

Methodically disorganized
:sigh: 52 - 21 with several left in the 3rd. Just shoot the Skins and end it.


Those are the games you give up on only to learn the next day that the losing team squeaked out the win.

Not that this will be one of those games, but they have been known to occur. :lol:

So glad you added this. I was going to say. I don't think so.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Some Skins fans quit every season as some Eagles fans do when they exit the playoffs.

Difference is at least the Eagles make it to the playoffs. However, I find a bit of enjoyment watching them suffer each year.:lol:

It's always something...
Good luck the rest of the season because you are going to need it. Oh yeah congrats on resigning Mcnabb.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Practice squad running back. Make-shift offensive line. New defensive scheme without the correct pieces. One WR who shouldn't be in the league and the other coming out of the Intense Football League.

That's just the beginning.:lol:

I was actually surprised the Skins beat the Eagles in the first match-up.
Shanny wishes he never took this job.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Glad we had a bye to get ready for this one, huh?


I am interested to hear the stories of how this contract thing played out. If it was Shanahans idea, if he supported this, that would surprise me. I mean, this just undercuts everything that Shanahan established last summer, the team first, the earning it every day.

What I saw last night was a team that, in my view, threw their collective hands up upon hearing about the contract thinking 'all the sacrifice, all the hard work, all the focus on team and nothing has changed around here.'
