GusChiggins said:
the karma i got from this thread is hilarious, and just goes to further prove how intolerant catholics are of thinking outside the box.
As a practice, I only give green karma. It's not just Catholics either btw judging from the three nasty red karma I received.
GusChiggins said:
that being said i'd love to see you all purporting that the catholic church is growing in the united states, because i find that VERY hard to believe when i come from baltimore, a VERY old archdiocese, and they can barely get 1 priest per church nowadays, whereas 10 years ago we had 3 full time priests including the pastor. many churches have cut masses. and maryland is, i would wager, one of the most heavily catholic states in the country.
if catholicism is growing worldwide, it is through missionaries in africa and central/south america, it is certainly not in the united states. when is the last time the catholic church had good publicity?
I agree with you. Catholicism in the States is not growing; however, it is in other places in the world. Priestly shortage here in the states forces priests from other nations to come and work, mostly those from India.
GusChiggins said:
ways the catholic church is behind the times:
If I live in a culture of death then I am thankful that the Catholic Church is "behind the times".
GusChiggins said:
-birth control: natural family planning doesnt work. if you want every catholic family to have 9 kids and not be able to send any of them to college and lower each one's standard of living, then by all means, natural family plan away. give me a condom, and give the girl the pill. same goes for morning after pills which PREVENT CONCEPTION not abort a fertilized egg.
Some forms of birth control are debatable. Most do not prevent conception but create an inhospitable uterine lining to accept an already fertilized egg.
GusChiggins said:
-divorce = no communion. i could be wrong on this one, but i believe if you get divorced, and do not have an anullment, you technically arent supposed to be allowed to take communion? that makes sense. i'm sure Jesus would have turned these people away from receiving him.
You are wrong on this one. A civilly divorced person can still partake in the sacraments. It's when a divorced person gets remarried
without an annulment that the sacraments are denied becuase then the person is openly in a state of adultery and obviously remaining married without a previous annulment is not going to get one absolution in the confessional.
GusChiggins said:
-priests cant get married: this one never made sense to me. almost everything in christianity is founding on judaism, where rabbis can get married.
Priestly celibacy is a discipline not a doctrine. It's done for both practical and spiritual reasons. It can and perhaps will be changed in the future.
GusChiggins said:
-only male priests: i'm no biblical scholar but i don't recall it saying only males can be priests. i get the fact that they are supposed to be married to God, but seriously, the above point and this one, are we really surprised about the scandals that arise?
The Church refuses women to the priesthood simply because Jesus had no women apostles. None of the 12 were women. The Church didn't design it that way, Jesus did. :shrug:
GusChiggins said:
-womens rights: women are the driving religious force in many families, and in general, the catholic church treats women as second rate citizens. Hell, for the first 1900 years or so of the religion, women could not even go on the altar. at least now they can be eucharistic ministers. but why shouldn't they be deacons, or priests? i can't blame any woman for feeling out of touch with the catholic church. it's ruled by men, all decisions are made by men and men alone, and only men are allowed to lead congregations. but hey, we can give out bread and sing. hooray!!!
I'm a Catholic woman and have never felt as a second rate citizen in the Church. My gifts of time and talent have always been greatly appreciated. I don't need the priesthood to feel a part of the community. Mary Magdalene didn't need it either and she was the first evangelist, go figure. Btw, not all decisions are made by men. There are plenty of women who are on parish committees making decisions. Trust me.
GusChiggins said:
-those are some of my issues with the church. i understand where it's coming from but at this point it is out of touch and behind the times. and there is precedent for modernizing the church.... vatican conventions and such. the church should change with the times to most serve and reach its people.
You know what? The very fact that the Catholic Church sticks to its beliefs and does not change with the times is one minor reason why I became Catholic (yes, I'm a convert :gasp
. The Word of God doesn't change with the times why should God's Church? :shrug:
Btw, thank you for explaining things. It makes for better dialogue.