Internet dating...


julz20684 said:
I agree with you, I too have met "in the normal way" great friends. But what about for the sole purpose of dating?
Frankly, I've never tried it. Maybe I should?! :shrug:


Vince said:
Frankly, I've never tried it. Maybe I should?! :shrug:
Go for it.:yay:

First you should get some pointers. I will start it off and other guys will chip in.

1. If a chick says she has a "Big heart" that means it is matched by an even bigger ass.

2. If a chick says "I want someone who will love me for me" that means she is so scary puppies yelp and run when she looks at them.

3. In Maine "Healthy/slightly overweight" means "I played middle linebacker for the New England Patriots for 2 years".

4. "I love long walks on the beach" really means "I'm boring".

5. "I love romance" means "I am high maintenance".

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
julz20684 said:
I agree with you, I too have met "in the normal way" great friends. But what about for the sole purpose of dating?

Why not? As long as you are careful and selective, it shouldn't be a problem.

I've considered it as the type of person I want in my life is not someone I will likely run across in my normal travels. If nothing else, I might make a new friend or two along the way. :shrug:


New Member
Pete said:
Go for it.:yay:

First you should get some pointers. I will start it off and other guys will chip in.

1. If a chick says she has a "Big heart" that means it is matched by an even bigger ass.

2. If a chick says "I want someone who will love me for me" that means she is so scary puppies yelp and run when she looks at them.

3. In Maine "Healthy/slightly overweight" means "I played middle linebacker for the New England Patriots for 2 years".

4. "I love long walks on the beach" really means "I'm boring".

5. "I love romance" means "I am high maintenance".

You are full of poop..:lol:
If a guy says you must be flexible it means you must do what ever he wants and not have a thought.

My faves are the guys with pictures that are from 5-10 years ago :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
:burning: you HAD to bring him up :lmao: he's back out there with the same picture of him with teeth :lol:

How could I ever FORGET? I still chuckle every time I think about it. :lmao:


Pete said:
Go for it.:yay:

First you should get some pointers. I will start it off and other guys will chip in.

1. If a chick says she has a "Big heart" that means it is matched by an even bigger ass.

2. If a chick says "I want someone who will love me for me" that means she is so scary puppies yelp and run when she looks at them.

3. In Maine "Healthy/slightly overweight" means "I played middle linebacker for the New England Patriots for 2 years".

4. "I love long walks on the beach" really means "I'm boring".

5. "I love romance" means "I am high maintenance".


Maybe I should get you to write my profile :ohwell:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
The way he slurped his drink through his gums still makes me cringe :yikes:

:twitch: Your experiences I think are the only thing holding me back from trying the internet dating thing. :lol: :jameo:


morganj614 said:
You are full of poop..:lol:
If a guy says you must be flexible it means you must do what ever he wants and not have a thought.

My faves are the guys with pictures that are from 5-10 years ago :lmao:

:yeahthat: Just for the record I have a big heart but dont' have a big azz :lol:

Also, if a guy says "laid back" means he doesn't have a job and no real intention of finding one :yay:

And a guy that says "down to earth" means he wears no deodorant... met one last year and was stuck on a boat with him all day within feet until I jumped overboard (frequently) :barf:


morganj614 said:
You are full of poop..:lol:
If a guy says you must be flexible it means you must do what ever he wants and not have a thought.

My faves are the guys with pictures that are from 5-10 years ago :lmao:
I had one of those dates!

Browsed the ads and met 4 or 5 that were total losers so I made an oath not to answer any without pics. I found one and she looked nice, sounded nice, so I said BINGO. Conversed via email for a week or so and set up a date.

I got there a little early and was standing at the bar. Pretty soon this enormous chick walked up and said "Pete?" I say "Yes" she says "I am SoandSo" I go :yikes:

In the pic she looked about 150lbs or so, not tiny, not big, just average. The female standing in front of me smiling and gazing at me like I was a pork chop was every bit of 5'-6", 350lbs.

Me not being an ass, despite the kramer I will no doubt get for this story, just went with it and did not visibly show the total disgust and anger I was feeling. So we go to the table and order. I am doing my best at the chit chat thing. Finally, the feeling of betrayal gets to me and I tactfully say "You know when you walked in I didn't recognise you. You don't look like your picture". I immediately avert my eyes back down to the half eaten shrimp basket, when she says it.

I shiat you not........................

"Oh, that picture is 9 years old, I don't like my recent pictures because they make me look fat."

I was shocked, I felt my face turn red, my heart rate began to race, I developed a twitch and will all my might I fought the urge to pour my mug of beer over her head, get up and walk out stiffing her for the bill.

But I did not! I was honorable and sat there making small talk. The date was over and I went home. She sent me at least 10 multi page emails professing her love for me and how she was perfect for me. :yikes:


Pete said:
I had one of those dates!

Browsed the ads and met 4 or 5 that were total losers so I made an oath not to answer any without pics. I found one and she looked nice, sounded nice, so I said BINGO. Conversed via email for a week or so and set up a date.

I got there a little early and was standing at the bar. Pretty soon this enormous chick walked up and said "Pete?" I say "Yes" she says "I am SoandSo" I go :yikes:

In the pic she looked about 150lbs or so, not tiny, not big, just average. The female standing in front of me smiling and gazing at me like I was a pork chop was every bit of 5'-6", 350lbs.

Me not being an ass, despite the kramer I will no doubt get for this story, just went with it and did not visibly show the total disgust and anger I was feeling. So we go to the table and order. I am doing my best at the chit chat thing. Finally, the feeling of betrayal gets to me and I tactfully say "You know when you walked in I didn't recognise you. You don't look like your picture". I immediately avert my eyes back down to the half eaten shrimp basket, when she says it.

I shiat you not........................

"Oh, that picture is 9 years old, I don't like my recent pictures because they make me look fat."

I was shocked, I felt my face turn red, my heart rate began to race, I developed a twitch and will all my might I fought the urge to pour my mug of beer over her head, get up and walk out stiffing her for the bill.

But I did not! I was honorable and sat there making small talk. The date was over and I went home. She sent me at least 10 multi page emails professing her love for me and how she was perfect for me. :yikes:

:killingme :lmao: :killingme


Lem Putt
julz20684 said:
...let's talk about it.

Is this a stupid idea, is it no different than being on a forum and meeting people outside of the forum, or having a myspace account?

I met my wife on the internet. We celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary this month.

She said that of all the responses she got, I was the only one who could spell so I was the only one she dated.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Pete said:
I had one of those dates!

Browsed the ads and met 4 or 5 that were total losers so I made an oath not to answer any without pics. I found one and she looked nice, sounded nice, so I said BINGO. Conversed via email for a week or so and set up a date.

I got there a little early and was standing at the bar. Pretty soon this enormous chick walked up and said "Pete?" I say "Yes" she says "I am SoandSo" I go :yikes:

In the pic she looked about 150lbs or so, not tiny, not big, just average. The female standing in front of me smiling and gazing at me like I was a pork chop was every bit of 5'-6", 350lbs.

Me not being an ass, despite the kramer I will no doubt get for this story, just went with it and did not visibly show the total disgust and anger I was feeling. So we go to the table and order. I am doing my best at the chit chat thing. Finally, the feeling of betrayal gets to me and I tactfully say "You know when you walked in I didn't recognise you. You don't look like your picture". I immediately avert my eyes back down to the half eaten shrimp basket, when she says it.

I shiat you not........................

"Oh, that picture is 9 years old, I don't like my recent pictures because they make me look fat."

I was shocked, I felt my face turn red, my heart rate began to race, I developed a twitch and will all my might I fought the urge to pour my mug of beer over her head, get up and walk out stiffing her for the bill.

But I did not! I was honorable and sat there making small talk. The date was over and I went home. She sent me at least 10 multi page emails professing her love for me and how she was perfect for me. :yikes:

:killingme You're a better man than I am. The second she told me that her pics made her look fat I'd ask her if owned a mirror, and tell her that the day she broke the scale should've told her something.


Chain729 said:
:killingme You're a better man than I am. The second she told me that her pics made her look fat I'd ask her if owned a mirror, and tell her that the day she broke the scale should've told her something.
In the post where I said "In Maine "Healthy/Slightly overweight" meant she played linebacker for the Patriots for 2 years" was a true story too. That was one of the most painful hour and a halves I spent in my whole life. Every time I looked like I was ready to go she would glare at me. I was afraid she was going to beat me. :lol:


off the shelf
All I got from my internet dating experience(which lasted approx. 4 days) was stalkers or guys that wanted to tell me in great detail what they would like to do to me(censored for Auntie Vrai) :ohwell:


onebdzee said:
All I got from my internet dating experience(which lasted approx. 4 days) was stalkers or guys that wanted to tell me in great detail what they would like to do to me(censored for Auntie Vrai) :ohwell:
Did you delete those PM's?