing else to do. I still didnt think it was a bad idea to get him drunk. It didnt work, he took me home and put me to bed and left. He said he wanted to go to OC since had been freezing in Adak. He picked me up the next morning and we drove to OC. Laid on the beach and got sunburn. Then took a walk on the boardwalk, we back to the hotel and sat on the balcony and talked more. (Still didn't get laid) In the room above us, there was a couple who had sex on the balcony, on the table, in the hallway and any place they could. We sat there and laughed the whole time. All the whooping and hollering was entertaining. He moved in with me a month later (July) and then we were engaged in October, bought a house in December and married in February. We have been married for 14 years. I love him as much today as I did when I met him.
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Sweet and Innocent
I met CLeValley through my brother-in-law. They were both stationed in Adak, Alaska. (June) I occasionally would call my BIT, just to chat and see how things were going. One night, I called and my BIT handed the phone over to CLeValley to take another call. We talked for a few and I knew right then he was the one. After that night, CL would call me every couple of days and we would just talk about our days and how stupid my BIT was. When he came back to Maryland, I couldn't wait to see him in person (I had no idea what he looked like and he had no idea what I looked like) I also told him from the start I was a single mom of a son who was a little hard to handle. I made it perfectly clear, we were a package deal. I also made it clear that my ex-husband was a big problem. It didnt even make him nervous. He came over the night he flew home. We sat on my front porch for hours and talked. My son sat with us and we just clicked. I told my neighbor, he was the one. He moved in with me a month later (July) and then we were engaged in October, bought a house in December and married in February. I have never been happier. He is my soul mate. We are best friends. He is the greatest father for both my boys. My oldest isn't his, but you would never know. CL made it perfectly clear from the start, he was not trying to be his father. CL's parents welcomed my son to their family with open arms. They have always introduced him as their grandson. He loves them as if they were. We have been through some real tough times with my oldest, and CL was always there to support him and me. They are best friends. CL never says he is a step son - always a son and we don't call our sons step brothers. They are truly brothers. My friends always ask if he has a brother available. i say if I could clone him I would and then sell the clones!!!! :yahoo: We have been married for 14 years. I love him as much today as I did when I met him.

Yep, that's very romantic and very true. Clevalley have always say "My sons". I have NEVER heard (read) him said "step-son". :huggy:

I met my husband on a blind date at a friend's house. I went over to my friend's house on August 17, 1997 after work and it was Friday evening. My friend and her boyfriend wanted to go to the movie and asked me if I would like to have a date and I said "No". However, they called thier friend up and he came right over right away. As soon I found out he was on his way over to meet me, I tried to leave, but my friends wouldn't let me. They actually locked down thier doors with the deadbolts and all. I COULD NOT leave! :lol: When my hubby arrived, I was so scared out of my mind and I wasn't even dressed for a blind date. I was pretty much put on spot. My hubby and I talked for a bit. He have never met a deaf person before and thought I was so cool and beautiful, and he asked me for my phone number. We didn't even went to the movie to watch that night. Very next day, he called and asked me out. I told him that I'm going to check my calendar to see if I'm free and I left him on the phone for a good 15 minutes and my mother asked me why I put him on hold and she said I better get my butt back on the phone. To my surprise, he was still on the phone WAITING! I was so surprised, so I said "Yes" and he came over so fast that I didn't even know he had arrived already. :lol: We went to the mall and hung out a bit. We have been dating for awhile and then I moved out to live with him within two months of dating and we got married a year later. :howdy:
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curiouser and curiouser
Blind date courtesy of Christy. We hit it off immediately and felt like we'd known each other forever. Dustin and I, that is, not Christy and I. :lol:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Met Desertrat at Johnny's Other Place (a bar) in Yuma, AZ. I was living in San Diego at the time, parent were in Yuma and went down to visit them. Went to the bar, he had a cowboy hat on. I told him I'd buy him a drink if I could wear his hat.....that's how it started. We commuted 3 hours each way for a year. I proposed to him.


Well-Known Member
I played in a rock band. She came to the dances with her brother and a hot blond friend. She started talking to me a the bus stop after work one day. I thought going out with her would help me meet her hot blond friend. She was very hot herself, but she wasn't a blond and I had never dated one of them before. (Chances are if I had gotten a date with the other girl, I still wouldn't have dated a real blond). She though going out with me would get her a date with the lead guitar player. I decided that life was better with a brunette and she decided that life without an extra a**hole (the guitar player) was better . We started dating in December, got engaged in March and got married in October. This October will be 41 years and we still really like each other.

For some reason this really cracked me up. I'm so glad ya'll still really like each other!:lmao: Congrats on the 41 years together.


Darwin was right
For some reason this really cracked me up. I'm so glad ya'll still really like each other!:lmao: Congrats on the 41 years together.

Hey, people can always LOVE :love: each other. It's sometimes harder to LIKE :smooch: each others, especially after so many years together.