Hunter Biden


Well-Known Member
We've had that discussion here not too long ago, appears both are acceptable.

I've always used bold faced, thinking you have to be very bold to lie to my face.
Bet you also say butt naked instead of buck naked. I knew you were a Gen Z.


PREMO Member
I don't know if someone said it on here, but - when Trump isn't found guilty of anything - the left goes, that's cause they couldn't find the proof.

But Muller didn't CLEAR Trump either ..... or so goes progressive whining


Well-Known Member
But Muller didn't CLEAR Trump either ..... or so goes progressive whining
Maybe it's just my interpretation - but his FACE at that hearing said everything - as if to say, nope, wasn't paying attention to that, don't know about that, look you guys, this was ALWAYS based on bullchit from the beginning with the fake dossier, can I get BACK to my retirement, dammit?


PREMO Member

New Emails Prove Hunter Biden Was Selling Access to His Father

This information was obtained through a review of emails and White House visitor logs by Fox News Digital.

During a July 2011 meeting, Hunter was reportedly attempting to negotiate a deal worth billions of dollars with these associates, one of whom was likely a foreign national, with then-Vice President Joe Biden and his deputy chief of staff Alan Hoffman. The individuals present were energy executive David Gamperl and two relatively unknown businessmen named Xi Wang and Andre Lasserre. The meeting was arranged after the trio had previously pitched a lucrative Brazilian bond deal to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden. Two intermediaries, including Sean Conlon — who would later become the co-host of CNBC’s “The Deed” and the founder of Conlon & Co. — facilitated the meeting with the aim of helping Conlon and Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca investment firm “get more bonds to move.”

On June 22, 2011, Gamperl emailed Conlon about the “substantial profit” being offered by Nagi Ghawi, president of the now-defunct Mercantile Investment Group of the West Indies. Conlon later forwarded the email to Hunter Biden, insisting “We need to put our heads together on this.”

On the same day, Ghawi proposed a meeting with either then-Vice President Joe Biden or his chief of staff, “ASAP.” In another email forwarded to Hunter Biden by Conlon, Ghawi confirmed his acceptance of a letter of engagement “based on 7% fees + 3% fees as a bonus if the first structured instrument (LTN) is executed within 60 days.” The deal would cover all intermediary fees, with any other fees to be deducted from that amount.

In a reply to Conlon, Hunter said, “Ok- what do we need to do moving forward?”


PREMO Member

'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

In a rare and candid email exchange between two former CIA bosses, Michael Morell told John Brennan in October 2020 that he was organizing a letter of 51 intel experts claiming the emergence of the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian influence operation because he wanted to give Joe Biden's campaign a "talking point to push back on" Donald Trump during the last presidential debate of the 2020 election, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

Brennan, who served as CIA director under President Barack Obama, willingly agreed to sign the letter after being told of its political intentions. "Ok, Michael, add my name to the list," Brennan wrote Morell on Oct. 19. 2020. "Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on."

You can read that email here:

File MorellBrennanEMailOct2020.pdf

The email exchange provides damning new proof supporting House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan's explosive revelation last week that the now-infamous intelligence letter — which was portrayed by news media, fact checkers and Big Tech as an independent and organic initiative by security experts — was in fact a political effort by U.S. spies instigated and assisted by Biden's campaign in an effort to influence the 2020 election.

Intelligence professionals reacted swiftly to the news Wednesday night, saying the revelation that two former CIA chiefs used their professional credentials to influence the 2020 election was troubling.

"This wasn't a 'talking point' to toss back at Trump, it was a premeditated and admitted lie to the American people designed specifically to deceive and hide the truth," retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock told Just the News. "And for what? To help elect a politician? What a steep and sad cost to the soul for such a meager goal."


PREMO Member

Uncovered Recruitment Email Confirms Infamous 'Intel Letter' Was Meant to Interfere in the 2020 Election

Former Obama-era CIA Director Mike Morell and current Secretary of State Antony Blinken were recently exposed as being behind the infamous “intel letter” that sought to dismiss Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation. Now, a new report is providing unassailable evidence of exactly what the motive behind the gambit was.

According to The Washington Examiner, Morell sent a recruitment email to gather signatories for the letter. Notably, in the email, he admitted that the entire purpose was to give Joe Biden a rebuttal to Donald Trump’s attacks during the presidential debates.

A recruitment email sent by Mike Morell, co-author of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop letter, wanted former intelligence officials to become signatories to help give Joe Biden a “talking point” during a crucial presidential debate against Donald Trump.
The revelation comes after Morell, the former Obama CIA acting director, admitted that now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken “triggered” him to write the October 2020 laptop letter.
The recruitment email from Morell was sent to former intelligence officials and included the laptop letter co-authored by him and former senior CIA operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos as an attachment.
The quoted language from the Morell email, sent on Oct. 18, 2020, was read to the Washington Examiner verbatim and identically by two independent sources who had access to the email.


Well-Known Member
we can write articles, post detailed information, provide affidavits, make valid point all day, 365. Its a winding road to nowhere.

It can be frustrating when our efforts seem to be going nowhere, especially when we're trying to make a difference or effect change. However, it's important to remember that change is often a slow and incremental process, and that even small efforts can have a cumulative impact over time.

It's also worth considering that there may be other factors at play that are outside of our control. For example, the people we're trying to persuade may have deeply ingrained beliefs or biases that are difficult to overcome, or there may be powerful interests working against us that are difficult to overcome.

That being said, it's important not to give up hope or become complacent. Even if our efforts seem small or insignificant, they can still make a difference in the long run. It's important to stay committed to our goals and to keep pushing forward, even when progress seems slow or difficult.

Ultimately, change often requires a combination of persistence, patience, and creativity. We may need to try new strategies, reach out to new allies, or find new ways to build momentum. But by staying focused on our goals and working together, we can continue to make progress and move closer to the change we want to see.


PREMO Member

CIA Solicited Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter, Congressional Testimony Shows

According to a report to be released Wednesday by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, multiple former U.S. intelligence officials testified under oath about the CIA’s involvement in the distribution of the letter, which was eventually signed by more than 50 former senior U.S. intelligence officials.

“One signer of the statement, former CIA analyst David Cariens, disclosed to the Committees that a CIA employee affiliated with the agency’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (‘PCRB’) informed him of the existence of the statement and asked if he would sign it,” the House investigative report notes. “The Committees have requested additional material from the CIA, which has ignored the request to date.”

The Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) is tasked with reviewing statements, letters, and books published by former intelligence personnel to determine whether the material contains any classified information that would need to be removed or redacted prior to publication.

In a March 5, 2023, email to congressional investigators, Cariens stated that a CIA official tasked with reviewing and approving a memoir he planned to publish told him about the Hunter Biden laptop letter and even asked him if he would like to sign it.

“When the person in charge of reviewing the book called to say it was approved with no changes, I was told about the draft letter,” Cariens wrote. “The person asked me if I would be willing to sign.”



PREMO Member

Investigators unearth evidence CIA, Antony Blinken played deceptive politics on Hunter Biden laptop

"The public statement by 51 former intelligence officials was a political operation to help elect Vice President Biden in the 2020 presidential election," concludes the report obtained by Just the News.

"The Biden campaign took active measures to discredit the allegations about Hunter Biden by exploiting the national security credentials of former intelligence officials," it added.

The report affirms earlier reporting by Just the News showing that former acting CIA Director Michael Morell took the lead in gathering former intelligence officials to sign the letter and put their name behind the unsubstantiated claim of Russia interference in coordination with the campaign.

Morell admitted to congressional investigators that he acted to help Biden win the election and was "triggered' to do so by a call from Blinken, then a campaign adviser to Biden, the report added. His emails even told prospective signatories of his political intentions.

"The more former intelligence officers the better," Morell wrote a former CIA officer in an email made public by the report. "Campaign will be thrilled."


PREMO Member
🔥 Trending Politics ran a story yesterday headlined, “Ron Johnson: Hunter Paid ‘Tens Of Thousands’ For Sex-Trafficked Prostitutes.”

That’s not a great-looking headline for the Bidens.

Separately from the House Oversight Committee’s investigation, Senator Ron Johnson said yesterday that his Senate committee has evidence that Hunter Biden was involved (as a consumer) in sex trafficking, and that Joe Biden was financing at least part of it.

Johnson told Fox:

“We have the evidence that Hunter Biden paid tens of thousands of dollars for prostitutes that were sex trafficked through an international sex trafficking ring… And President Biden, during about a four- or five-month period, offered to pay for about $100,000 of Hunter Biden’s bills[.]”

Interestingly, both the House and Senate appear to also have Antony Blinken in their sights, with Johnson accusing the unqualified Secretary of State of having lied to Congress. What they intend to do about it is a different question.

I’d speculate that Joe Biden might soon be facing impeachment proceedings, except that he has Kamala insurance.



Well-Known Member
Impeachment of Joe Biden is an impossibility.
Democrats would never vote to have him ousted.
Kamala is not a good enough insurance policy to prevent it. Because she would just be taking orders from Obama just as Biden is now.


PREMO Member

Several of 51 ex-intel officials who signed Biden laptop letter donated to Biden, Democrats

A joint investigative report released Wednesday by the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees cited evidence suggesting an active-duty CIA official also may have encouraged signatories to sign the letter suggesting the laptop -- now authenticated and in the possession of the FBI -- was a foreign influence operation.

According to FEC records, at least 12 of the letter's signatories appear to have donated to Biden's campaign, based on employment and location information listed in campaign finance filings.

Those include: former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director Leon Panetta, former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin, former National Counterterrorism Center Director Nicholas Rasmussen, former CIA Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash, former CIA Chief of Staff Rodney Snyder, former CIA Inspector General David Buckley, former CIA Senior Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, former CIA analyst Peter Corsell, former CIA Senior Operations Officer John Sipher, former National Intelligence Council Chair Gregory Treverton, and former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer Kristin Wood.

The former official listed as donating the most to both Biden's campaign and joint victory fund was Bash, with $18,900 in total. [An earlier version of the story erroneously attributed all those donations to Biden’s campaign when in fact the total was split between the campaign and the victory committee.]


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Several of 51 ex-intel officials who signed Biden laptop letter donated to Biden, Democrats

A joint investigative report released Wednesday by the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees cited evidence suggesting an active-duty CIA official also may have encouraged signatories to sign the letter suggesting the laptop -- now authenticated and in the possession of the FBI -- was a foreign influence operation.

According to FEC records, at least 12 of the letter's signatories appear to have donated to Biden's campaign, based on employment and location information listed in campaign finance filings.

Those include: former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director Leon Panetta, former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin, former National Counterterrorism Center Director Nicholas Rasmussen, former CIA Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash, former CIA Chief of Staff Rodney Snyder, former CIA Inspector General David Buckley, former CIA Senior Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, former CIA analyst Peter Corsell, former CIA Senior Operations Officer John Sipher, former National Intelligence Council Chair Gregory Treverton, and former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer Kristin Wood.

The former official listed as donating the most to both Biden's campaign and joint victory fund was Bash, with $18,900 in total. [An earlier version of the story erroneously attributed all those donations to Biden’s campaign when in fact the total was split between the campaign and the victory committee.]
Shocked I tell ya.


Well-Known Member
I feel like 12 out of 51 isn't a big enough number to lead a headline. Might lead some folk to think "does that mean 39 of 51 were republicans?", even though it doesn't suggest anything of the sort.

Like running a toothpaste commercial but instead of 9 out of 10 it says "2 out of 10 dentists recommend our toothpaste". It isn't exactly a ringing endorsement and it doesn't mean the other 7 don't like your toothpaste or support not brushing at all, but that's the takeaway some will get.


PREMO Member
An immense catalog of photos from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop were published Thursday on a new website, as the first son faces ongoing investigations into his overseas business affairs and potential tax and gun crimes.

Nearly 10,000 photos taken between 2008 and 2019 will be hosted at after a former Trump White House aide apparently spent months scanning the digital archive, redacting some images and publishing the rest.

“The number one thing we’re about … is truth and transparency,” Garrett Ziegler, who founded the nonprofit Marco Polo, told Fox News.

Among the redacted pictures are those that display private information, such as Social Security, banking and credit card numbers.

Hunter Biden
