Ignorance screaming out here?
I can't believe I'm descussing religion with someone that calls himself ItalianScallion.
Your user name screams out desperation for attention from women.
And for some reason I have this image of some fat, hairy,gold chain wearing, bald guy from New York.
But anyhow Mr Stud Muffin.. .
I am not sure why Italian Onion says that to you its not Stallion. Lets put all that aside though as I would like you to consider a few replies to you comments.
Perhaps you should read the Hebrew texts and the Mesopotamian texts.
The word Genesis comes form Hebrew.
Funny the Hebrew story of Genesis mentions Lilith, but yet the Church decided to use translated Greek texts..
So the Hebrew word for Genesis (Bere####) Means Lilth? I was always told it means In The Beginings?
Book of Genesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
God made Dinosaurs and they didn't work out. God didn't like man much at first and killed all in a flood to start over. So hows God perfect? Why did he decide to start over? ..
Ok I live in a black and white world I belive in absolute truth but lets quit what ifing and look at what we know. God has loved his creation since day one, but lets look at what we know about God his attributes.
God is eternal
He is unchangeable
God is just, meaning He is no respecter of persons in the sense of showing favoritism (Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 18:30).
He is all-powerful; He can do anything that pleases Him, but His actions will always be in accord with the rest of His character (Revelation 19:6; Jeremiah 32:17,27).
God is omnipresent, meaning He is ever-present, everywhere; this does not mean that God is everything (Psalm 139:7-13; Jeremiah 23:23).
God is omniscient, meaning He knows the past, present, and future, even what we are thinking at any given moment; since He knows everything His justice will always be administered fairly (Psalm 139:1-5; Proverbs 5:21).
God also has forknoweledge so he knew before the creation of the world what was going to happen and had taken that in account.
Man in his sinfullness in Genesis in the Flood account was so corrupt that its speculated by some that Noah's family were the only pure humans left. As there was releations with the daughters of the sons of man.
This wasnt Gods failure it was mans God created his humans and it was them he seeked a relation ship with.
He didn't get man right the first time with the cave man.
He didn't get man right the second time with Adam and Eve.
Nor did he get man right the third time after killing everyone but Moses family with a flood...
Whoa your mixing Darwinism in here lets stick with the biblical record we have no reason to believe that Adam was anything less than a 30 somthing adult middle easter man. God created angels beautiful creatures to serve him why would he create his prise posion with less in fact the Bible tells us we were created in his image with less powers than angels but more reasoning and thinking skills. Also I think you met Noah above but being upset typed Mosess.
nd if you don't see the Old Testament as folklores to keep stone age men in line.
Then your admitting that God threw an awful lot of temper tantrums, in which would make him less than perfect....
Mans created in the image of God, not in every detail but if you look at his attributes above hes
JUST, We are so lucky that God is mercifull and didnt wipe us out once and for all but he wanted a relationship with his beings for eternity. He knows were not perfect in fact he knows were wicked, but has provided a way for us to change for the better so we can be with him for eternity.
The problem with you religious brain washed zombies is that you want to have it all your way to protect your so fragile faith....
I disagree, if I am wrong in my faith I loose nothing and have more to offer man while I am here, But if I am right and I have proof to believe that I am... Do you have those same odds? Or are you taking the ultimate gamble?
I also fully understand that greed is the down fall in man and that 90% of all Church's and religions are greed mongers of the worst kind.
So go jump off of the cliff with the rest of the sheep.
By God if I'm going to hell it will not be because I'm following no brained sheep like you.
So because a few corrupt men take advantage of something good and use it for their own means and agenda, that its all bad.
That sounds like to me because a drunk driver kills someone in a car we need to get rid of all cars?
Man is foul, corrupt, decietfull, and wicked in his heat the Bible tells us that that their are non rightous no not one and that we all believe that were good. It also tells us in our natural state that we are ennemies of God and that we hate both him and his ways so what you feel is quite normal.
What your missing out on though is the personal relationship with the God of the Bible who has a temper but is also mercifull loving and kind. Hes not all love, but hes not all wrath either its just his way or the highway and we have a choice. He wants us to seek him and desire a relationship with him and love him because he is so good.
We dont need to defend the Bible it does a great job on its own look a the geneologies how procise they are coming from an oral culture. Look at how it says something and it comes to pass years latter excatlty the way it was told so exact you couldnt make it occur that way no matter how much you try.
More importantly look at these (us) brain washed zombies, that use to be just like you that hated God or would have been ashame to even talk about him spendind preacious time trying to serve our savior and tell others how great he is and how good he's been to us.
If God was a figment of our imaginations than just like the parchutte anology we would have done it for a while and disgarded him after the illusion wore off and there are false converts that do just that, but because we know him personally we know hes real and we love you enough to try to explain it to you so that you can know him too. Were not getting a commission here for sharing our faith but there is great joy when someone finally gets it or at least starts to consider everything and not just look at the surface!