I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


They're out to get us
What did I spell wrong dummy?
Again, since you are not saved, you wouldn't understand why some of the OT is no longer used.
You can't even see how the OT books that YOU read speak of the Messiah that you "know it alls" missed entirely. That's why you're still waiting for yours. Rock on kid!

:lmao: Yeah, Jews missed him when he was right there in front of their faces showing off. Almost nobody believed it was him til hundreds of years later when Constantine (or whatever his name was) had his empire convert on his death bed. Once you have the most powerful army in the world pushing an idea, more people will believe it. Obviously when the people who actually witnessed everything saw it, they just thought it was voodoo. Ok buddy :yay: I can tell you, if I saw someone perform impossible miracles and say they were God I'd be like "where can ya sign me up?" Jews believe he was a prophet, but not the messiah. I don't think he met the qualifications. The messiah was supposed to change things. He came and went with nothing changing. Is Judaism necessarily right? I don't know if any religion is. But I can tell you for as many discrepancies there are in my religion, there are probably just as many in yours. Most of yours can easily be traced to the Dark Ages and the corrupt church. :smile:

And for what you spelled wrong, there is a difference between "its" and "it's" making them two totally separate words. At least that's what I recall from memory.


Harley Rider
So if there is only one truth, then even each sect of Christianity is competing against each other, no? How did you come to your beliefs? Did you look through each and every religion when you were old enough to decide what you thought was the correct religion, or were you spoonfed something from birth and decided that you were born under the absolutely correct religion and you must be right and everyone else is absolutely positively wrong. How did you come to this realization? Did Jesus come to you and say "you are of the correct religion, my son. Praise you! You are going to heaven!" or something like that? Or are you going solely based on blind faith and stories from ancient times that may or may not be correct?
And another thing, only one God...ok, so is Jesus not a God? Explain this holy trinity (and Catholics with the praying to different saints) if there is only supposed to be 1 deity and no others. Just confuses me, but I'm ignorant of such things :shrug:
Good question, (surprisingly). Yes, many of the church's are competing with each other that's why there are so many denominations (sadly). Pride and other reasons created them. Denominations are really divisions in Christianity but the real truth doesn't change and still stands.
I was raised Catholic and left there when I was 17. I went into the world and lived a life of "excesses" for 17 years. One night in 1989 I heard God calling me out of it and I decided to check Him out. After intense research and many undeniable experiences, I decided that Christianity was the real thing. After more learning, I am now fully convinced.
The Trinity is One God, 3 beings. Just like your family are all named Beta's (humor me here), but there is more than one being. Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit are 3 distinct beings but all 3 are the same God. Praying to the saints is wrong, disrespectful and a sin by the way but that's another thread.


New Member
One night in 1989 I heard God calling me out of it and I decided to check Him out.

dude .... that was me.

I was just goofing around

I didn't think you'd take it seriously.


alternately, you heard a voice and it told you to act like a pompous ####### and pretend like you're better than everyone else, all the while making up 'facts' in your noggin and presenting them as truth?

next time you hear that voice, ignore it.
Last edited:


They're out to get us
Good question, (surprisingly). Yes, many of the church's are competing with each other that's why there are so many denominations (sadly). Pride and other reasons created them. Denominations are really divisions in Christianity but the real truth doesn't change and still stands.
I was raised Catholic and left there when I was 17. I went into the world and lived a life of "excesses" for 17 years. One night in 1989 I heard God calling me out of it and I decided to check Him out. After intense research and many undeniable experiences, I decided that Christianity was the real thing. After more learning, I am now fully convinced.
The Trinity is One God, 3 beings. Just like your family are all named Beta's (humor me here), but there is more than one being. Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit are 3 distinct beings but all 3 are the same God. Praying to the saints is wrong, disrespectful and a sin by the way but that's another thread.

How can 3 different beings all be the same God? And does that mean Catholics are going to hell?


I just wanted to say Merry Christmas. I didn't want to offend anyone.:jameo::frown:

And just because I don't believe in other religions I'm not going to force it on someone else. Everyone has their own beliefs and I respect that.


Harley Rider
I think you're the only one doing that here.
I'm working hard at it so leave me alone! :1bdz:
:lmao: Yeah, Jews missed him when he was right there in front of their faces showing off. Almost nobody believed it was him til hundreds of years later when Constantine (or whatever his name was) had his empire convert on his death bed. Once you have the most powerful army in the world pushing an idea, more people will believe it. Obviously when the people who actually witnessed everything saw it, they just thought it was voodoo. Ok buddy :yay: I can tell you, if I saw someone perform impossible miracles and say they were God I'd be like "where can ya sign me up?" Jews believe he was a prophet, but not the messiah. I don't think he met the qualifications. The messiah was supposed to change things. He came and went with nothing changing. Is Judaism necessarily right? I don't know if any religion is. But I can tell you for as many discrepancies there are in my religion, there are probably just as many in yours. Most of yours can easily be traced to the Dark Ages and the corrupt church. :smile:
And for what you spelled wrong, there is a difference between "its" and "it's" making them two totally separate words. At least that's what I recall from memory.
Good grief I missed an apostrophe...hang me :smack:
MANY people saw Jesus and believed in Him. What about you ancestors? They saw Him do everything from raising the dead to walking on water to even ascending into Heaven and they did not believe. What was their problem? You said voodoo, Jesus said it's caused by a hardened heart. And your Torah and book of Isaiah CLEARLY and often speak of Jesus as the Messiah so why won't you accept it?
How can you say "He was supposed to change things and nothing changed"? He changed the entire world and still is. Whether you believe it or not is not a shortcoming on God's part but I would like to know what you think His qulaifications were supposed to be....


They're out to get us
I'm working hard at it so leave me alone! :1bdz:

Good grief I missed an apostrophe...hang me :smack:
MANY people saw Jesus and believed in Him. What about you ancestors? They saw Him do everything from raising the dead to walking on water to even ascending into Heaven and they did not believe. What was their problem? You said voodoo, Jesus said it's caused by a hardened heart. And your Torah and book of Isaiah CLEARLY and often speak of Jesus as the Messiah so why won't you accept it?
How can you say "He was supposed to change things and nothing changed"? He changed the entire world and still is. Whether you believe it or not is not a shortcoming on God's part but I would like to know what you think His qulaifications were supposed to be....

You added an apostrophe, actually.

How do you know he did all that stuff? Did you see it? The books written from your religion were from the small following of people that believed it. Remember, Christianity was VERY small until Constantine, a few hundred years later. Judea was jewish and still is a heavily jewish area. That's the place where it all supposedly happened. How come the one area where it happened is one of the places that still doesn't believe?

Just a couple of quick examples I could grab from wikipedia about the Messiah...
Traditional thought and current Orthodox thought has mainly held that the Messiah will be an anointed one (messiah), descended from his father through the Davidic line of King David, who will gather the Jews back into the Land of Israel and usher in an era of peace.

Other denominations, such as Reform Judaism, perceive a Messianic Age when the world will be at peace, but do not agree that there will be a Messiah as the leader of this era.

Where's the peace? Judea was continually attacked and assaulted. There hasn't been peace. Still no peace. Heck, they're talking about the world ending in what, 2012? That's not very peaceful.

As for your claim about the book of Isaiah, not only was it written prior to Jesus's birth, but here's something helpful for you...
Chapters 24-34, while too complex to characterize easily, are primarily concerned with prophecies of a "Messiah," a person anointed or given power by God, and of the Messiah's kingdom, where justice and righteousness will reign. This section is seen by Jews as describing an actual king, a descendant of their great king, David, who will make Judah a great kingdom and Jerusalem a truly holy city. It is traditionally seen by Christians as describing Jesus, who was, according to Hebrew genealogical records from Jerusalem, descended from David, and who will return to make a true Theocracy. A number of modern scholars believe that it describes, in somewhat idealized terms, King Hezekiah, who was a descendant of David, and who tried to make Jerusalem into a holy city.

For someone who claims to be pretty well versed in all of this stuff when you went to make your decision, you don't seem to know much beyond your own specific views.

Hope that helps :yay:


Harley Rider
dude .... that was me.

I was just goofing around

I didn't think you'd take it seriously.

alternately, you heard a voice and it told you to act like a pompous ####### and pretend like you're better than everyone else, all the while making up 'facts' in your noggin and presenting them as truth?

next time you hear that voice, ignore it.
How did you get into my house?
It might look pompous to you but since you can't see, I understand.
How can 3 different beings all be the same God? And does that mean Catholics are going to hell?
You missed what I said. One more time:
Mr Beta, Mrs Beta, and baby beta. Ok so far?
3 people, one name "Beta". 3 people, all 3 called God. Any better?
And no, not all Catholics are going to hell but just because you call yourself a Catholic or Baptist or even Christian for that matter doesn't guarantee you a seat in Heaven. Only those who follow and do the will of the only true God will get there.


They're out to get us
How did you get into my house?
It might look pompous to you but since you can't see, I understand.

You missed what I said. One more time:
Mr Beta, Mrs Beta, and baby beta. Ok so far?
3 people, one name "Beta". 3 people, all 3 called God. Any better?
And no, not all Catholics are going to hell but just because you call yourself a Catholic or Baptist or even Christian for that matter doesn't guarantee you a seat in Heaven. Only those who follow and do the will of the only true God will get there.

So what you're saying is there are 3 different beings that are a "family" and the "family" is called "God", so you're justifying the fact that you only worship one "God" and not multiple gods because you just call it the "God" family? So is it Mr. God, Kid God, and Grandpa/Dead God? :confused:


Free to Fly
I remember when it was called "Christmas" break and "Easter" break too. I've said Merry Christmas all my life but I've found myself adding "Enjoy your Holiday" to our customers. Nobody has acted offended so far & I don't feel that I am doing a disservice to God by saying that.


Harley Rider
How do you know he did all that stuff? Did you see it? The books written from your religion were from the small following of people that believed it. Remember, Christianity was VERY small until Constantine, a few hundred years later. Judea was jewish and still is a heavily jewish area. That's the place where it all supposedly happened. How come the one area where it happened is one of the places that still doesn't believe?
Just a couple of quick examples I could grab from wikipedia about the Messiah...
Where's the peace? Judea was continually attacked and assaulted. There hasn't been peace. Still no peace. Heck, they're talking about the world ending in what, 2012? That's not very peaceful.
As for your claim about the book of Isaiah, not only was it written prior to Jesus's birth, but here's something helpful for you...
For someone who claims to be pretty well versed in all of this stuff when you went to make your decision, you don't seem to know much beyond your own specific views.
Of course I didn't see it. DUH!
How can you say I don't know much when you use wikipedia for your source?
Besides, I don't need to know all about the OT as much as I do the NT. It's like this: I only need to know the final score of the Redskins game. I don't need to know what they did in the first 3 quarters because ultimately they lost. :lmao:
Isaiah 7, 10, 11, 42, 52, 53 speak of Jesus clearly.
The issue of peace was a falsehood back then because Jesus Himself said; "I come not to bring peace but a sword". Peace wouldn't come until later because of the Jews lack of faith in Him. I think we need to get back onto the Merry Christmas topic.


Harley Rider
So what you're saying is there are 3 different beings that are a "family" and the "family" is called "God", so you're justifying the fact that you only worship one "God" and not multiple gods because you just call it the "God" family? So is it Mr. God, Kid God, and Grandpa/Dead God? :confused:
Sort of. I definitely worship only one God in "essence". I worship 3 beings but not 3 Gods. It's hard to understand so don't freak over it but the Bible says there is one God revealed in 3 beings so I accept it.
Another way to look at it is one "what" and 3 "who's".


They're out to get us
Of course I didn't see it. DUH!
How can you say I don't know much when you use wikipedia for your source?
Besides, I don't need to know all about the OT as much as I do the NT. It's like this: I only need to know the final score of the Redskins game. I don't need to know what they did in the first 3 quarters because ultimately they lost. :lmao:
Isaiah 7, 10, 11, 42, 52, 53 speak of Jesus clearly.
The issue of peace was a falsehood back then because Jesus Himself said; "I come not to bring peace but a sword". Peace wouldn't come until later because of the Jews lack of faith in Him. I think we need to get back onto the Merry Christmas topic.

Except you're still in the game...and you don't know what the final score is gonna be. Nobody does. Unless you're telling me that in the 3rd quarter of the Skins game you figured out the final result. THAT would be impressive. But otherwise, I'm not buyin that you know the exact answer and can be ever so sure that you can tell everyone else they are without a doubt wrong. I only used wiki for quotes of stuff I already knew. It's just easier to use a source.

And yes, your Jesus guy said he brang a sword. That's a direct conflict with the Jewish ideology of the messiah. Stop using stuff in your new testament to try to argue the old testament. That's the entire reason why they are two separate religions. It says something in the new because it disagrees with the old.

Back to your other comment though...I would call a family of Betas as "The Betas" or "The Beta family" and not "The Beta" or just "Beta". Doesn't make sense. If it's more than 1 entity it's plural, unless it's multiple personality disorder...but then it's just 1 entity with many personalities.


They're out to get us
Sort of. I definitely worship only one God in "essence". I worship 3 beings but not 3 Gods. It's hard to understand so don't freak over it but the Bible says there is one God revealed in 3 beings so I accept it.
Another way to look at it is one "what" and 3 "who's".

So you worship 3 separate entities. Got it.