God bless the USA
Yes you have....
Maybe your kids parents should have taught him that taking opiates for a extended time and or more than the prescription is for is bad mojo... But of course, it's not your child's or anybody else's fault... Right????
And here I was taught consumption was a choice.....
Now go and try to learn self control from your husband....
I never admonished your son, arse. If I did, search the forum archive, and please post it. Thanks. And what are you saying when you said ..your kids parents..? That's bizarre. I
am glad that there are very few knowitalls on this forum because that would take away the point of it all. And, don't even try to slander my hub on here, arsehole. And, where is the self control thing you talk about. You have made comments about my late night posting, but you are doing it yourself. Hypocrite. Why do I need a bus ticket?
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