It's Officialy Official


b*tch rocket
pixiegirl said:
I've been on said internet forum for 4 years. There are people and situations where joking is fine. Mainman can say whatever he wants, as can nomoney because I know them. You don't know me from Joe and the first thing you spout off about is my kids then tell me to lighten up when you're reasoning is thrown up in your face? Again, kiss my hooker ass you judgemental biatch.

:yikes: :roflmao: I love it when you're on your period. :jet: :high5:

Oh, and congratulations. :sad: I guess. :ohwell: :wink:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
I've been on said internet forum for 4 years. There are people and situations where joking is fine. Mainman can say whatever he wants, as can nomoney because I know them. You don't know me from Joe and the first thing you spout off about is my kids then tell me to lighten up when you're reasoning is thrown up in your face? Again, kiss my hooker ass you judgemental biatch.
Good golly, I love you! :smoochy:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
I've been on said internet forum for 4 years. There are people and situations where joking is fine. Mainman can say whatever he wants, as can nomoney because I know them. You don't know me from Joe and the first thing you spout off about is my kids then tell me to lighten up when you're reasoning is thrown up in your face? Again, kiss my hooker ass you judgemental biatch.
Touchy, touchy. No need to feel guilty about the kiddo outta wedlock. :lmao: It's not like someone's making you wear a big scarlet letter. :smack:


Cleopatra Jones
K_Jo said:
:thewave: I'm very happy for you, but can you please reschedule? I'm already going to a wedding March 17. :bawl:

You are excused from the wedding only if you PROMISE to attend the world's B-E-S-T bachellorette party! :banana:


pixiegirl said:
I've been on said internet forum for 4 years. There are people and situations where joking is fine. Mainman can say whatever he wants, as can nomoney because I know them. You don't know me from Joe and the first thing you spout off about is my kids then tell me to lighten up when you're reasoning is thrown up in your face? Again, kiss my hooker ass you judgemental biatch.

:yeahthat: this: slut! It's about time you're friggen getting married. God knows you need to get a divorce with a guy that will actually pay child support :yay: :huggy: :flowers:


Cleopatra Jones
CandyRain said:
Touchy, touchy. No need to feel guilty about the kiddo outta wedlock. :lmao: It's not like someone's making you wear a big scarlet letter. :smack:

I don't feel guilty about a thing, thus the reason I waited until I was ready to get married opposed to getting married just because I was pregnant. Keep on thinking your smart though. :lmao:

So what's the reason for the need to condone others? Me in particular today. Does your husband not pay enough attention to you? Does he prefer to look at girls that look like me? Are you unhappy in your own marriage thus you feel the need to reflect your unhappiness my way? VRAI WE NEED A HUG OVER HERE!!!!!!!


Cleopatra Jones
nomoney said:
:yeahthat: this: slut! It's about time you're friggen getting married. God knows you need to get a divorce with a guy that will actually pay child support :yay: :huggy: :flowers:

No crap! He's lookin to adopt #1 too... Know what that means.... When I divorce his ass, I'll actually get child support for #1!

the above was TOTALLY a joke and anyone who takes it seriously should be shot!


pixiegirl said:
I don't feel guilty about a thing, thus the reason I waited until I was ready to get married opposed to getting married just because I was pregnant. Keep on thinking your smart though. :lmao:

So what's the reason for the need to condone others? Me in particular today. Does your husband not pay enough attention to you? Does he prefer to look at girls that look like me? Are you unhappy in your own marriage thus you feel the need to reflect your unhappiness my way? VRAI WE NEED A HUG OVER HERE!!!!!!!

Maybe she has fat girl syndrome


pixiegirl said:
I don't feel guilty about a thing, thus the reason I waited until I was ready to get married opposed to getting married just because I was pregnant. Keep on thinking your smart though. :lmao:

So what's the reason for the need to condone others? Me in particular today. Does your husband not pay enough attention to you? Does he prefer to look at girls that look like me? Are you unhappy in your own marriage thus you feel the need to reflect your unhappiness my way? VRAI WE NEED A HUG OVER HERE!!!!!!!
I hate to interupt your cat fight but does this mean I am not going to get to hit it ?