If A Guy Knows How To Cook


Dream Stealer
I know some women like steak, but I've never found that to be something that excites a woman. Usually it's the woman saying "hey dude, I got STEAK!" and the guy creams his pants. Not the other way around.

umm steak excites me :shrug: as long as it is rare :drool:


Or that. Or they are just cheap. Beta are you just being cheap? Because a cheap steak wont get any woman.

But a good steak with a butter truffle on top that melts in your mouth will get any woman going....and if it's amazing it will get you laid before and after the meal

umm, if you consider filet cheap then I guess so. :shrug:

or maybe foodies/southern MD women aren't what consists of "most women" :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Keep on thinking that. Don't ever think that you are anonymous. Lots of people know who you are, IRL.

Edit: But so few of that 'lots' you mention are on these forums.
I'm just waiting for somebody to prove that they know me IRL.
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Well-Known Member
It was supposed to be....:sarcasm: The question seems to be not about is it ok or not but confidence in the relationship. I'd think most women would appreciate the gesture unless she is a strict vegetarian and you bring over steaks.

That's just out-n-out oblivious. That's one of the first things that would come up in the pre-dinner discussion, don't'cha thing?


5'7".....but lotsa folks are under 5'8". 5'7" is within the realm of average.
So I'm average height. :shrug: What else ya got?

Average height for a guy is 5'10. 6'1 is around where people start considering someone to be pretty tall. So 5'7 is about when a guy is considered pretty short.

Not average. There's no standard deviation.

There you go thinkin' again.....

it may hurt when you think, but it suits me just fine. thanks for your concern though :dance: