I'm not a religious person, but damn, Olympics.....


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Statement regarding the opening ceremonies by 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗯𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗩𝗶𝗴𝗮𝗻 an excerpt for those interested.

“The opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games have given scandal, not only because of the arrogant display of the ugly and the obscene, but because of the infernal subversion of Good and Evil, the insane claim to be able to blaspheme and desecrate everything, even what is most sacred, in the name of an ideology of death, ugliness, and lies that defies Christ and scandalizes those who recognize Him as Lord and God. It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig. It is the reign of mystification, of falsehood, of fiction erected as a totem, in which man is disfigured precisely because he was created in the image and likeness of God.”



Well-Known Member
I think - with the exception of the 96 Olympics - I haven’t watched them since the Miracle on Ice (and being only about 50 miles from Lake Placid at the time - wished I’d gone).

It just no longer has the East-West vibe it had. The free world vs. communism. The amateurs of the West against the trained-since-birth paid athletes of the East.

Just dull now.
I'm finding Rugby kind of fun! Never saw it before.... I really had fun watching two games.



PREMO Member
The legal watchdog Judicial Watch filed a complaint on Monday with the Federal Communications Commission against NBC for airing an “obscene and indecent” Olympic opening ceremony skit that some say mocked the Last Supper.

The group said the skit included a man exposing himself during the ceremony watched by millions, including children.

The French Catholic Church hit the opening ceremonies because they “included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity.”

“NBC and its various stations/outlets on TV, cable and internet carried (and continues to make available) the Olympics Opening Ceremony on July 26, which included an adult male purposefully exposing (himself) in the presence of a child/children. This content is both obscene and indecent and, to make matters worse, it was aired during viewing hours when it was likely seen by millions of children and minors,” the complaint said.

Many were critical of the skit and said it mocked Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Last Supper.



Well-Known Member
Whether or not it depicted "The last Supper" can be considered irrelevant when you consider it was just totally gross on it's own .
It was the dumbest opening for an Olympics in the history of the Olympics.
What a nasty gathering of sick perverts.


Well-Known Member
FOUR days of competition...excitement, rivals, endurance....and I have skipped all of it. Intentionally.
Advertisers: Learn to screen a mass spectacle...and determine if it will hurt their market. Right now: I want them to sting.

Your brand must not be connected with incidents/rhetoric that insult your consumers.
Ben & Jerry...
Screw you...I want you to financially collapse.
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Well-Known Member
FOUR days of competition...excitement, rivals, endurance....and I have skipped all of it. Intentionally.
Advertisers: Learn to screen a mass specticle...and determine if it will hurt their market. Right now: I want them to sting.

Your brand must not be connected with incidents/rhetoric that insult your consumers.
Ben & Jerry...
Screw you...I want you to financially collapse.

But i thought you were against cancel culture?