How do you view the world?

How do you view the world?

  • Black/White

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Black/White with much grey to sift through

    Votes: 23 53.5%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
Vixen said:
About 2 weeks ago, I saw a very cute girl, about 28, and I found out it was a MAN. :gasp: :faint:

I wonder if anyone would admit if they hit on a person and later found out they were not the gender they thought and if that is considered a gray area in life. :twitch:
If a male presented himself to be a convincing female, the male hitting on the shemale can't be blamed for his initial reaction. However, he is accountable for how he reacts once he finds out it's true gender. If he continues to be attracted, then...:twitch: It isn't any different then a guy hitting on a chick he thinks is a reasonably sane person only to find out later she is schitzo. If he continues to be attracted, then...:twitch: We are all quick to pass judgement based on initial perceptions. It's what we do with the info we gather as time goes on that gives others reason to judge us.
And for the record...

Larry, I don't think any less of you that you tried to weasel out of the speeding ticket you rightfully deserved for breaking the law...I know you were just suffering a case of the grays...:huggy:


kwillia said:
It's what we do with the info we gather as time goes on that gives others reason to judge us.

Right so if somebody continued to date this she/he after finding out the true gender that would make them a homo.

And if somebody continued to date a nut that would make them masochistic.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Now see...

kwillia said:
Larry, I don't think any less of you that you tried to weasel out of the speeding ticket you rightfully deserved for breaking the law...I know you were just suffering a case of the grays...:huggy:

...the law provides for weas...err...concerned citizens like me, to go before the local Potentate and grovel...uhm...EXPLAIN ones side of the story in exchange for possible reduction of sentence.

Now, I personally chose to go just to check up on our legal system and make sure everything is OK.

I voted for "gray" in honor of two recent "gray area" events... the N.O. teen who amongst the mayhem spotted and lifted an unused school bus and headed for Texas hoping to find refuge. He filled his bus with stragglers he found walking along his route. He was the first bus to arrive at the Houston astrodome. he was deemed a hero by many and subsequently arrested for auto-theft and crossing a state line.... yes he broke the law, but I sure hope they find it was a "gray" situation. And then there was the diabetic granny who's only crime was to steal a small amount of food while those around her were lifting anything they could carry. She was the one arrested and stuffed in a prison cell for three weeks.... eventually they realized she was a case of "gray".
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Vixen said:
Right so if somebody continued to date this she/he after finding out the true gender that would make them a homo.

And if somebody continued to date a nut that would make them masochistic.

Just as I said... it gives the rest of us plenty to chew on and spat about...:yay:


BuddyLee said:
Your family is starving. You steal a loaf of bread, right or wrong? There are differences between promises and rules.:wink:
Dur da...The answer is ...."WRONG".

You ask for the loaf of bread or ask if you can do some work for it.

You can believe this or not. The majority of people are still good hearted and can see sincerity.

If your family is starving and my family is starving, I will offer you half of my loaf.
Next week if your family has a loaf and mine is without and you don't offer half. I will be taking care of two families for a couple weeks.
Because I'm gonna scab your azz up. :lmao:

Welcome to Gumbo's world. :cheers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I voted for "gray" in honor of two recent "gray area" events...
To me those are not gray areas at all. Both parties did something wrong, never mind their motivations. But I'm not the person who says two wrongs don't make a right - sometimes, indeed, they do. But they're still wrongs.


Kain99 said:
Black and white .
Nothing in life is that simple..

Excuse me !
I would like to fight about this subject. :boxing:

If your game, I challenge you to a duel :duel:

Just post Kain vs Gumbo in Fight Club, then put down the subject Black & White.

Let's get it on :huggy: :popcorn:

BTW: we shall use the jury method, the 10 remaining judges.
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