Nucklesack said:
Originally Posted by Starman3000m
I don't know if you read my response in a previous thread, but the answer is that the Native Americans would have been descended from people who migrated from the original starting point of God's Creation of man; the Middle East. At that time, their societies would either have been pagan or would have been believing in Only One God of Creation. When the native people migrated to America they would have brought their faith-beliefs with them.
Knucklesack said:
I thought i did, but i didnt see how mankind originally descending from the Middle East (this is your contention, not mine, but thats a different fight lol), and then having moved to the "New World" has anything to do with Having Faith in Christ.
Basically your saying they moved over here, with knowledge of the Old Testament and then splintered.
But someone (was it you?) said you had to have Faith in Christ, to be saved. So even if they came over here, with beliefs similiar to the Jews, they (being thousands of miles away) had no ability to know Christ came and existed.
Response: Yes, basically mankind was scattered throughout the world (Tower of Babel incident) but would have already had the previous knowledge of One Creator God. These people (their leaders) willingly chose to try to reach God on their own terms as well as follow pagan gods which they set up for themselves. They took those beliefs to the lands where they settled. Remember that the initial act of belief in the Supreme Creator God is one of Faith that there is Only One God but that belief was replaced with one devised by man – and this through the deception of God’s enemy, Satan, who seeks to keep individuals from trusting God. (Yes, Satan plays a major role in blinding people from the Truth) The Bible calls Satan “the god of this world” who blinds people from knowing the truth.
The fact that the Native Indians were thousands of miles away from the Middle East would not prevent the Creator God from revealing Truth of His existence as His communication with mankind is spiritual. According to the Holy Bible, when Jesus was crucified and entombed for three days He preached to the souls who were imprisoned in Hades and set them free. After His resurrection, He promised that His message would come to man through the Intervention of God’s Spirit of Truth: The Holy Spirit who would emanate from God. I believe that God’s Supernatural and Divine Intervention would have been able to reveal His Truth to any individual who was sincerely seeking to know the Real Truth. I also believe there could have been individuals who received God’s Revelations but who would have been persecuted and/or killed because they were not going along with the pagan program imposed by their leaders. Remember that Native Indian tribal leaders replaced physical pagan gods with “spiritual pagan gods” i.e., god of lightning, god of wind, god of earth, god of water, god of rain, as well as the animist belief that the souls of ancestors existed in living creatures other than humans.
Originally Posted by Starman3000m
If any of the tribe remained faithful to the belief and worship of The One God and not paganism, then I believe that God would have honored that faith under the Old Covenant Laws of God that were established and that they would have faithfully lived by. Remember that Salvation is done on a personal basis not a communal basis.
Knucklesack said:
Ok i understand the reasonings, basically if they stayed true to the OT then they were covered. See no problem.
God is Good and Faithful To His Word and would have always responded to whomever personally called on Him for His help in knowing Truth.
Originally Posted by Starman3000m
Now, however, with the comprehension of having to decide between paganism and Monotheism, many social orders (tribes) became more controlled by leaders who imposed pagan practices and the people had to go along with it - with, perhaps, the exception of those who disagreed.
Knucklesack said:
Ok i can see how the first couple of Generations would have gotten in trouble for moving away from the Old Testament, they have direct knowledge yet they ignored it and went Heathen instead.
But what about the 40th Generation down the line, they wouldnt have had any exposure to anything other than praying to the Jaguar God, thats all they and there Forebearers would have known.
So they were "Heathen" because of exposure and environment, this is where Toxic and I got into an issue. I stated if you were only exposed to Islam, then you were most likely going to be a Muslim, its not till your exposed to other beliefs that you even KNOW there could be some other way to pray. I wasnt slamming Toxic (though he took it that way) it just a matter of exposure.
back to the Heathens, if all they know is following Paganistic Heathen Gods, how are they punished for ignorance?
You are correct in the sense of people being “indoctrinated by others” about what to believe. It is only when God Intervenes with His Truth and through the Power of His Holy Spirit that Truth can be comprehended – then it is up to the free-will of the individual whether to retain their “comfort-zone belief” or respond to the Spiritual Revelation. There are many whose Truth of God is revealed through dreams and other ways deemed a “supernatural miracle”. And remember that what is considered “supernatural” to the human intellect is really very Natural to the Quality of a Divine Creator God. Still others are prevented from even considering any other belief because of threats upon their life by those who control them. The Bible mentions how ordinary people are used by God to bring the Salvation Message to others BUT it is the Holy Spirit of God that does the convicting of the heart of the individual in order to bring about the response of whether to believe by faith or not believe that Jesus Is The Son of The Living God.
Originally Posted by Starman3000m
I am sure that those tribes had their own atheists and agnostics among their midst who had a difference of opinion.
Knucklesack said:
I'm sure they did too, unfortunately for them, they didnt live where a belief of Freedom of Religion was prevalent.
Yep. Not allowed to exercise and act upon Free Will .
Originally Posted by Starman3000m
God is faithful, knows the heart of mankind and reveals His Truth to those who seek the Truth.
Knucklesack said:
Not to belabor it, but how do they (The Heathen) know there is a "Truth" if all they've known and been taught is the Heathens version of a "One Truth" (not saying thiers is better, just different than your own "One Truth")
While those who trust in Christ as Saviour are given the commission to let others know, it is the work of God’s Holy Spirit that Intervenes and reveals the Truth to those being told about God’s Plan of Salvation. The Bible states that God is willing that No Man should perish and He is patient enough to keep “knocking” on the door of the “Heathen’s” heart until the Free Will response is made by the individual to believe or not believe the path of Salvation through the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ.
Knucklesack said:
That get backs to the Sins, your (Abrahamic) Sins are different than the Heathens. In your opinion, are they (the Heathen) sinning, if they commit an act you think of as Sin yet in their Belief its not?
That actually could get back to the Different Denomination beliefs, since in some its Though Shall not Murder (kill an innocent) and in others its Though Shall not Kill (take anyones life). Is it a Sin if you follow the First example, but another follows the second?
Now i know you'll post that one of those is Correct, but that wasnt the intention of that question.
The Bible states that EVERYBODY is in a sinful state and fall short of the Glory of God because of man’s initial and willful sin of Disobedience and Defiance of God’s Authority. (Man wants to be his own boss and do things his own way.) Thus we are all in the same boat and separated from God until we call upon the path of Salvation that God provided for mankind. Thus, it is up to each individual if they believe in God or not and if so, if they are able to earn and merit their way to heaven by their own good works or if they need the help of Y’shua HaMashiach (Jesus of Nazareth)
God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.