Hunter Biden


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A lawyer for Hunter Biden sent a cease-and-desist letter demanding former President Donald Trump stop making comments that could potentially put the First Family in danger.

Abbe Lowell, who represents Biden, wrote to Trump’s lawyers on Thursday, warning against further “public statements about my client which are both defamatory and likely to incite Mr. Trump’s followers to take actions against Mr. Biden and which could lead to his or his family’s injury.”

“This is not a false alarm,” Lowell said, before listing examples of violence or threats against high-profile politicians and their family members, including the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband Paul at their home in San Francisco last year by a man who allegedly had a hit list that mentioned Biden and others. The letter also mentions prosecutors said a man was recently arrested near former President Barack Obama’s home with guns in his van after Trump posted what he claimed was the address to social media.

“We are just one such social media message away from another incident, and you should make clear to Mr. Trump — if you have not done so already — that Mr. Trump’s words have caused harm in the past and threaten to do so again if he does not stop.”



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Pozharskyi wrote the email with the subject line: “Re: Revised Burisma Proposal, Contract and Invoice.” The email outlines the scope of work he expected from Hunter Biden and his associates regarding a new project. It detailed the “ultimate purpose” of an agreement with Blue Star Strategies to shut down “any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine,” referring to Mykola Zlochevsky, who also went by Nikolay.

Blue Star Strategies is a Washington, DC, PR firm that worked for Burisma. Hunter Biden connected the firm to Burisma through Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s wife, according to emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Dear colleagues, Hope you are well. Thank you for the docs provided. I have analyzed them most carefully and came up with a few of the following observations…” Pozharskyi wrote to Hunter and his associates:


My only concern is for us to be on the same page re our final goals. With this in mind, I would like us to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their ‘positive opinion’ and support of Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine: President of Ukraine, president Chief of staff, Prosecutor General, etc.

The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support on Nikolay’s issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine.



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Biden ambassador advised Hunter on helping Romanian tycoon accused of corruption

Mark Gitenstein, who was appointed as U.S. ambassador to the EU by Biden in July 2021 and helped spearhead Biden's transition team after the 2020 election, is the president’s longtime friend and confidante of several decades who served under him in the Senate for over a decade and was the U.S. ambassador in Romania during the Obama-Biden administration from 2009 to 2012.

While his emails with Hunter date back as early as 2010 on the abandoned laptop when he was the U.S. ambassador in Romania, and Hunter's calendar shows that he met with Gitenstein at least three time in 2015, their correspondence in 2016 raises questions about his involvement in advising Hunter after he picked up Romanian tycoon Gabriel Popoviciu that spring as a client and what government resources may have been used to assist Hunter.

On June 16, 2016, Gitenstein, who was working in the private sector as a partner at Mayer Brown LLP during the 2016 correspondence, forwarded information to Hunter and his longtime business partner Eric Schwerin with the subject line "Romania."


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EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden's lawyer Kevin Morris is seen smoking a BONG on the balcony of his LA home while clearly visible from the road during a visit from the president's son

  • saw Hunter Biden's hotshot lawyer Kevin Morris smoking from a large bong on the balcony of his Los Angeles home on Thursday
  • Hunter was seen visiting Morris at his Pacific Palisades home at the time that Morris was pictured smoking on the balcony clearly visible from the street
  • The First Son's visit to his lawyer came after it a source claimed that a Ukrainian oligarch bribed Joe Biden and Hunter with $10million


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🔥 Like most lawyers seeing this story, I can only say, “wow.” Yesterday, the UK Daily Mail ran the story with the headline, “Hunter Biden's lawyers face SANCTIONS after being accused of lying to the clerk in his criminal tax case as judge orders First Son's attorneys to explain themselves by tonight.”

Commercial-grade legal fireworks illuminated Hunter’s plea deal case yesterday. It began as the Court was considering whether to approve the sweetheart deal that the Biden DOJ proposed to clear Hunter’s criminal record. On Monday, House Republican Jason Smith filed a legal brief that suggested Judge Noreika should flush the proposed deal, due to claims of preferential law enforcement. The brief, filed on behalf of the House Ways and Means Committee, included lots of helpful data from the democrat IRS whistleblower who has been testifying to Congress over the last couple weeks.

Shortly after the Committee’s brief and its attached materials were filed, the Court abruptly took them down and sealed them from public view on the electronic docket. Through some miracle, the Committee’s lawyer noticed the document had been withdrawn and promptly called the Court clerk. The clerk said wait a minute, you guys just called us and told us to take it down because you filed it by mistake.

But they hadn’t. That’s when the fireworks started.

The Committee’s’ lawyer wrote a testy letter to Judge Noreika making the outrageous accusation that someone, probably Hunter’s lawyers, did the dirty, lied to the Court, impersonated them, and got the Court involved in a fraud by tricking the Court into deleting the Committee’s IRS whistleblower brief.

Hunters’ lawyers fired back, filing an equally-outraged response letter, first of all denying they would ever do something like that, how dare you, and then insisting that the Court punish the Committee’s lawyers for even suggesting such a thing. Imagine! The nerve.

Then the Committee’s lawyers found the court clerk who took the mystery call, and the clerk isn’t stupid. Clerk Samantha Grimes wrote them a succinct email laying out the facts, which were that someone named Jessica Bengels had called, said she worked with the Republican lawyer’s office (Theodore Kittila) and asked that the brief be immediately removed. The clerk even included Jessica’s phone number.

The phone number was from Hunter’s lawyers’ offices.

image 2.png

That email resolved the battle of the letters and who’d made the call. Judge Noreika then issued a testy “order to show cause” why it shouldn’t sanction Hunter’s lawyers. An “order to show cause,” or “OSC”, is a type of order where the court says, hey, I’m about to do this thing here, and you’re probably not going to like it very much, so I’m giving you a last, short chance to talk me out of it. When potential “sanctions” are involved, especially sanctions for something like lying to the Court — which could reasonably result in eventual disbarment — an OSC is considered all-hands-on-deck, deadly serious, emergency type legal situation.

The Judge gave Hunter’s lawyers till 9pm last night to respond, and they filed a well-drafted, very thoughtful and courteous letter explaining that the whole thing had just been a giant misunderstanding. According to the letter, one of Hunter’s attorneys’ staffers — not a lawyer — noticed some of Hunter’s personal tax information in the Republicans’ brief and thought it should be taken down or something until it could be properly redacted.

Somehow, explained Hunter’s lawyers, the clerk got the wrong idea about who was calling. Not from anything they said.

In other words, the extremely carefully and well-written letter politely blamed the whole “misunderstanding” on the Court. In essence, Hunter’s lawyers accused Clerk Samantha Grimes of lying, or at least, being a silly, confused young lady.

Nor did Hunter’s lawyers apologize at all to the Committee’s lawyers, who they’d just finished unfairly accusing of lying, right before the clerk’s email cleared things up.

At the end of the day, I’m guessing that Hunter’s lawyers will get away with it, this time. They aren’t smart, but they are cunning. They pulled their trick this way knowing that it could blow up in their face, and so they had a non-lawyer make the call, and they put nothing incriminating in writing. So they have a bunch of plausible deniability, such as an unbelievable “misunderstanding” in a high-profile case unlike anything that has ever happened before in the Court’s history.

A cunning lawyer might get away with something like this to the point he evades sanctions, because at the end of the day the judge just doesn’t have enough evidence to drop the hammer. But — and this is a big but — the judge still isn’t very happy about things. I tell clients that a move like this often “poisons the well,” and puts the trickster sideways with the judge, who is just waiting for a chance to get them for something.

We’ll see how this works out for Hunter’s lawyers. Depending on what the clerk remembers from the call, they could get hammered.



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Hunter Biden's lawyers face SANCTIONS after being accused of lying to the clerk in his criminal tax case as judge orders First Son's attorneys to explain themselves by tonight

  • Hunter Biden's legal team is accused of lying to the clerk in his criminal case
  • The alleged dirty trick was a ploy to remove testimony from IRS whistleblowers from the court docket
  • Delaware Judge Maryellen Noreika ordered Hunter's attorneys to explain themselves by 9pm today or be sanctioned
... the Dem judge is furious at the defense attny and called for conference last night at 9 pm....would be nice to be a fly on the wall for that session. Have not heard the outcome "officially."


Well-Known Member
... the Dem judge is furious at the defense attny and called for conference last night at 9 pm....would be nice to be a fly on the wall for that session. Have not heard the outcome "officially."
Gonna be dropped. Clerk will suddenly remember they were mistaken, oopsie daisy, might even get fired. And in 6 months will be hired as an energy consultant in a foreign country.


American Beauty
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Hunter Biden could face same foreign lobbying charges that jailed Trump associates

Judge Noreika forced prosecutor Leo Wise to acknowledge that the Justice Department is investigating Hunter Biden for other charges, including some related to FARA violations.

The 1938 law requires special registration with the Justice Department by anyone who works on behalf of a foreign country to influence U.S. policy or public opinion.

Mr. Wise did not provide details about a Justice Department investigation. Some legal experts questioned whether the Justice Department had truly started an investigation or simply threatened one if Hunter Biden did not complete a diversionary program related to the gun charge.

Mounting evidence suggests that Hunter Biden used his father’s political clout to help secure massively profitable deals with China, Ukraine, Russia and perhaps other countries that wanted to influence U.S. policy.

FARA prosecutions were rarely used before 2016. Federal authorities used the once-obscure law to charge several associates of President Trump, including his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, campaign manager Paul Manafort and inaugural committee chairman, Tom Barrack.


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FARA prosecutions were rarely used before 2016. Federal authorities used the once-obscure law to charge several associates of President Trump, including his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, campaign manager Paul Manafort and inaugural committee chairman, Tom Barrack.
But those cases are different. I don't know why, but the progbots and MSM says so.


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Hunter Biden's full plea deal TRANSCRIPT - and how his sneaky lawyers and prosecution team tried to hide clause giving him 'blanket immunity' in 'crazy, unprecedented' tactic until Judge Maryellen Noreika 'smelled a rat'

  • Hunter Biden’s legal team allegedly attempted to fool Delaware judge into approving generous and unorthodox plea deal without proper scrutiny
  • Ex-Assistant US Attorney Will Scharf tells that the proposed deal was ‘spitting in the face of justice’
  • READ MORE: President turns his back on the press when asked if he would pardon his son as pressure builds on White House


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Hunter Biden Appeared Agitated, Worried as Plea Deal Fell Apart

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika asked the defense and the prosecutors specific questions about the plea deal. Disputes arose about what exactly it entailed. Both the prosecutors and the defense tried to save the original deal.

As the deal broke down, Hunter Biden “appeared agitated and worried,” CNN reported. The judge ultimately tabled the deal and requested additional specifics.

The hearing produced significant information previously unconfirmed, appearing to anger both the defense and the prosecution, according to reporters in the courtroom.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, admitted the president’s son received $664,000 from CEFC China Energy Co. in 2017, directly contradicting President Joe Biden’s claim that Hunter Biden never received money from a Chinese entity.

He also confirmed additional income from Hunter Biden’s business ventures, including $500,000 in director’s fees from his ventures with Burisma Holdings, a company whose executive told an FBI informant he bribed Hunter and Joe Biden each with $5 million.


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The judge gave both sides 30 days to hash out a new agreement. Do they still try to give Hunter blanket immunity?

Andy McCarthy said any honest Fed prosecutor would be rushing to get any indicments filed asap so the statute of limitations clock is stopped.