We met at work. To preface this story, I had been interviewed by my soon-to-be boss, and I came from a pretty free lifestyle. Lifeguard, scuba instructor, avid boater, motorcycle rider. So when he decided to give me a chance, he told this girl to "watch out for this guy, he's a no-good beach bum".
The weekend before I met her was the annual Solar Boogey, a huge beach party we had every year. We start on Friday and don't end until we have to on Sunday. Well, sometime Saturday a huge squall blew in, kinda like we had here a few nights ago. I could write a paragraph on just that, but let's skip forward to me tending my sailboat all night thru the storm. Didn't get much sleep. Crashed on the beach next day (me, not the boat) and continued to party where we had left off. Called it a day, sailed the boat home, cleaned up the party site and headed home to sleep. That was Sunday. Monday was my first day on the job (good planning, eh?). I walked in, sunburned, hungover and not making my best impression. She looked at me and turned to her co-worker and made some comments about having to work with this idiot..... Well, she wasn't any prize at the moment either... the previous week she had tried to help a dog that had gotten tangled on a fence and was strangling. For that helpful deed, she was bitten and lacerated unmercifully and was now bound in bandages. Good first impressions on both parts. Anyway, time goes on, and a few months later I was going river rafting in PA, asked her to come along. I don't think we had even kissed yet, and we were in the sack....
Courted for about 3 years and finally got married.
Sorry to say, unlike most here, she thought the grass was greener on the west coast after 18 years of marriage.