How do I get him to take care of his son??????????



so then it's ok for her to post this.. come on now, get real..

the mother wants everyone to pay for her son that she had and can't afford. she needs to suck it up and be a mother.

i'm sorry but #### that.

i work my ass off all year so i can give my hard earned money to a childs mother that can't afford a baby she had the choice of giving up. if you can't afford a kid, you shouldn't have had one. period.

this goes to all mothers who ##### about money and children and expect giveaways.

i'm not directing this towards anyone in particular, this just urks my last nerve my tax dollars are going to this.

OH MY GOD!!!!! You think your brother had nothing to do with this situation. He made the baby too.

So mommy gets pregnant, from your brother's sperm, and decides to keep the baby. They both tangoed and both should pay.

How dare you imply that SHE chose to have the baby and should suck it up and support it on her own. The father should step up and be a man and pay his share. He played a BIG roll in the baby making as well.



Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD!!!!! You think your brother had nothing to do with this situation. He made the baby too.

So mommy gets pregnant, from your brother's sperm, and decides to keep the baby. They both tangoed and both should pay.

How dare you imply that SHE chose to have the baby and should suck it up and support it on her own. The father should step up and be a man and pay his share. He played a BIG roll in the baby making as well.


BUT at some point she's going to have to realize that the child is her responsibility and just take care of him without the father's assistance. And yes, she did choose to have the baby. I'm not at all defending the "father" but biatching and crying over it is getting her nowhere. She'll wake up one day and realize that she's just going to have to do all she can and work as many jobs possible to support this child. Raising one on your own is really not all that hard. :yay:


New Member
Somebody piss in your wheaties this morning or are you just one of these dead beat dad's who won't man up and help out?


Wrong on both counts, but thanks for yet again presuming something you know nothing about. F'n idiots! The lot of you are a-holes, judging and entire family, calling them out, talking shi^ about them, and you know nothing about them. So the one son isn't paying child support, he moved away, yadda yadda. This has nothing to do with either family, it has to do with a child, a mother, and a father...2 of which are financially responsible for and well be until that child is 18. The child is not the financial responsibility of the grandparents. The father isn't there, isn't helping out, quit crying about it, get a job, and do the best you can for YOUR child. Don't come to a forum requesting advice on "how to obtain child support from a dead beat dad" Although, I'm sure everyone that has replied is of course and expert on the subject! Instead, go seek legal help! NO ONE HERE CAN HELP YOU! unless of course they have a degree in law, and are currently practicing with a license! I'm sure none of them do. In the mean time, open up the phone book, find a lawyer and call them for advice! While you are at it, call a Psychiatrist and save all this drama for them!


BUT at some point she's going to have to realize that the child is her responsibility and just take care of him without the father's assistance. And yes, she did choose to have the baby. I'm not at all defending the "father" but biatching and crying over it is getting her nowhere. She'll wake up one day and realize that she's just going to have to do all she can and work as many jobs possible to support this child. Raising one on your own is really not all that hard. :yay:

I agree sister raised her kids very well on her own :kudostoher:

But, the post I quoted really irked me. It was suggesting that the mother made all the choices and should pay the price.

Yes, I know people don't pay child support. I adopted my husband's children and forgave the $20K child support debt of their bio mother. I have no regrets about what I did.

It's hard to raise children, even with two incomes, but it can be done even on one income. I guess the OP will have to step up and realize that no one is going to help her. She needs to make the best of the situation and do the best she can for her son. It can be done.


New Member
OH MY GOD!!!!! You think your brother had nothing to do with this situation. He made the baby too.

So mommy gets pregnant, from your brother's sperm, and decides to keep the baby. They both tangoed and both should pay.

How dare you imply that SHE chose to have the baby and should suck it up and support it on her own. The father should step up and be a man and pay his share. He played a BIG roll in the baby making as well.


did i ever say that, no. i didn't. my brother had alot to do with it, they should have both chose to not have the baby.

he should have chose to wrap it up
THEY should have thought that "hey we can't afford this at this time, should we really have this baby."
yes the father should step up, but in the end if the father does not it's the mothers responsibility to step up.

BUT at some point she's going to have to realize that the child is her responsibility and just take care of him without the father's assistance. And yes, she did choose to have the baby. I'm not at all defending the "father" but biatching and crying over it is getting her nowhere. She'll wake up one day and realize that she's just going to have to do all she can and work as many jobs possible to support this child. Raising one on your own is really not all that hard. :yay:

thank you. atleast someone here is level headed.


New Member
But, the post I quoted really irked me. It was suggesting that the mother made all the choices and should pay the price.

you just think that's what i was suggesting. but since she's the one carrying the baby, ultimately it's her choice..

you are right though it takes two to tango and two to make a baby, they should have both thought about what they were doing ahead of time.

alot of teens don't these days, it's sad.


you just think that's what i was suggesting. but since she's the one carrying the baby, ultimately it's her choice..

you are right though it takes two to tango and two to make a baby, they should have both thought about what they were doing ahead of time.

alot of teens don't these days, it's sad.

That's better. Your post just made it seem that you thought it was all her fault and all her decision.

Kids these days :doh: