It's Officialy Official


Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
OMG... do you have your work cut out for you if you think you are going to get/keep the spotlight on your special day...:killingme

That hooker this morning was already talking about picking out a dress to show off her new hoots. :smack: :lmao: Never fear, I put her ass in check.... I get ONE FLIPPING DAY DAMNIT! :tantrum !!!!!!


New Member
pixiegirl said:
I got married, had a child and I crap you not 6 weeks later divorced my husband who is hopefully ODing somewhere as we speak.

Almost 2 years into a new relationship and unable to take any type of hormone (ie: birth control pills, patch, etc) due to very bad migraines I ended up pregnant. We had a very off and on relationship up until just shortly before I got pregnant. He asked me to marry him before I found out I was pregnent. When I found out I was pregnant all bets were off as having already having a child I knew the stresses we were going to endure. I chose to wait until we were a little older and wiser and wanted to make sure we were marrying for the right reasons.

The littlest pig will be 2 next month. We can look at each other and know that we're getting married because we love each other and because we want to be with each other. We've been through a lot; we've put each other through a lot. We've grown up together. There was no need to rush things and I feel no guilt or regret.

And for future reference, anybody who says anything about my pigs gets instant attitude unless it's a personal friend of mine. Just ask Smalltown. :lmao:
:huggy: :poorbaby:

Congratulation! :thewave:


Time for a nap
pixiegirl said:
unable to take any type of hormone (ie: birth control pills, patch, etc) due to very bad migraines I ended up pregnant


Hey pix, I have migraines, too. And so far, no bebes.


In My Opinion
kwillia said:
Then explain this...:eyebrow:

damn, you are all just determined to make me get thin arent you?

now I got to go fill up again, just blew dinner all over the wall.
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In My Opinion
Oh, almost forgot.

Congratulations on the engagement, regardless of what the rest of them say Im betting that your fiance is a very lucky man.

by the way, did you plan to get a little strange one more time before becoming honest? If so call me.. as everyone knows, Im only here to help.