Your Momma
thought you how to spell too I see???

The devil believes in Jesus too but he's still headed for hell! From your name calling antics here I see little to believe that you know ANYTHING about Jesus. Would He call me those names & make those
inferrences spelling error that aren't true?
You started it with your inplacations of ignorance. Spelling and writing are nothing more than repetitive skills.
How much proof do you need. Fact! Dinosaurs and cave men were around long before civilization. You ever notice there is no mention of Dinosaurs in Genesis?
Boy! Noha would have had fun getting them on the boat.

The second chapter of Genesis acknowledges civilization by name of towns such as Nod.
Agriculture was also present in Genesis. Something that early cave man invented. Bones and old tools don't lie.
Live stock and farming was something that came much later to man, yet from jump street Adam taught his sons how too.
Not even close my demonic friend! No Christian would ever say that God isn't perfect.
I didn't say it. I said your good book implies it.
Unless you look at it as myths to invoke the fear of God.
Which is what was needed back then to keep order.
Actually we need it now too.
However you can't love everyone and kill them at the same time.
If the folklore is true. Why did he kill them all if he got the creation thing right the first time?
AWWW did some big bad church hurt your wittle feelings? Grow up!
And you're well on your way to hell without my help. Your attitude alone will get you there. What belief system do you follow, please? Since you hate all catholics apparently. And now you're going to blame the very people that God TOLD to compile the Bible that they were wrong in how they did it?
The only thing Jesus ever excepted was food and shelter.
There is no excuse why a church would need prime real estate.
There is no excuse why a church should own priceless art.
And there sure is hell is no excuse why anyone should become wealthy preaching the word of God.
The goal of a church is to preserve the word of Christ, not see how wealthy it can become.
Preaching the word of Christ should never be a mans pay check.
Rich man, Camel, Eye of a Needle, Does this ring a bell.
Now show me a church that has no goal to become bigger to furnish the Pastor with a pay check and I'm there.
I pick and choose what I want to believe in the Bible and I have no bones to pick with the New Testament. The Old Testament was a good tool for its day and it's OK for children in Bible studies.
However my opinion of Genesis and most of the OT is that it's nothing more than a genealogy of the Jew and their campfire tales of how they were created separately from the rest of man kind.
God chose them as his people.Please!
If were all from Adam and Eve aren't we all his people.
Here we go..Non perfect again.. How can a father choose some of his children over others?
There are too many of the same story with the names changed, dating before and around this time period not to be folklores.