Illegal Immigrants...another view...


24/7 Single Dad
dck4shrt said:
The thought that he was a threat to us is completely off base, and playing up to the mess that we now call pre-war 'intelligence'. Get over it. He wasn't coming after us and he was hemmed in. ...
:confused: Hemmed in by whom?
I guess if we wern't friends with England, Hitler wouldn't have been a problem either.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
aps45819 said:
:confused: Hemmed in by whom?
I guess if we wern't friends with England, Hitler wouldn't have been a problem either.
You know, he was hemmed in by all of those countries that had him at gun point. He certainly wasn't deploying in the DMZ's :sarcasm:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
The alternative of having a dysfunctional nation is not much better and to date has not been worth the cost
Iraq was dysfunctional before we removed their dictator. They are just now starting to get their act together, and it's going to take some time. It aggravates me that a certain faction of our citizenry expects to take a nation that's been under dictatorial rule for so many years and just fix it over night. Iraq has been a stone age mess for several generations - how long should it take to get them straightened out?

I disagree that it hasn't been worth the cost. If you listen to or read any of the testimony in the Saddam trial - where Iraqis are telling about the atrocities committed at his command - you can't help but feel proud that we've liberated a nation from that monster.

Anyone who says Iraq was just fine before we came along needs to check their history. Iraq hasn't held free elections until just last year. Prior to that, their Presidents were chosen by coup - a group would assasinate the sitting President, then install a President of their own choosing. They literally ruled by the gun and the citizenry was at their mercy.

It can't be a coincidence that the people who supported Saddam Hussein's rule also wear Viva Che t-shirts and fawn over Fidel Castro. They are also against gun ownership for private citizens, leaving the public at the mercy of whoever DOES have the guns. These people call themselves "liberals" and "progressives". I call them something else.

And they sure do love their military dictatorships.


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PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Think about it: anyone worth a crap isn't going to want to dig in the dirt (sorry...soil) for $8/hr.

I'm crushed. :bawl:

I love playing in the dirt. :yahoo: If only the daily commute wasn't 5 hours. :lmao:


I think the cost of Iraq is well justified just by looking at the amount of resources the bad guys are having to pump into the country to oppose us. When was the last time a suicide bomber went off in Israel? How about terror operations globaly? Anyone notice things are starting to dry up a bit out there? With no inherent means of generating revenues, terror groups rely on donations, and the tracking of money makes donating to terrorists more and more dangerous for the folks who are doing it. So, the money and support is dropping, and they are throwing most of their resources into a fight that's hopeless for them (as long as Republicans stay in power). This is one of those situations like Korea in the 1950s where it's better to lose real estate and take time to gain strength, than to blow away all your resources defending what you can't defend and losing it all. The insurgents haven't learned that lesson.


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PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
You don't do what the Gude crew does, trust me :lol:

Does it qualify for TV's Dirtest Jobs? :really:

Last night they profiled "mudders" but the absolute worst I've seen was the NJ(?) sanitation sewer workers. That WAS gross! :barf:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
Does it qualify for TV's Dirtest Jobs? :really:

Last night they profiled "mudders" but the absolute worst I've seen was the NJ(?) sanitation sewer workers. That WAS gross! :barf:
I thought that was LA?


dck4shrt said:
To get back to immigration reform, I haven't seen anyone talking about what happens if it doesn't work. I haven't seen anyone talking about how much more expensive the goods and services that are provided by illegal immigrants will become if we have to regulate their jobs or kick them out, and its consequences on our economy? How much will produce go up? The cost of landscaping? The cost of maid service? If we only knew...

How many people in this country are on welfare and unemployment. Either they take the job that is offered or they have their welfare/unemployment taken away. Bet you fill all those job openings.


New Member
Vince said:
How many people in this country are on welfare and unemployment. Either they take the job that is offered or they have their welfare/unemployment taken away. Bet you fill all those job openings.

So making itty-bitty wages is going to solve the welfare problem now? Those wages are useful to the illegals because they can send the money back home and it is worth something meaningful. In the meantime, they live in substandard, crowded housing that Americans are unwilling to. I don't think that Americans take those labor positions because, at least partially, they are unable to make a living doing it.


Football season!
Vince said:
How many people in this country are on welfare and unemployment. Either they take the job that is offered or they have their welfare/unemployment taken away. Bet you fill all those job openings.

Which goes back to what I was saying earlier, if they can bring home comparable money by sitting on a couch as they would working for Gude digging in the dirt, of course they will take the stay at home option. The key thing people say, illegals do the jobs americans don't want to do. Not that they can't do it, they won't. Get rid of the illegals, start to remove the welfare option, and you're well on your way to both ridding the country of criminals, as well as lower current unemployment rates.


Bustem' Down said:
Since I have had person experience with this, I'll tell you that the majority do work and work hard. They're not over here with thier families, the wife and kids are back in Mexico and so is all of thier money. Yes, there are some that are wastes of flesh, but you have that in any culture. Most of the illegals don't commit crimes because they don't want to get caught, the criminals are the ones that are american citizens, taking advantage of the government cheese.

If I can put my two cents in here... if they are really all generally hard workers than why in the heck did they take off on a Monday to go protest. Where I come from, Monday is a work day. If they are that hard working and all, why couldn't they have planned the rally for a weekend day (folks are generally given those two days off a week). Why waste an entire work day (monday) walking around a mall protesting -- why not just proove your point on a weekend.:shrug: Aisde from disruptting and inconveniencing their place of employment by being out on Monday for this, they also disruppted many innocent hard working people (as do most idiot protestors) by doing this on a workday. I have no sympathy for those that cannot take other people into consideration and interrupt the work week with bullshiat that can wait until a weekend. My question is, if they are that hard working and work conscientious, why not do it on a weekend? I think that may have helped to proove their point that they are really "hard workers" . I'm driving home after a hard day of work reading all the signs, seeing protestors, and thinking to myself... here they are, having taken the day off to preach to me they are hard workers... I failed to see their point on Monday. Just my opinion :shrug:
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Super Genius
dck4shrt said:
So making itty-bitty wages is going to solve the welfare problem now? Those wages are useful to the illegals because they can send the money back home and it is worth something meaningful. In the meantime, they live in substandard, crowded housing that Americans are unwilling to. I don't think that Americans take those labor positions because, at least partially, they are unable to make a living doing it.
I love this line of argument...
Illegal immigrant - not only able to survive on peanuts, but has money left over to help support family in their country of origin
American - can't survive on same amount of money

Personally, I'd rather have the illegals as citizens and workers. Too bad we can't get rid of our dead wood.


ylexot said:
I love this line of argument...
Illegal immigrant - not only able to survive on peanuts, but has money left over to help support family in their country of origin
American - can't survive on same amount of money

Personally, I'd rather have the illegals as citizens and workers. Too bad we can't get rid of our dead wood.

Just to clear any misconceptions up before they arise, "dck4shrt" is not me :lol:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I love this line of argument...
Illegal immigrant - not only able to survive on peanuts, but has money left over to help support family in their country of origin
American - can't survive on same amount of money

Personally, I'd rather have the illegals as citizens and workers. Too bad we can't get rid of our dead wood.
Now there's an idea. We keep the hard working illegals and ship out the folks on welfare. Take away their citizenship and Social Security cards and give it to the illegals. :yay:


dck4shrt said:
I don't think that Americans take those labor positions because, at least partially, they are unable to make a living doing it.

Supply and demand.

Take the illegals out of the equation for a moment.

If there are no Americans who are willing to do these menial tasks for cheap prices, and there are no illegal immigrants to do it - these jobs will STILL need to be done - and you will find that the wages will..... GO UP, as if by magic.

And when the wages go up, you will find that more people are willing to "lower themselves" and do the jobs. After a suitible number of people are doing the jobs, the wages will level out, the prices will level out, and the discoverer of "market forces" relaxes happily in his grave.

On the other hand, it looks like we're in the middle of a hostile takeover by Mexico.

I say if we're going to merge with Mexico, enough pussy-footing around. Let's just absorb them, put them all to work, tax them and monitor their borders too. I'm sure there's enough resources down there for them to pay for themselves when they have decent management.

Plus it'll be nice to drive down to Acapulco or Cancun without needing a passport.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
dems4me said:
If I can put my two cents in here... if they are really all generally hard workers than why in the heck did they take off on a Monday to go protest. Where I come from, Monday is a work day. If they are that hard working and all, why couldn't they have planned the rally for a weekend day (folks are generally given those two days off a week). Why waste an entire work day (monday) walking around a mall protesting -- why not just proove your point on a weekend.:shrug: Aisde from disruptting and inconveniencing their place of employment by being out on Monday for this, they also disruppted many innocent hard working people (as do most idiot protestors) by doing this on a workday. I have no sympathy for those that cannot take other people into consideration and interrupt the work week with bullshiat that can wait until a weekend. My question is, if they are that hard working and work conscientious, why not do it on a weekend? I think that may have helped to proove their point that they are really "hard workers" . I'm driving home after a hard day of work reading all the signs, seeing protestors, and thinking to myself... here they are, having taken the day off to preach to me they are hard workers... I failed to see their point on Monday. Just my opinion :shrug:
What about all of the legal hard working citizens who rallied also? I guess them missing work is ok then and disrupting other having to work.. I reject your 2 cents.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Toxick said:
Supply and demand.

Take the illegals out of the equation for a moment.

If there are no Americans who are willing to do these menial tasks for cheap prices, and there are no illegal immigrants to do it - these jobs will STILL need to be done - and you will find that the wages will..... GO UP, as if by magic.

And when the wages go up, you will find that more people are willing to "lower themselves" and do the jobs. After a suitible number of people are doing the jobs, the wages will level out, the prices will level out, and the discoverer of "market forces" relaxes happily in his grave.
Don't forget that when the wages go up, the cost for said services will go up. Services will not be used as much with a higher price and companies will be forced to lay off workers who will go on unemployment.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Don't forget that when the wages go up, the cost for said services will go up. Services will not be used as much with a higher price and companies will be forced to lay off workers who will go on unemployment.

Agreed. That's one of the things they aren't talking about. How much will it cost us, both in taxes/debt and in expenses/hit to our economy. I could really care less if there are Mexicans here or not trying to make better for themselves, but I will care if its going to cost me a lot of money.