I'm not a religious person, but damn, Olympics.....


Well-Known Member
But i thought you were against cancel culture?
Does CC include Boycotts?...not reserved to just digging up 15 year old tweets and public shaming? Hmmm,...past conduct against your consumers should impact their purchasing behavior. So,...if you have broadened the definition of CC...I would offer a partial acceptance of it.
However, patching together disparate comments...using innuendo, AI creations---just to destroy a person's reputation or a business...That crosses the threshold of decency.


Well-Known Member
Does CC include Boycotts?...not reserved to just digging up 15 year old tweets and public shaming? Hmmm,...past conduct against your consumers should impact their purchasing behavior. So,...if you have broadened the definition of CC...I would offer a partial acceptance of it.
However, patching together disparate comments...using innuendo, AI creations---just to destroy a person's reputation or a business...That crosses the threshold of decency.

Cancel culture is literally boycotting something because you don't agree with something they said or did.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Cancel culture is literally boycotting something because you don't agree with something they said or did.
Geezeus... Dont' have another meltdown Karen!

If you don't like it, make up for the boycott and spend double, triple or quadruple there to make up the difference. :jet:


Well-Known Member
Cancel culture is literally boycotting something because you don't agree with something they said or did.
Outright falsehood right here folks....

"Boycotting" is to show one's displeasure or disagreement by NOT engaging that entity at all. Not buying a product. Not speaking with a person.

Cancel culture is when angry people or mobs of people fish up any excuse or evidence they disagree with in order to get someone fired or lose their ability to profit from an endeavour.

They are NOT even remotely the same!


Well-Known Member
Outright falsehood right here folks....

"Boycotting" is to show one's displeasure or disagreement by NOT engaging that entity at all. Not buying a product. Not speaking with a person.

Cancel culture is when angry people or mobs of people fish up any excuse or evidence they disagree with in order to get someone fired or lose their ability to profit from an endeavour.

They are NOT even remotely the same!

Wrong as usual


Well-Known Member


  1. withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
    "we will boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme"

    abstain from
    stay away from
    steer clear of
    give a wide berth to
    refuse to take part in
    turn one's back on
    have nothing to do with
    wash one's hands of
    place an embargo on

    approve of

  1. a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods.

    But you are right... those damned dictionary definitions aren't gonna be the boss of you! :killingme


Well-Known Member
AND... for clarity....

cancel culture​


: the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure
For those of you who aren't aware, cancel culture refers to the mass withdrawal of support from public figures or celebrities who have done things that aren't socially accepted today. This practice of "canceling" or mass shaming often occurs on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Boycotting does NOT include "exerting social pressures" or "mass shaming."
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Well-Known Member
AND... for clarity....

cancel culture​


: the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure
For those of you who aren't aware, cancel culture refers to the mass withdrawal of support from public figures or celebrities who have done things that aren't socially accepted today. This practice of "canceling" or mass shaming often occurs on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Boycotting does NOT include "exerting social pressures" or "mass shaming."

Only an idiot can't understand they are one and the same.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Both are means of punishing someone or something you don't like or agree with for their stance or their statements.
Didn't you learn childish games don't get you your way when you were five?

Your parents should be ashamed.


Well-Known Member
Both are means of punishing someone or something you don't like or agree with for their stance or their statements.
Careful, you might sprain an ankle back pedaling that fast!

Joe Biden Falling GIF by GIPHY News


Well-Known Member
Both are means of punishing someone or something you don't like or agree with for their stance or their statements.

And one is Boycotting. The other is Cancel Culture. They are NOT the same thing.

Explaining to a child that they are wrong for doing something and calling them dumb and yelling at them often achieve the same results BUT, they are NOT the same.