It's hit the fan now!


Well-Known Member
The questions made me apprehensive, the choices gave me low self-esteem. And the results have completely confused me. :ohwell:

I know people like this, say nice things to your face and talk about you behind your back. I can see the computer programmer now, cupping his/her mouth to someone's ear "The mom's who get this need to stop buying treats for themselves and more organic food for their kids that eat the 'yummy fish sticks from the school cafeteria'...".

This test blows. :lmao:

Are You a Slacker Mom?
Your Results
Your quiz score makes you: Bring it on Mom

You my dear, are the envy of all your friends. You roll with the punches. Gum in you hair? You know peanut butter is just the thing to get it out. With a roll of duct tape for any emergency and lots of love, there's nothing you can't do for your kids.


curiouser and curiouser
Your posts are proof positive you should NOT have missed any days from school and should still be attending. :faint:

P.S. Learn how to spell college before applying to one. :yay:
Come on, maybe she's actually going to collage next year. :lol:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
If I wanted to skip, all I had to do was tell my mother what I was skipping and why. Usually it was the damn pep rally I'd skip for an hour or 2 and we'd go have breakfast.

I also didn't have a curfew, so I could hang out with my friends until 3 am if I wanted, but my butt had better be up and in school by the time school started.

If my grades started to slip, then all my privelages went away.

Personally I think the guy is being way over the top and if he thought he had a rebellious teen on his hands now...

We need a fly swatter smilie.


Ok sorry for spelling a word wrong. Geez. Haven't you ever spelled a word wrong? And YES i am going to go COLLEGE next year! Don't need to be so rude!
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I think the object was to get people to spend. Sadly enough, the less rich will spend "free" money without thought unless a bill collector is riding their butts then maybe they will make a payment arrangement for some of the free money. :lol:

The rich(er) people already have it to spend, will spend, no question. So, the need to fill their pockets with "free" money is not necessary due to it being less effective in "the cause".

In addition, look how long it took them to give the greedies (like me) our checks. They new the Rapid refunders/RAL'rs can be counted on. But how much? Well, tease them with when it's coming and build up that greed to spend it on "this, and this, and this, and that, that, this and that....".

I would have spent it but now they made me mad so I purposely did not spend the $900 I should have gotten. I was going to spend it on you so you should be mad at Bush.


Your posts are proof positive you should NOT have missed any days from school and should still be attending. :faint:

P.S. Learn how to spell college before applying to one. :yay:

Ease up vice grip :lol: It was a typo ....breath in.......breath out.....


Why wait a year to fail, start now.

Why do you have to be so rude?Why would you say something like that.You must be the type of person to put someone down because of your short comings.


New Member
I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!

You need to MYOB.