Okay, let's hit this so you get it
Tommy: and
it obviously changes the pertinent information. either we are all from common ancestors (i.e. brothers and sisters as described by christianity) or we aren't. that seems pertinent to me.
Me: if it helps, we're all from Noah and his family, and Noah is a direct descendant of Adam and Eve (you know, the "she who is to become the mother of all living"), so we are all from the same common ancestors, regardless (see how it's not pertinent) of how one "interprets" the first couple of chapters of Genesis.
Now, when one uses parentheses, they are additions to a sentence. Remove the parentheses and you get: so we are all from the same common ancestors, regardless of how one "interprets" the first couple of chapters of Genesis.
Then, we can add the parenthetic line of (see how it's not pertinent), and see that what I was saying was the detail that's not there is not pertinent information - answering your statement that it is pertinent. You were saying it's pertinent because we're either all from Adam and Eve or we're not. I was showing that, whether you believe there were more than two humans created or not, that argument is not pertinent, because we're all descended from Noah, who was a direct descendant of Adam and Eve, thus we're all descended from Adam and Eve.
I just didn't think I'd have to follow the obvious logic all the way through, that's all.
all we have is interpretations, if they dont matter, neither does the story.
I guess that's true of any communication between two people. You can interpret anger, or happiness, or just about anything when reading words and not being there. Some things transcend the interpretation - the big picture meaning of the stories, for example.
if you want to talk symbolically, then all the people that believe in christ can be, but what about all the others? according to the story, they are all our brothers and sisters as well. even in your noah analogy...... the jews, and others are our brothers and sisters, but not in christ, as they do not believe.
And, as shown above, they are.