I'm wondering...


[Quote-vraiblonde]Why are there no transitional fossils at all?
There are plenty of transitional fossils on record.[/Quote]

Name one that is a scientific fact.


Tonio said:
My point isn't about the scientific merits of evolution. My point is, you seem to imply that the evolutionary hypothesis is incompatible with Christianity. I don't see why they shouldn't be compatible, unless you interpret Genesis literally. As far as I can tell, the central teaching of Christianity (Jesus' redemption of humankind) has nothing to do with whether plants and animals were created in six days or evolved over billions of years.

It does when talking about the concept of sin. The crux of the debate lies in the dilemma that if there the story of Adam and Eve is simply a myth and we evolved from Neanderthals, then the Fall of Man never occurred, per se, hence Original sin did not originate from Adam and therefore we aren't accountable to God for our sins. Any teaching of the redemption through Jesus Christ is therefore moot.


Dondi said:
It does when talking about the concept of sin. The crux of the debate lies in the dilemma that if there the story of Adam and Eve is simply a myth and we evolved from Neanderthals, then the Fall of Man never occurred, per se, hence Original sin did not originate from Adam and therefore we aren't accountable to God for our sins. Any teaching of the redemption through Jesus Christ is therefore moot.
That's just silly. Why can't we belive that Adam and Eve were hairy people?


Kain99 said:
That's just silly. Why can't we belive that Adam and Eve were hairy people?

I guess my point is that when did the first real humans appear? Were they Homo Sapiens, Neaderthal,Cro-Magnon, Lucy? Where does the "animal" end and human begin? There is supposedly 5 million years of human evolution. When would God have said, OK, these are the first real humans, named Adam and Eve?


Asperger's Poster Child
Dondi said:
It does when talking about the concept of sin. The crux of the debate lies in the dilemma that if there the story of Adam and Eve is simply a myth and we evolved from Neanderthals, then the Fall of Man never occurred, per se, hence Original sin did not originate from Adam and therefore we aren't accountable to God for our sins. Any teaching of the redemption through Jesus Christ is therefore moot.
Not all Christians interpret everything in the Bible literally. For theological purposes, does it really matter how Original Sin originated?

In other threads, I've expressed my personal objections to the Original Sin doctrine. In my view, OS implies that sin is inherent in humankind and that humans are evil and worthless. And even the word "sin" is confusing to me, because it also means forbidden actions like theft and adultery. It doesn't seem right or logical that a person could refrain from sinful actions for a lifetime and still be considered evil and worthless because of inherent sin. It's like the system is gamed against humans no matter what we do. That's one reason I feel that Christian doctrine portrays God as impossible to please. Despite Christians' statements to the contrary, it seems to me like Christianity often portrays God's love as conditional.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Bad example....., molecules and atoms etc. can haphazzardly come together to form a lifeform that evolves into man who builds the computer....Plastic pieces cannot.
What's ironic about your statement is that this is the very definition of "spontaneous generation," which I believe was disproven as a scientific theory, through experimentation, several hundred years ago. To you, then, this theory should have indisputedly been proven false.

It's interesting how one can believe that inanimate matter can spontaneously and randomly combine to form living things, yet this same inanimate matter cannot spontaneously and randomly combine to form non-living things.


New Member
Goofing_Off said:
What's ironic about your statement is that this is the very definition of "spontaneous generation," which I believe was disproven as a scientific theory, through experimentation, several hundred years ago. To you, then, this theory should have indisputedly been proven false.

It's interesting how one can believe that inanimate matter can spontaneously and randomly combine to form living things, yet this same inanimate matter cannot spontaneously and randomly combine to form non-living things.
Sure it can.... different substances are combined naturally all the time forming non-living things. Clouds & storms for example.... Why do you keep going off on tangents??

Several hundred years ago?? You mean back when science was cutting edge?? :lol:

Again no one except Vrai has attempted to answer my question.
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New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
My you seem to think you know a lot about me. I don't have the kind of faith you think I do. That's a fact.
You have unwavering faith in science, as you've indicated over and over again in this thread.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Sure it can.... different substances are combined naturally all the time forming non-living things. Clouds & storms for example.... Why do you keep going off on tangents??

Several hundred years ago?? You mean back when science was cutting edge?? :lol:

Again no one except Vrai has attempted to answer my question.
I'm not going off on a tangent; I'm responding directly to a statement you have made. I'm not sure that the cloud or storm analogy is correct, though, because a cloud is merely a collection of water vapor. It's not like two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom came together spontaneously to form the cloud.

Just because a scientific experiment took place several hundred years ago does not invalidate it; all the science you trust today was developed upon the science that preceded it.

You'll have to remind me; what exactly was the single question you were looking to have answered?


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
I know it's not directed at me G. This is an interesting and friendly debate. I respect your beliefs and am sharing mine and why I believe what I do. Here are some reasons for my position:

Why would a being so great and powerful, so loving and caring, so wonderful say to a small fraction of the planet;

"Follow me, preach my teachings, worship me and if you do, when you die I will bring you to "my house" (heaven) the most glorius place you've ever seen. Now, I'm going to put you on this planet, I'm going to create pain, suffering, torture, sickness, some humans will never even hear of me, yet if you do not believe, you cannot get into heaven." Why would a being do this??

Why wouldn't he do this instead;

"Ok humans, I am God!!! I am great, powerful, loving and caring. I created the universe and I can take you out!! I'm going to put you on earth with wonderful living conditions, love, peace and friendship amongst all mankind. I will be visible in the sky to everyone!!! I will walk this planet with you. If you need something, just ask and you shall have it!! And guess what!! I saved the best part for last. You're going to enjoy this AWESOME life here for about 80 years at which time I am going to take you to an even better place....heaven!!!" All I ask for in return is that you worship me, pray to me and love me. Spread my word to your offspring and you will know euphoria!!

"Now humans there is a catch!! I have these 10 rules here. If any of you breaks them, you will go to one of two other places I created. Purgatory or hell!! I will decide based on the severity of your crime. You will experience the horrors and pain of fire for a duration that I will decide!! The choice is yours.

That's MY interpretation of a God. And remember, I'm not argueing that there is no God, only that I require proof.

Well, this question is not answerable. First, since I am not God, I cannot begin to tell you why God does things the way He does them. Second, you're applying human logic to why God should or shouldn't be doing things. I cannot understand God completely. I cannot even understand everything that occurs in this material world, so why would I expect to be able to understand its Creator? If I could completely understand God, then indeed He would not be God, since this simple human could comprehend Him.

Finally, you greatly oversimplify the tenents of the Christian faith. I'm sorry, but I don't exactly have the time to try to spell it all out right at the moment. Greater men than I have spent their whole lives doing just that, and I have spent my whole life learning about it.

I'm really not trying to be snide or to avoid your question, but part of faith is the ability to accept mysteries. There's no way I could begin to explain things to you to your satisfaction, so I'd rather just admit that and move on.


New Member
Homesick said:
This one: This was answered. But he does not "see" so therefore he cannot or will not accept the answer.
See Homesick, you are the type I refer to... The "God says so", "He's there you just don't believe" types. You have no credibility!! Answer the question directly!! You cannot, therefore you have not!!


New Member
Goofing_Off said:
Well, this question is not answerable. I'm really not trying to be snide or to avoid your question, but part of faith is the ability to accept mysteries. There's no way I could begin to explain things to you to your satisfaction, so I'd rather just admit that and move on.
FINALLY!!! A straight and honest response!! Kudos to you Goofing Off!! I have the utmost respect for you. Thank you!!! :high5:

Homesick, you can learn from Goofing Off!! He has credibility!!


New Member
Homesick said:
Too, Mike, I meant how could you accept that answer. You want visual proof. You want to see Him yourself. Therefore if we say "only God knows", then really how could your question ever be answered by people, it would have to come from God Himself. So why do you ask us, most sure you already knew that.
You're getting jumbled up here..... the fact that I want to see him is because I require proof. Has nothing to do with my question.

Regarding my question, instead of pages of posts trying to convince me He exists, you all should have simply responded like G. O. did; "We don't know." :shrug:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
I'm agnostic and I always ask those who tell me I'm going to hell or purgatory for not believing; "What about the people living in tree tops along the Amazon? Why does God make them burn when they never even heard of Him??" I always get the deer in the headlight look.... :shrug:
I'm a "little" behind in this thread, but I am convinced when I see posts like this that people don't read what is posted in the Religion forum; they just come here to argue. I won't accommodate them.

If you are really interested in an answer to "Why does God make them burn when they never even heard of Him??", try reading some of my posts. You will find that your statement is not true. If you are not interested enough to search for the answer, then I know you are not really interested, and I will not bother answering further posts from you regard the subject of Christianity.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
You're getting jumbled up here..... the fact that I want to see him is because I require proof. Has nothing to do with my question.

Regarding my question, instead of pages of posts trying to convince me He exists, you all should have simply responded like G. O. did; "We don't know." :shrug:
I would just like the clarify that in every one of my posts, I was not trying to convince you that God exists. Only you can convince yourself of that. I was simply trying to show you the flaws that I see in your logic that prevent you from believing in God. I don't think I was able to do that, but I made my attempt, in what I hope you recognize was a good spirit.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I'm a "little" behind in this thread, but I am convinced when I see posts like this that people don't read what is posted in the Religion forum; they just come here to argue. I won't accommodate them.
Mikeinsmd, If you are really interested in an answer to "Why does God make them burn when they never even heard of Him??", try reading some of my posts. You will find that your statement is not true. If you are not interested enough to search for the answer, then I know you are not really interested, and I will not bother answering further posts from you regard the subject of Christianity.
I don't recall directly asking you a question. When and if I ever have a question for you, I will address you specifically. And you are correct, I'm not that interested. I saw a thread and decided to participate. I didn't come here to argue. Read the entire thread before making such a comment.

A post in this thread:
Mikeinsmd said:
I saw an opportunity to chime into a debate and took it. It is a debate. A fun, friendly debate (the best kind).
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