Hunter Biden


PREMO Member
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

During their discussion, Rep. Luna spoke out about the lawlessness of the federal government and the Department of Justice in the United States.

The Florida representative discussed the Hunter and Joe Biden China bribery scandal.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: The FBI is protecting the Hunter Biden family, and it’s not okay… This corruption scheme has been going back to the time that Joe Biden was vice president. And the intimidation scheme that we’re seeing, I mean, it’s not unheard of. We saw this happen with former Trump officials as well. Obviously, President Trump’s family has been subject to this. But what’s really alarming about this is, as we know, the FBI, one has a mole in there that’s advising Hunter Biden as to the investigations by the name of “One Eye,” which in saying it, it sounds like it’s something out of a James Bond movie, but unfortunately, it’s true. And then also too, I mean, my goodness, Maria, with the amount of evidence that’s coming forward, it’s scary to think that this guy that’s currently sitting in the White House has become this corrupt and it’s really only doing one thing, and that’s aiding and abetting the Communist Chinese Party.

Rep. Paulina Luna is the first lawmaker to bring up the FBI mole One-Eye in several months.



Well-Known Member

Saw this coming at least months ago - if I knew how to search for it, I would, but I posted it, here.

To end the Hunter controversy and digging into the Biden family, he would be found guilty of a few minor charges, have most of the consequences dismissed, the FBI would wash their hands and declare it over - and they all get away with it.


Well-Known Member
Saw this coming at least months ago - if I knew how to search for it, I would, but I posted it, here.

To end the Hunter controversy and digging into the Biden family, he would be found guilty of a few minor charges, have most of the consequences dismissed, the FBI would wash their hands and declare it over - and they all get away with it.
That’s pretty much how plea deals work. Nothing new under the sun.


Well-Known Member
That’s pretty much how plea deals work. Nothing new under the sun.
That's not how pleas work. It's usually "We have some evidence of a crime and we're going to charge you with 50 different things and hope a couple stick. Or you can just plea to this lesser crime and we'll call it a day."

This is more "We have irrefutable evidence of several crimes, but we will charge you with a lesser crime because......reasons".


Well-Known Member
Calling it white privilege is a misnomer.
It really has nothing to do with his being white. His race is just something to comment on.

It is the privilege of a powerful Democrat politician who is president and the people he has in his administration.
The most corrupt bunch of professional political ne'er do wells that ever got positioned to enjoy their influence.

One day the people in this country will either rise and straighten out this mess or the country will be in the hands of a foreign government that has bought these traitors.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Saw this coming at least months ago - if I knew how to search for it, I would, but I posted it, here.

To end the Hunter controversy and digging into the Biden family, he would be found guilty of a few minor charges, have most of the consequences dismissed, the FBI would wash their hands and declare it over - and they all get away with it.
And 180 days from now, it'll all be expunged.

Just in time for Christmas.


PREMO Member

‘Kodak Was Charged For The Same Crime’: Hip Hop Star’s Lawyer Condemns Hunter Biden Plea Deal

Biden received a pretrial diversion agreement over the gun charge; Black was sentenced in 2019 but had a 46-month sentence commuted in 2021 by former President Trump.

“There’s no such thing as not getting jail time on a gun charge on any kind of gun charge,” Bradford Cohen, Black’s criminal defense attorney told Fox News Digital. He added on Instagram, “2 tiers of justice? Kodak was charged for the same crime. Got over 3 years. Mr. Biden will not serve a day. Feels right? Do FBI agents and federal authorities take cases personally?”

“I’ve never seen anyone where this offense was charged,” Cohen pointed out, “and they didn’t get some sort of prison sentence. And in fact, most of the time in federal court, you very rarely see people get anything but a prison sentence.”


Well-Known Member
Would anyone have know about this gun if his SIL hadn't tossed it in a dumpter and the SS fished it out. Then their report was posted.


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on $8.3 MILLION in income and the DOJ REJECTED U.S. attorney bids to bring charges in Washington D.C. and California, IRS whistleblowers reveal in bombshell testimony

  • David Weiss allegedly tried to bring charges against Hunter in Washington D.C. and California in the fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January 2023
  • The unverified testimony dropped as Hunter Biden enters into agreement that will see him plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax crimes
  • He will also avoid prison on a felony gun charge as part of diversion program


PREMO Member
veryone was assured by Democrats and our always helpful media that the sticky sweet plea deal for Joe Biden’s lowlife son Hunter was proof positive that “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!1!1!”

ABC “The View’s” Sunny Hostin: “It shows no one is above the law, which is important, not even the president’s son.”

Obama 2012 deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “t shows that no one is above the law and what taking responsibility looks like.”

Washington Post: “The sitting president’s son being held accountable for underpaying his taxes illustrates that no one is above the law in the U.S. system.”

And now look: overwhelming evidence that actually, no, Hunter Biden apparently is above the law. And that’s not just when he’s high on crack.

The House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday released the transcript of an interview with high-level IRS investigating agent Gary Shapley who testified that the Justice Department, under both presidents Trump and Biden, “provided preferential treatment, slow-walked the investigation, did nothing to avoid obvious conflicts of interest in this investigation” into Hunter’s shady, questionable as hell business dealings. Included in Shapley’s exhaustively detailed testimony was a 2017 text message uncovered in the years-long investigation from Hunter to a member of the Chinese Communist Party.



PREMO Member

FNC’s Turley: It ‘Doesn’t Fit’ Logically that It Took Five Years to Charge Hunter with Things You Could Prove in a Month

Turley said, “Now, we haven’t been able to, obviously, authenticate this information, but what we do know is that these are people that made statements to congressional investigators under the threat of prosecution if they lie. And that comes with an element of credibility. It doesn’t mean you have to accept it as true. The same thing…about this message. There’s no authentication, but these are chilling statements that are coming from two respected federal employees who are now whistleblowers. The problem that Garland has is that much of this investigation just doesn’t fit very well logically. They spent five years to charge violations that you could have established in the first month. And notably, it doesn’t include a FARA violation. So, just take that message for a second, if that’s authentic, the question again, is what happened to FARA? The Department of Justice charged various people during the Trump administration with being unregistered foreign agents, including Paul Manafort, whose case seems strikingly similar to this one, but there’s nary a mention of it in any of this.”


PREMO Member

A Catastrophic Implosion . . . of the Rule of Law

It fits the long-running drama over Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, I think. Miranda Devine broke news of that scandal in the New York Post in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election. It languished in the doldrums of official nonrecognition for years as the regime went into overdrive to keep people, especially voters, from paying any attention to it.

Gradually, however, the truth leaked out. First, the authenticity of the laptop was acknowledged. Turns out it was not “Russian disinformation,” as those 51 intelligence experts insisted. Nope, it belonged to Hunter all right. At first, the public was titillated by all the sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll that pervaded that digital trove. Gradually, very gradually, however, the publicly important stuff—the money angle with news of foreign payments apparently to dear-old-dad from various foreigners—began leaking out.

Then suddenly, just this last week, the House Ways and Means Committee began dropping bombs.

Material from an IRS whistleblower—no, two IRS whistleblowers—got fed into the mix and we got such Hunter Biden classics as this WhatsApp message from July 2017 addressed to Henry Zhao, a member of the Chinese Communist Party and, wouldn’t you know it, a business partner of Hunter’s:

I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment [the commitment being millions of the crispest] made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight, And, Z, fi [sic] get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.


PREMO Member

Confirmed: Intel Top Dogs Knowingly Lied When They Said Hunter's Laptop Was Russian Disinformation

You can’t get more of a U.S. intelligence insider than James Clapper. Clapper, 82, has spent practically his entire life in the intelligence field; he has been working in intelligence since he commanded a signals intelligence detachment in Thailand during the Vietnam War. To be sure, he has previously shown his willingness to sacrifice the truth to political expediency. Back in 2011, he notoriously labeled the Muslim Brotherhood, which has repeatedly stated its goal of imposing Sharia (Islamic law) over the entire world, as “largely secular.”

That was right around the time that the Obama administration was selling Muslim Brotherhood uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa as a secular “Arab Spring” flowering of democracy, so Clapper was doubtless reflecting his boss’ agenda. Still, he showed himself to be either clueless or craven and only confirmed that by becoming the chief signatory to the Biden laptop letter even when he must have known that it itself was disinformation.

Also signing the letter were three more of the heaviest hitters in Washington’s intelligence establishment: Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, as well as of the NSA; another former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who also served as Secretary of Defense during the Obama administration; and a third former CIA director, John Brennan, who also served as White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor and Director of the Terrorism Threat Integration Center.