I hate those "I wish I didn't do that" deals!

Novus Collectus

New Member
hvp05 said:
I don't want to make you go :eyebrow: , but how sure are you that the response is genuine? She could be saying whatever to shut you up, or to be nice while slowly backing away.

After all ths time, she had plenty of opportunity to step away and she would have no problem just never replying to me after this anyway, so it is indicative she is sincere and truthful by the simple fact she responded.

Novus Collectus

New Member
meangirl said:
We'll need another pic in that case. :ohwell:


Novus Collectus said:
After all ths time, she had plenty of opportunity to step away and she would have no problem just never replying to me after this anyway, so it is indicative she is sincere and truthful by the simple fact she responded.

I'd love to see a picture of her. I know, I know, won't happen, but would just love to see this match made in Heaven.

Novus Collectus

New Member
hvp05 said:
Did you go out on your first date with this chick in that attire?
The pic was a joke and I took it for her initially. The coveralls are from when I worked construction years ago that I put on for the joke pic.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Bay_Kat said:
I'd love to see a picture of her. I know, I know, won't happen, but would just love to see this match made in Heaven.
Her pictures to me are private, so that will never happen. Sorry.
I will reveal how she is truly beautifull though. She is way out of my class.


Novus Collectus said:
The pic was a joke and I took it for her initially. The coveralls are from when I worked construction years ago that I put on for the joke pic.

so that really is you, alright then.


Novus Collectus said:
Slowly getting sober, but I keep going back to re read what she wrote and so far it still makes me just as estatic. :D

It would make me estatic if you would just share! :lmao:


Novus Collectus said:
Yes, of course. She is not only intelligent (more than I) but n the context I snet it to her it was obvious.

May be a stupid question, but I didn't see it anywhere in the thread, have you actually met in person or is this all an internet thing? Just wondering.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Bay_Kat said:
May be a stupid question, but I didn't see it anywhere in the thread, have you actually met in person or is this all an internet thing? Just wondering.
When I said obvious, I meant to her with what I sent to her.

Internet thing so far, which is what prompted the desperation email which I was resultantly afraid of scaring her off.


Methodically disorganized
Novus Collectus said:
Yes, of course. She is not only intelligent (more than I) but n the context I snet it to her it was obvious.
Okay... I wasn't clear on the context, as you said, and if this was a blind date set-up and you thought, "Hey, I have a funny idea!" That might not go over so well... but, I guess you've already gotten past that point anyhow.


Methodically disorganized
Novus Collectus said:
Internet thing so far, which is what prompted the desperation email which I was resultantly afraid of scaring her off.
Ya know - and not to make you go :eyebrow: again, but...

... if you haven't even met IRL and you're already sending "desperation e-mails" and feeling paranoid, worried, or whatever... that may be a sign to step back and cool down, reevaluate everything.


Novus Collectus said:
When I said obvious, I meant to her with what I sent to her.

Internet thing so far, which is what prompted the desperation email which I was resultantly afraid of scaring her off.

So basically, you really have no idea who you are talking to? Maybe I'm wrong, but you just can't be too careful when dealing with internet dating.

I'm so glad I'm married and don't have to deal with this.