I have invited Charles Lollar to a Meet & Greet!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Me too. Sounds like my 6 and 8 year old. :lol:

Well I did ask for people to not muck up the thread.

It's a shame that some of the posters around here crave constant attention and have the need to stir the pot.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Charles Lollar has accepted my invitation! :getdown:

I have asked him to come and discuss with us his vision for the direction our state and country are headed in. If you are a concerned Maryland resident or a concerned US citizen - come join us at Stoney's Restaurant on Broomes Island at 5pm on Friday, Nov 16th.

Charles and his wife, Rosha will be there about 6pm. Please PM me with your RSVP and any questions.


In My Opinion
Im in.
Will have to come alone because the female has a late meeting and would not be able to rush home in time from Bethesda.
But, Im in, might bring the girl child who should be old enough to vote her first time next go around. and, if her friend can stop shaking and wetting himself everytime I greet him with an ax, or a gun in my hand,, I might see if he wants to go too. He is of voting age.

So, someone lay down in a wide parking spot and save it for me, Im forced to drive the truck instead of the clown car.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I have about 9 accepting and 3 maybes at this time. Still passing the word around via my FB page and just asking folks I work with. Not everyone is available on short notice - but I wanted to strike while the iron was hot. (I was surprised to be able to set the date so soon!) So it is what it is!

I will say this: the 2 folks from New Day Maryland who worked with me in setting this up with Charles were very gracious and helpful - they even emailed with me over the weekend.

And this is not just for Republicans OR even Conservatives. Charles welcomes people from all political spectrums!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Charles Lollar has accepted my invitation! :getdown:

I have asked him to come and discuss with us his vision for the direction our state and country are headed in. If you are a concerned Maryland resident or a concerned US citizen - come join us at Stoney's Restaurant on Broomes Island at 5pm on Friday, Nov 16th.

Charles and his wife, Rosha will be there about 6pm. Please PM me with your RSVP and any questions.

Bann, congrats to you!



New Member
YIKES! Made a promise to the kids for this Friday night...maybe something will go wrong and I'll be able to make it after all!
Desperately want to be part of a plan to turn things around!

Thanks, Bann!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I am pretty sure I have a solid 10 people attending, maybe 15.

If you want to ask a neighbor, or friend(s) please do! I would like to have a headcount to report to Lollar's folks by Thursday - but that is only so he will know what to expect. Please PM me with your RSVP.

I'd like to give Stoney's a heads up by then, also. More than 10 and I think they will want to reserve a bigger area for us.

:getdown: This is so exciting!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am pretty sure I have a solid 10 people attending, maybe 15.

If you want to ask a neighbor, or friend(s) please do! I would like to have a headcount to report to Lollar's folks by Thursday - but that is only so he will know what to expect. Please PM me with your RSVP.

I'd like to give Stoney's a heads up by then, also. More than 10 and I think they will want to reserve a bigger area for us.

:getdown: This is so exciting!!

It IS exciting!! :clap: Nice job!


New Member
I will be able to say for sure by Thursday afternoon or so - hopefully that is soon enough. Thanks Bann:buddies:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I will be able to say for sure by Thursday afternoon or so - hopefully that is soon enough. Thanks Bann:buddies:

DO NOT stay away because of that, please!!! ANYone can show up, I would just like to be able to include them in the total when I call Stoney's.

I am sure Stoney's can accommodate us because they did not have a major event planned for this Friday when I talked to our server last Friday. It's just always a good idea to reserve a space as big as we'll need.


Stretch's Mom
I am pretty sure I have a solid 10 people attending, maybe 15.

If you want to ask a neighbor, or friend(s) please do! I would like to have a headcount to report to Lollar's folks by Thursday - but that is only so he will know what to expect. Please PM me with your RSVP.

I'd like to give Stoney's a heads up by then, also. More than 10 and I think they will want to reserve a bigger area for us.

:getdown: This is so exciting!!

I will be there, Bann. Thank you for setting this up!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is how it starts, change. If you like the person, that they'd do a good job and think they'd be someone you really support over Les, if you think he is Moe, then he or she is gonna need support and that means dough. Regular support. NOW.

There's no getting around the need for money and help.

What he would be up against;

Steny H. Hoyer: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Representative 2012 | OpenSecrets

Last time it was, what, 145,000 to 80,000 so, you need to change a lot of minds. However, those 80,000 already for him only need give $50 each to equal the $4 mil Hoyer raised this last cycle. So, that makes it a race.

Of course, the moment Steny was seen to be threatened, they'd open up the spigot for him so, maybe $8,000,000 would be needed or, $100 a person. $12.50 a a quarter for tow years. That's NOTHING!!!

And look at the list of folks who fork over dough and you'll see what you are up against. The corporations will switch to whomever wins unless the new guy is a real threat to their business. In which case, they, too, would give more to their guy.

In any event, the point is that it takes money BUT, if you look at is as a per voter thing, is $100 really all that much to support someone you ACTUALLY support?

One of the enormous lies we deal with is that there is 'too much money in politics!'. This is crap. The presidential campaign cost something like $6 billion. To see who runs a $16 trillion nation. To see who is executive of a nearly $4 trillion federal budget. With 120,000,000 voters, that $6 billion is...$50 a per person. Well, gooooolllleee!

What the hell is $50 when we're talking about 1,000's and 1,000's of dollars of impact on each and every one of us? For ####s sake, Ron Paul promised to cut $1 trillion in federal spending PER YEAR. That's $3,300 per PERSON in the nation. Saved. Of course, those who would no longer be getting that money would fight for it. But, again, the point is that $50-100 per VOTER is ENORMOUS power.

Just imagine the power of the internet and if, say Charles, were to run for president and some 70,000,000 gave even $10 a piece, $700 billion. He'd be competitive with anyone. That's the same as if 7,000,000 early supporters gave $100. Or 700,000 really early supporters giving $1,000 which is still peanuts vs. what is being taken from us in every part of the economy.

We can have the leaders we want but, as they say, victory is reserved for those willing to pay it's price.

of course, my questions would be what is Chuck gonna do that makes it all worth it?
