Goofing_Off said:
Well, this question is not answerable. First, since I am not God, I cannot begin to tell you why God does things the way He does them ....
Vria - yes of course I took science and biology growing up but after all, wasn’t that too penned by man? I just don't see how people can say God is something man created and yet lay soo much stock in scientific analysis and theory. To me that is something that man clearly penned and created more so than the Bible - if X equals Y in scientific analysis... that’s because man made it in theory for X to equal Y. Man also came up with scientific anaysis and reasoning. :shrug: So if the Bible is penned by man and the science and biology facts are penned by man... sometimes you just have to go with your heart.
Eitherway, I think we will have to agree to disagree on whether there is a Christ or not. I just don't see how people can say atoms and molecules were floating around haphazardly all these years and created people... molecules and atoms do still exist in today’s day and age too... correct? Why wouldn't they still be floating around banging into each other and still creating people or half versions of people, mixing ducks with gorilla's, creating things that grow in the water that turn into a walking man eventually, or better yet still have half ape and half man creatures walking around.
Where are these half staged people? Where’s the scientific proof they even existed? More significantly, where are they now in today’s day and age? After all there's still atoms, molecules, lakes and plankton, etc. all around us ?
What is it that makes a man think right from wrong, gives man a set of morals and a form conscientiousness? To me, its just something in your heart. Although still life forms, -- bugs, plants and some other living things don’t have a conscientious - there’s something in the human being that sets us apart from apes and I don’t believe it was a just a fluke, stroke of luck, combination of atoms and molecules slamming around the atmosphere that gave us a heart, also instincts in animals, brains in humans, bodies replete with central nervous systems, emotions, different fingerprints for everyone, different thoughts and ideas, etc I just don't buy into the atom and molecule theory or that we evolved from apes. :shrug:
When its all said and done, I know there's a God and a Jesus, just like I know there are 5 fingers on my hand. I don't sit around contemplating it and recounting and recounting and recounting and further recounting the fingers on my hand to invalidate or contradict what I know to be true , just the same as I don’t sit around trying to negate all the truths of all my generations of my family wrong, millions of other Christians and their families wrong... truth is... I’m just not that darned special or smarter than them and it would be ridiculous to think that I was the “enlightened” one after centuries and centuries of Christian doctrine and Truth that still applies today..:shrug: What I find absolutely amazing is that if you ask the Lord to speak to your heart and open a Bible and start reading -- it talks to my heart - just the same as it did for the Apostles some 2000 years ago and early Christians. After all this time, the Word of the Lord still applies to daily life, in spite of all the changes that has happened all around us over the years.
I strongly and unwaveringly believe in the God of the Bible and that the Word of God is the Bible. This is why we have to agree to disagree on this issue. :shrug: There's nothing that anyone can tell me that will make me distrust my faith in the slightest or give me any reservations to my belief in God. The same for the girl that got killed at Columbine for not denying her Christianity, its something that she just new in her heart to be real and true, I don’t think she was setting out to be a martyr she was just standing by her faith and convictions and what’s truly deep down in her heart and soul. :shrug:
I've seen the glory of God and will continue to choose to walk down that path. Truth is, when its all said and done, and all the facts are laid on the table, from science to Christianity to Buddhism, to Muslim beliefs, to crossbows or pagan shrines, its just something you know and believe in your heart. If you want the Lord in your heart, ask him to enter your
heart :shrug: “ask and He shall enter”
Have a safe a blessed day!
Love ya’
