If A Guy Knows How To Cook


aka Mrs. Giant
Average height for a guy is 5'10. 6'1 is around where people start considering someone to be pretty tall. So 5'7 is about when a guy is considered pretty short.

Not average. There's no standard deviation.

I'll agree with that. As somebody who stands way under that.


Well, had the answers stuck to my original question; had the answers STAYED answers, everything wouldn't have degenerated into THIS.

I stuck to your original question and you starting a pissing match because you misinterpreted my response, even though your response was critical because you thought I misinterpreted. So essentially you did what you complained about. Then you derailed the topic. :shrug:

I'll agree with that. As somebody who stands way under that.

you're what I like to call "tiny" :neener:


That's just out-n-out oblivious. That's one of the first things that would come up in the pre-dinner discussion, don't'cha thing?

That's just it; your original post was showing up with a bag of groceries and heading straight to the kitchen. You've already made the commitment. If you have a pre-dinner discussion (a) you lose the element of surprise, (b) she may tell you NOT to do it or (c) she makes plans not to be home or answer the door.


Well-Known Member
That's just it; your original post was showing up with a bag of groceries and heading straight to the kitchen. You've already made the commitment. If you have a pre-dinner discussion (a) you lose the element of surprise, (b) she may tell you NOT to do it or (c) she makes plans not to be home or answer the door.
Yeah.....well.....nobody does that. Not even me. LET.....IT.....GO.....


Well-Known Member
You've given out your full name, posted pictures of yourself, told everyone what kind of car you drive (poorly), and told us where you work. What makes you think you're anonymous?

"poorly" huh? Just STFOMW and you'll be okay.
And it's not that I think I'm anonymous. Why would I worry about that HERE?
It's the 'knows me' part. You may know what I look like, but only a scant few of you may know me in person. GOD I love starting treds and watch them degenerate! :yay:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You've given out your full name, posted pictures of yourself, told everyone what kind of car you drive (poorly), and told us where you work. What makes you think you're anonymous?

Okay, but besides that.....


Well-Known Member
You've given out your full name, posted pictures of yourself, told everyone what kind of car you drive (poorly), and told us where you work. What makes you think you're anonymous?



Okay. Proven. Why does it matter so much that you know who I am?
You have to remember, if my posts and treds bother you so much, you don't have to read 'em.