when and if i have kids, i will do the same you are doing. you're not an ignorant person, the comment you made, made you sound pretty ignorant though.
Ok, I admit, it did sound ignorant. Let me put it in another way then, that may, or may not represent what is going on, because honestly, I dont know the whole story, I only can comment on what is posted here.
If the family knows where the son is, and is in somewhat regular contact with him, then they should be doing everything possible to get him to step up to the plate.
I do know that if it were me that skipped out on a child, my parents would turn me in the moment they discovered my location. Im not too sure they would even give me the chance to run by letting me know they were doing this. If I refused to let them know where I was, they wouldnt even take my call. Disowned would be a good word for how they would look at it.
So, IF the family knows where he is, and is hiding his location, or refusing to turn him in, then that is wrong.
This isnt about you, or your parents or anyone else this is only about doing what is best for that child. And right now I honestly think that the best thing is for the absent father to just be totally out of the picture so the child can grow up not feeling like he/she was abandoned.
If on the other hand the family really honestly does not know the location of the father, and that would require that the father be unemployed and constantly moving about, then the family holds little responsibility for the actions of that adult son.
But it was mentioned that he was from texas, and that his calls came from blocked numbers, that right there is enough contact for authorities to track him down pretty quick. Blocked numbers are only blocked to the recieving end, they are still recorded by the phone companies, so if someone were to call on a blocked number, and then the authorities were notified, they can go to the phone company and do a traceback on that number and find the originating number/location.
Thats why I assumed (perhaps wrongfully) that the family was helping him hide. You just cant hide in this country, its almost impossible. Unless he has gone so far as to change his name, ssn etc...
And yes, I would without the chid knowing I was doing it, use him as a leverage against the family to try and force their hand at turning the father in.