If you..


nachomama said:
Already divorced. Won't be walking that plank again anytime soon...and shoot me if I mention it. TIA

My ex wife was ireplacable. Once that biatch was gone I ain't gettin another one.

And there is absolutely not one thing I could have asked that would have changed my mind about marrying her. We just grew apart after a seventeen year relationship. Well she just grew too snooty for my taste.


mv_princess said:
Could have asked your S.O. one question before you got married, that could have changed your views about them. What would it be?

Maybe something you learned later that you had wished you knew before.

"Is there mental illness in your family or your-ex-wifes?"

I would have been prepared for what happened, after we got married, if I had ever even dreamed to have asked this question.


I wanna be a SMIB
Wenchy said:
"Is there mental illness in your family or your-ex-wifes?"

I would have been prepared for what happened, after we got married, if I had ever even dreamed to have asked this question.

Some of your answers are scaring me. :huggy:


mv = margaritaville
Wenchy said:
"Is there mental illness in your family or your-ex-wifes?"

I would have been prepared for what happened, after we got married, if I had ever even dreamed to have asked this question.
I will keep this one in mind.


It really doesn't matter what you ask.......... before you get married...... and here is why.

1. Most of the time all the answers to all your questions are smacking you in the face, but the couple in love is to blind to see, understand, and decide to accept (forever), or not accept what they are seeing. Young women will accept just about anything short of, but sometimes including, physical abuse , get married and then just cannot figure out why their man won't change or conform to her vision of a man to be with forever.

2. People change or evolve on their own... the younger the couple in love is... the more they may change, because they have not yet settled into a comfortable life as themselves.

The best question that can be asked are asked at pre-marraige counseling session... where you are guided to answer truthfully and in complete thought out answers. Things like How important is religion to you now and when you have children? How much money is OK for your spouse to spend without notifying or asking you? How will you respond or care for a sick parent? There are so many....

The best thing you can do is to DATE and slowly include all aspects of life and see how you deal with them together... Do your best to throw the giggly LOVE Blinders off and look at what you have... If you are not liking what you see......... don't get married... Getting married has a way of turning up the volume on all the things you already didn't like.

If you can Accept what you see (forever)and remeber the only thing you can change is you and you are not looking to the spouse for you only source of happiness, then you should have a good marriage.

i will stop now.

PS Married 28years this week, with one year off (seperation) for bad behavior.
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mv = margaritaville
lugebob said:
It really doesn't matter what you ask.......... before you get married...... and here is why.

1. Most of the time all the answers to all your questions are smacking you in the face, but the couple in love is to blind to see, understand, and decide to accept (forever), or not accept what they are seeing. Young women will accept just about anything short of, but sometimes including, physical abuse , get married and then just cannot figure out why their man won't change or conform to her vision of a man to be with forever.

2. People change or evolve on their own... the younger the couple in love is... the more they may change, because they have not yet settled into a comfortable life as themselves.

The best question that can be asked are asked at pre-marraige counseling session... where you are guide to answer truthfully and in complete thought out answers. Things like How important is religion to you now and when you have children? How much money is OK for your spouse to spend without notifying or asking you? How will you respond or care for a sick parent? There are so many....

The best thing you can do is to DATE and slowly include all aspects of life and see how you deal with them together... Do your best to throw the giggly LOVE Blinders off and look at what you have... If you are not liking what you see......... don't get married... Getting married has a way of turning up the volume on all the things you already didn't like.

If you can Accept what you see (forever)and remeber the only thing you can change is you and you are not looking to the spouse for you only source of happiness, then you should have a good marriage.

i will stop now.

PS Married 28years this week, with one year off (seperation) for bad behavior.
Wow. that was great! thank you!!!


Salt Life
mv_princess said:
Could have asked your S.O. one question before you got married, that could have changed your views about them. What would it be?
Nothing. We lived together for quite some time before getting married so I feel we pretty much knew everything about each other before getting married. I have far worse habits than he does anyhow. :blushing: :lol:


New Member
Until my current g/f, I couldn't find a girl that was willing to, or one that I wanted to stick around for much longer than 6 months. Problems included closet issues (their closet), me not conforming to the person that they wanted, me not changing to match their own personal effort to change themselves, them just plain being psycho, them living their parents lives instead of their own, them making decisions that would make their parents happy instead of making themselves happy, them being unhappy with with they were at or headed in life and instead of fixing it, making issues with my life of which I am perfactly happy, and them dealing with the fact that I am not a needy person and am perfectly happy going to bed alone and using that threat in an argument only ensures that I will get a good nights sleep :lol:.

No question can be asked that would give insight to problems such as these, which is why premarital relationships are necessary and I favor lengthy engagements as well as they tend to show deep rooted family issues if there are any. No, I haven't been engaged before. Never made it that far. Close, very close. And I smoked the cigar anyway. :cool:


New Member
my advice

mv_princess said:
Dating questions. Most people on here are married. So I want to know what I should be looking out for, and what has kept them together.

don't be ruled by your heart - think things out carefully and pay attention to your gut feelings.


But wait, there's more...
RoMary said:
don't be ruled by your heart - think things out carefully and pay attention to your gut feelings.

Exactly! And don't be ruled by his :gossip: either, because eventually things go limp. Find someone who makes you laugh, who you click with, who can be/is your best friend, someone who doesn't make you second guess your decision to be with them, someone who gives you the amount of space you need without leaving you hanging all the time. Find out their views on things that matter to you -- religion, money, sex, kids and how they should be raised, what things they've learned from previous relationships (did they learn lessons, or just let things happen to them, making them a victim). Are they a neat freak or a slob or somewhere in the middle? What are their lifetime goals? What are their dreams? And I can't reiterate enough ... go with your gut feeling, and let those walls down if you have 'em.

Yes, I speak from a little bit of experience and a LOT of lessons learned. :wink:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I would have asked: Are ya gonna bother me about what's for dinner tomorrow RIGHT after I made tonight's dinner?


Well-Known Member
crabcake said:
Find out their views on things that matter to you -- religion, money, sex, kids and how they should be raised, what things they've learned from previous relationships (did they learn lessons, or just let things happen to them, making them a victim). Are they a neat freak or a slob or somewhere in the middle? What are their lifetime goals? What are their dreams? And I can't reiterate enough ... go with your gut feeling, and let those walls down if you have 'em.

Yes, I speak from a little bit of experience and a LOT of lessons learned. :wink:

Wow, I don't thing you could have said it any better. Our main arguments are about money, and the kids. I don't know how any of those aguments could have been solved in advance. Most of the time you can make a relationship work if you try, but lots of people bail out when times get hard. The only thing that would really be a deal breaker at this point, would be if she cheated on me........and that's definetely not something I could have found out by questioning her in advance.