I am the mother of "that child"

black dog

Free America
Agree. The OP comes here for possible advice, share experiences, support, etc. Instead it turns into the usual pissing contest. I really wonder if some of you talk to and insult people in your real life like you do behind your keyboard. I seriously doubt it. And to take the time and go back and look thru old threads to bring old stuff up people have said :lmao:. I thought I didn't have a life :lmao:

I'm the nicest boss you would ever work for, a giving friend.. a awesome dad......
Other than that I don't change when I'm on the web,,,, apparently I'm a miserable know it all prick curmudgeon...but that's from the members that post in every thread.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm the nicest boss you would ever work for, a giving friend.. a awesome dad......

And in your other life you're Dick from the Internet.



Well-Known Member
I'm the nicest boss you would ever work for, a giving friend.. a awesome dad......
Other than that I don't change when I'm on the web,,,, apparently I'm a miserable know it all prick curmudgeon...but that's from the members that post in every thread.

First to respond. You don't even know if I was referring to you.

black dog

Free America
Agree. The OP comes here for possible advice, share experiences, support, etc. Instead it turns into the usual pissing contest. I really wonder if some of you talk to and insult people in your real life like you do behind your keyboard. I seriously doubt it. And to take the time and go back and look thru old threads to bring old stuff up people have said :lmao:. I thought I didn't have a life :lmao:

First to respond. You don't even know if I was referring to you.

Well let's read your posts, I was the only one that mentioned going back and reading old posts, so yes you were referring to me.
At least pull your big girl panties up and admit it.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
And I will add to this, I would tend to believe that after being committed on more than one occasion a definitive diagnosis certainly would have been made..
What was that diagnosis???????

YOU are an A$$. 9 times out of ten a doctor WON'T give a diagnosis on this type of problem until a child is entering into adulthood (17 or older). And I know this to be a FACT!

Sure. Please guess.

But, I should point out that, since you think we are indulgent parents, unless a diagnosis is given, despite having read what we're going thru...i am not inclined to give your perspective much weight. If you thought his diagnosis would in any way help you help us get real help, then all you had to do was ask, instead of being an a** and insinuating that I have an ulterior motive. There was no malice in me holding it back.

Given his age, the most they will label him with is ADHD and emotional dysregulation or something like that. Nothing truly serious enough to warrant his behavior.

Now, do you feel better? Do you feel justified in thinking I had some big bad reason for hiding it?

Do I need to tell you which meds we've tried, specific doctors we've seen, etc, in order for you to continue to proffer your criticism? Or do you have enough ammo?

But you're right, I knew someone - actually, I expected more - to tell us it's our fault without offering any real productive criticism besides to beat him. That's why I invited the shaming, while simultaneously hoping that a) we might find other resources to help and b) our story might help others realize they're not alone. This is an incredibly isolating position to be in.

I sent you a private message last week. I assume you have read it....

black dog

Free America
YOU are an A$$. 9 times out of ten a doctor WON'T give a diagnosis on this type of problem until a child is entering into adulthood (17 or older). And I know this to be a FACT!

I sent you a private message last week. I assume you have read it....

And you are a lier, doctors and psychiatrists​ give adolescent diagnosis on a daily basis.some of it was posted.
But if you rant loud enough, some will believe you. :jameo:
Maybe try all caps.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I am would think the kid has a diagnosis. I am certain that it is none of our business what that diagnosis is.

Nor is it really pertinent to the discussion here.

Some people are just nosy know-it-alls and have to act like idiots when you won't cowtow to their belligerent attempts to bully you into disclosing what you deem unnecessary to disclose.


Well-Known Member
Well let's read your posts, I was the only one that mentioned going back and reading old posts, so yes you were referring to me.
At least pull your big girl panties up and admit it.

My big girl panties are up. I'm not going back and forth with you. Not worth my time.

black dog

Free America
If I may ...

Hey? What happened to your avatar?

Looks like The Warden banned him...

Yep, a 24 hour timeout..

He probably lost that Marine cool he was bragging about having. :jet:

Not a chance, you will never see me melt down on the web..

I was given a 24 hour timeout for this response to SUZ.
No meltdown, no bad language,.
It's Vrai's house,,, her rules....

And you are a lier, doctors and psychiatrists​ give adolescent diagnosis on a daily basis.some of it was posted.
But if you rant loud enough, some will believe you. :jameo:
Maybe try all caps.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was given a 24 hour timeout for this response to SUZ.
No meltdown, no bad language,.
It's Vrai's house,,, her rules....

Actually, you got a day off for being an obsessive nut. That post just happened to be handy.

I note that you're still at it. Don't you have a life or anything like that?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Not a chance, you will never see me melt down on the web..

So you say. Your incessant badgering and belittling posters in order to get them to give you the answers you feel entitled to is indicative of someone who's melting down. Not to mention the way you stalk various posters around the forum in order to slam their every post. People go about it in different ways. :shrug:

black dog

Free America
Actually, you got a day off for being an obsessive nut. That post just happened to be handy.

I note that you're still at it. Don't you have a life or anything like that?

Why yes I do, and it's very demanding and fulfilling. But as you know all work and no play. We are weeks ahead with business so I'm heading back to Maryland next week and my son and I are sailing the boat down to N Florida to my sisters until this fall.