Is Jesus a black man?


nhboy seem to have had the experience of living in Israel without the benefit of learning much from it.

All of these arguments are obviously geared at disclaiming the vaility of God. When the facts fail them they resort to superficial things like skin color and IQ.


Harley Rider
Glad we got that cleared up. Jesus, who is God, is a white colored spirit with a tan.
(2 Corinthians 3 v 14 AND 2 Corinthians 4 v 3 & 4). Unless you come over to "our side" you'll NEVER see what we're talking about, so spare us son.
The Song of Solomon is nothing more than an Erotic story, a fitting passage for the Bible eh?
I've asked this before, and still waiting to hear, If the errors are due to translation, and there are errors, how can you trust the trustworthiness of the Book if the translation ITSELF isnt trustworthy?
Why not? Sex with your own wife is totally fine in God's eyes.
"You've asked this before", we've told you before but you won't accept our answer. Let me show you the only VERY minor discrepancy in the Bible that comes from a single number difference and has NOTHING to do with who God is or salvation. The KJV, even when it is translated correctly, uses an outdated Shakespearean language that most can't understand today. God has easily preserved His words today in the Bible even if the copyists have made a tiny, irrelevant copying difference. The only one I know of in the Bible is the verses about whether David had 700 men or 7,000 men in (2 Samuel 10 v 18 & 1 Chronicles 19 v 18). Since the Bible, in context, is internally consistent, we know that this difference is like a grain of sand compared to the size of the universe and that the other important things are completely trustworthy. What you're making a big deal out of is like saying that, if a book is completely correct but has one minor spelling error in it, the whole book is wrong. If you have your tonsils removed, should we assume your whole body is defective and throw it away too? It fuels your fire & hatred for God and His people doesn't it? Wise up son! You're being childish & hardheaded AGAIN. As 2A said earlier, God will not waste His words on you because He knows that you refuse to believe them. If you would open your eyes and see the plain truth and stop arguing about this all the time, you just might see the light.
I get completely annoyed with people who spout off about the Bible, yet have obviously never read it and have no idea what they're talking about. This is why, when I see certain names have started a thread in Religion or have the last post, I don't even click because I know it's just going to be more silliness from the atheist zealots. Today, for some reason, I have decided to torture myself by reading this thread. Somebody stop me.
:flowers::flowers::flowers: I' won't stop you sweetheart, you're doing great!
SO, seeing how pastors, priests, and religious zealots do this daily, what are you trying to say??
Just like extracting two or three verses from the bible to convince everyone, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same??
What a coincidence that you'd be the one to say it.
Another Ray Charles here. What I say is in context (keeping with the entire meaning of the Bible). I can take any verse from the Bible and say what it means as long as it is consistent with the entire text (this is where "context" comes from). If I take one out of context then I'm wrong. You are right that many "pastors, priests & religious zealots" are doing just that and it's all being noted by God.
Would you be satisifed if there are about 104 verses that substantiate the trinity?
He wouldn't, none of them would or they'd stop arguing with the truth.
Have you considered the term "olive" is used to describe their skin type and not necessarly the actual color. Sort of like calling an African-American BLACK. Their skin isn't really black. Or a red-headed person; their hair is really an orange color not red.
Exactly! This is why they will not ever understand nor accept what the Bible says because it is written in this style in many places. The Jewish way of reckoning time says that any part of a day is considered or called a day. That is why it's said that Jesus was in the grave for 3 days even though He was not in there for 3 (24 hour) periods. (If I have 3 glasses of water that are only half full, I still have 3 glasses of water).
Also, that the nails were driven through His wrists not His hands even though that is what is stated. Any part of a man's hand & forearm is considered the hand. Archaeologists have dug up bodies of men who were crucified and have found that the nails were, indeed, driven through the wrists and not the hands because the hand structure would not support the entire weight of the body and the nails would pull out. EWWWW!
Remember, this Sunday, the reason for the season. It is NOT the Easter bunny, eggs or spring break, it's the same as Christmas. Jesus is the ONLY one who died and brought Himself back from the dead. NO OTHER PERSON ALIVE TODAY CAN MAKE THAT CLAIM! This is what separates Christianity from ALL the rest. Join us today. Membership is free, there are no contracts or papers to sign. If you don't like it, Satan will gladly take you back.:evil:


I bowl overhand
Another Ray Charles here. What I say is in context (keeping with the entire meaning of the Bible). I can take any verse from the Bible and say what it means as long as it is consistent with the entire text (this is where "context" comes from). If I take one out of context then I'm wrong. You are right that many "pastors, priests & religious zealots" are doing just that and it's all being noted by God.

So YOUR interpretation is right, everyone else's is wrong??

Pretty arrogant of you.


In My Opinion
WoW this sounds like something JPC would post!
Were all one race! From the same parents.
At least thats what my Bible teaches. (Adam and Eve)
but is there not something to be said about science too?


New Member
I dont know about Jesus,but I watched the "Ten Commandments" on TV last night and I know in the movie the god of Moses isnt black.

I disctinctly heard him say "I am that I am".

If he was black he would have said "Is what I is".

OOOOOOOOOOOOH thats gonna leave a mark. LOL


New Member
but is there not something to be said about science too?
Sure if you look at science through glasses with a Biblical perspectice they compliment each other. If on the other hand you look at science and try to tie it back to the Bible, there is where the confussion comes in.
Its amazing how many scientific facts the Biblehas in it before man ever discovered them. Like antiseptic and washing the hands before surgery!


New Member
Well now we know that Dark and Lovely brand hair color ripped off the bible. :lmao:
I have yet to find any errors in scripture at all, only a lack of mans understanding in iterpertation of scripture, typically from bad hermaneutics or lack of knoweledge.


I bowl overhand
So YOUR interpretation is right, and everyone else's is wrong??

Pretty arrogant of you.

No, I don't have an interpretation. Since everyone believes something different and nobody can agree on what is says, and NOBODY can provide proof of any of it, it's fiction, nothing more.

I haven't bothered to interpret "Harry Potter" either. I read it, I enjoyed it, it was a good story.. don't care what it "means" to anybody.


I bowl overhand
Its amazing how many scientific facts the Biblehas in it before man ever discovered them. Like antiseptic and washing the hands before surgery!

Then why did it take 1800 years before either was practiced if it was written RIGHT there!??

Nostradamus foretold of many things, but I don't belong to his church either.


No, I don't have an interpretation. Since everyone believes something different and nobody can agree on what is says, and NOBODY can provide proof of any of it, it's fiction, nothing more.

I haven't bothered to interpret "Harry Potter" either. I read it, I enjoyed it, it was a good story.. don't care what it "means" to anybody.

The Holy Land leaves no traces.......:confused:


Well-Known Member
No, I don't have an interpretation. Since everyone believes something different and nobody can agree on what is says, and NOBODY can provide proof of any of it, it's fiction, nothing more.
Wouldn't this standard make human evolution from other species equally fiction?


New Member
Then why did it take 1800 years before either was practiced if it was written RIGHT there!??

Nostradamus foretold of many things, but I don't belong to his church either.

Probably because it was written to the Jews in terms of cermonial practices, and man in is infinite ego wasnt smart enough to realize that God new what he was doing and telling them for a reason.

A lot like today, we read his word we see centuries of disobidence and we persitt in comitting the same sins.

I guess its like the scorpion said to the turtle " It's in me nature"
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Harley Rider
No, I don't have an interpretation. Since everyone believes something different and nobody can agree on what is says, and NOBODY can provide proof of any of it, it's fiction, nothing more.
How can you say there is no proof? Humans, archaeology, the rest of creation, etc. but I guess you want God to appear right in front of you before you believe in him, right? And I guess you don't believe in anything that you can't see or touch either, right Bob? You're unbelievable (no pun intended).


No, I don't have an interpretation. Since everyone believes something different and nobody can agree on what is says, and NOBODY can provide proof of any of it, it's fiction, nothing more.

I haven't bothered to interpret "Harry Potter" either. I read it, I enjoyed it, it was a good story.. don't care what it "means" to anybody.

It's what I've been trying to say all along... it boils down to faith. You either have it or you don't. If you don't then you will obviously have doubts and questions and want to challenge the validity of it. This is understandable. But, for those that believe, it changes nothing in terms of our faith.


I have yet to find any errors in scripture at all.

Then you read with rose colored glasses.

001:027 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.

001:028 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Do I need to go to the next chapter where Eve is created?
So there must have been another woman. Could of her name been Lilith?

Lilith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then Cain killed Able.

004:013 And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I
can bear.

004:014 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the
earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a
fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to
pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

004:015 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain,
vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a
mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

004:016 And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in
the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

At this point Adam and Eve only had two children. Who were these other people and where did the town of Nod come from?

Were only four chapters into the Bible.

There are about 4,000 kinds of mammals. Time two plus food and water in this boat? Oh, and for how many days?

006:015 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The
length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth
of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

One cubit is about a foot and half. Which would make it about 150 yards long, 25 yards wide and 15 yards deep. With three floors.
That would put 2,666 animals on each floor.

Opp's now we got a throw in a monkey wrench.
The rodent has 1,700 species. Not to forget all the species of Cats,Goats, Cattle and so on time 2
And lets not forget.

06:020 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of
every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every
sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.

006:021 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou
shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee,
and for them.

Creeping things, like is in reptiles, there are about 6,000 of them time 2.

All this was well and fine in the stone ages of a lawless land.
Camp fire tales to keep man doing the right thing. Fear God!

Infallible. Not even close! The Book was writen by man in the spirit of God.
But it was still writen by man and put together by man for man.

Man has done nothing thats infallible.


They do look through rose colored glasses, when you point out errors they have their response down pat.

"It's errors in the translation"

of course when you ask, "how can you emphatically trust the accuracy of a document when you KNOW it is replete with errors" they have that one covered too

"The errors dont matter, it gets the message accross"

Belief/Faith gives comfort in the absence of Facts

What gives you comfort ?