Internet dating...



MMDad said:
I met my wife on the internet. We celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary this month.

She said that of all the responses she got, I was the only one who could spell so I was the only one she dated.



CageKicker Extraordinaire
Pete said:
In the post where I said "In Maine "Healthy/Slightly overweight" meant she played linebacker for the Patriots for 2 years" was a true story too. That was one of the most painful hour and a halves I spent in my whole life. Every time I looked like I was ready to go she would glare at me. I was afraid she was going to beat me. :lol:

Wow. You're still nicer than I. How the hell did you sit through these dates and keep your mouth shut?

Even if she could toss my srawny butt across the room like she did her twinkies, I still couldn't keep my mouth shut. Mis-representation is lying and if you're going to do that with me, I'm not going to bother sifting through the 300 sarcastic and cruel responses to find the nice one.


Chain729 said:
Wow. You're still nicer than I. How the hell did you sit through these dates and keep your mouth shut?

Even if she could toss my srawny butt across the room like she did her twinkies, I still couldn't keep my mouth shut. Mis-representation is lying and if you're going to do that with me, I'm not going to bother sifting through the 300 sarcastic and cruel responses to find the nice one.
It wasn't easy.:lol: I figure they didn't think I would notice 150 pounds or so :lmao:


New Member
Pete said:
"Oh, that picture is 9 years old, I don't like my recent pictures because they make me look fat."
"Do these pleated pants make me look fat?"
"No, but your fat thighs do."


Well-Known Member
julz20684 said:
I agree with you, I too have met "in the normal way" great friends. But what about for the sole purpose of wild monkey sex?

I'm sure you'd get a boat-load of responses, just be careful! :huggy:


kwillia said:
OMG! You made me go back through this thread to see if she really typed that...:roflmao:

Scared the bejeesus out of me when I saw that :killingme


Well-Known Member
kwillia said:
OMG! You made me go back through this thread to see if she really typed that...:roflmao:

julz20684 said:
:faint: I DID NOT write that...who's changing my posts again??

:shrug: :howdy:

I tried a service some time ago, just as some these were getting started, so they weren't to sophisticated (no pictures). I went on a few dates with a lady who lived up in DC.

The ones out there now give you a much better idea of what's on the other side, but as stated before just like used car lots, you have to be careful about the false advertising.


I tried a few online dating sites. Seems to me that all the guys I ended up talking with were just interested in hooking up for one night, or they were straight out liars about the way they looked. Maybe I was on the wrong sites. :lmao:


wandering aimlessly
I did the internet thing for awhile. Met a very nice guy and we dated for 6 months. The few I selected after that were control freaks - meet them for lunch on a Thursday and they didn't understand why you couldn't spend that weekend doing stuff with them. I made it abundantly clear on my profile that my kids came first. I also got irritated when they'd say things that showed they didn't read the profile, just went for the picture. After a couple of bad dates I let the membership lapse.

My nephew says Yahoo is to hook up, Match is to hook up while pretending you want a relationship, and eHarmony is for hooking up with ugly people. :lmao:

Given all that I know one couple doing dazzlingly well that met online and several others that (though under a year) are doing well.

Just be real honest and real safe. Be careful on the information you give. One guy figured out my neighborhood and found my house through tax records. :yikes:


bresamil said:
My nephew says Yahoo is to hook up, Match is to hook up while pretending you want a relationship, and eHarmony is for hooking up with ugly people. :lmao:

Oh great, where does that leave me....the swinger sites


All Up In Your Grill
Pete said:
I had one of those dates!

Browsed the ads and met 4 or 5 that were total losers so I made an oath not to answer any without pics. I found one and she looked nice, sounded nice, so I said BINGO. Conversed via email for a week or so and set up a date.

I got there a little early and was standing at the bar. Pretty soon this enormous chick walked up and said "Pete?" I say "Yes" she says "I am SoandSo" I go :yikes:

In the pic she looked about 150lbs or so, not tiny, not big, just average. The female standing in front of me smiling and gazing at me like I was a pork chop was every bit of 5'-6", 350lbs.

Me not being an ass, despite the kramer I will no doubt get for this story, just went with it and did not visibly show the total disgust and anger I was feeling. So we go to the table and order. I am doing my best at the chit chat thing. Finally, the feeling of betrayal gets to me and I tactfully say "You know when you walked in I didn't recognise you. You don't look like your picture". I immediately avert my eyes back down to the half eaten shrimp basket, when she says it.

I shiat you not........................

"Oh, that picture is 9 years old, I don't like my recent pictures because they make me look fat."

I was shocked, I felt my face turn red, my heart rate began to race, I developed a twitch and will all my might I fought the urge to pour my mug of beer over her head, get up and walk out stiffing her for the bill.

But I did not! I was honorable and sat there making small talk. The date was over and I went home. She sent me at least 10 multi page emails professing her love for me and how she was perfect for me. :yikes:

Did she throw you down on the blacktop and make you kiss her?


All Up In Your Grill
Pete said:
:yikes: It was you! :faint:

I had a feeling you were talking about me. That's why I asked the question I did.

I hope that roadrash on your back cleared up ok and that the hair grew back on the back of your head. :huggy:


Im On 1.
I think its a great way to meet people, I've had great experiances and then I've had jerks who are only up there to manipulate you into their bed.

I say if you've ran out of options meeting people in real life, try the internet.