dck4shrt said:
I don't think that Americans take those labor positions because, at least partially, they are unable to make a living doing it.
Supply and demand.
Take the illegals out of the equation for a moment.
If there are no Americans who are willing to do these menial tasks for cheap prices, and there are no illegal immigrants to do it - these jobs will STILL need to be done - and you will find that the wages will..... GO UP, as if by magic.
And when the wages go up, you will find that more people are willing to "lower themselves" and do the jobs. After a suitible number of people are doing the jobs, the wages will level out, the prices will level out, and the discoverer of "market forces" relaxes happily in his grave.
On the other hand, it looks like we're in the middle of a hostile takeover by Mexico.
I say if we're going to merge with Mexico, enough pussy-footing around. Let's just absorb them, put them all to work, tax them and monitor their borders too. I'm sure there's enough resources down there for them to pay for themselves when they have decent management.
Plus it'll be nice to drive down to Acapulco or Cancun without needing a passport.