It's TrimSpa, Babeeee!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
TrainHer said:
Im talking about ANNA NICOLE!!! NOT your friend!!

But that was sweet of you, Elaine, to take up for me. :huggy:

Train, I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 140. I'd like to be 120-125. What I like about TrimSpa is it makes me not want to eat unless I'm truly hungry. Tonight we went to dinner for my daughter's birthday - to a Japanese Benihana kind of place - and normally I'd eat my whole meal, then get ice cream afterward. Tonight I ate half my meal and snubbed the ice cream.

And I've fluctuated 2 or 3 pounds my whole entire life. I assume it's water because I eat a lot of salt and drink a lot. I'm just curious why I'd gain weight while eating less and exercising.

On the treadmill I average 4.5 mph - walk one lap, jog one, walk one, jog one, at a 7-15% incline. Would this build enough muscle to make me gain weight? :confused:

Thanks for your advice - really!


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Train, I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 140.

Your a short one. I would have thought by reading some of your material that you'd
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New Member
You Actually Need 1400 Calories to loose 1 pound a week.Being you are ONLY 140 pounds 5'3 it's harder for you to loose weight. You might only loose 1/2 pound a week BUT the slower you loose, the longer it stays off. I don't think the tredmill is enough for you to gain weight (muscle). You might not be eating enough, so your body is hanging on to your fat, your carbs can be stored as fat,instead of being used as fuel, beacuse your body has turned to survival mode. I'd make SURE I am eating 1400 calories a day... Split up into atleast 5 mini meals.
Then I'd hop off the tredmill for a couple of weeks and try a differnt cardio, try to keep your heart rate around 70 %..75% this is a fat burning zone.. being you sound like your heart rate would have been around 65/70 on the tredmill.To find your heart rate... Take your 220-AGE x.75=hr


New Member
HOW to Tell HOW many Calories you need To loose or Gain

vraiblonde said:
Hell if I know. Someone once told me that the appropriate amount of calories per day is your ideal weight, then add a zero at the end. Want to weigh 120 pounds? Eat 1200 calories a day.

First you find you Basil Metalic Rate ( BMR)
You take Your AGE / 2.2
x.9 For Females and ,,,1.0 for males x 24 (hours in a day )

Now you Need to find your THERMIC EFFECT on FOOD (t.e.f) Take your Estimated DAILY Calorie intake and x .1 EXAMPLE.. 2000 x .1= 200

Physical Activity is next.... .2 sedatary .3 light activity .4 moderate activity .5 heavy activity and times by your BMR (#1)

NOW Add Up your BMR and TEF and PHYSICAL Activity...... AFTER you ADD them UP... THAT is How much you need to maintain your weight BUT to LOOSE WEIGHT you SUBTRACT... 250 calories For 1/2 pound 500 calories for 1 pound 750 calories for 1 1/2 pound and of course 1000 calories for 2 pounds... BUT NEVER GO UNDER 1200 CALORIES!! TO GAIN WEIGHT ADD 157 for 1/2 pound and 315 for 1 pound


New Member
Opps Forgot to mention... WEIGH yourself At the same time everyday on the same scale If you do choose to weigh yourself. The afternoons you weigh a few pounds more, usaully due to water weight and etc.. The GYm scale YOUR scale and Even the doctor's scale usually all say something differnt


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Your a short one. I would have thought by reading some of your material that you'd
Height does not equal stature, my friend.


TrainHer said:
WRONNNNNG ... Ohh lawd ANYONE trying to PUT on FAT pounds follow this diet plan. IF your trying to gain "healthy Weight" via/ muscle STAY AWAY from all the above!!!.

Bah! It worked for me.

TrainHer said:
BUT it has to be healthy FOODS not piles of crap, or else you will look like a jelly belly...

What piles of crap? I didn't suggest any junk food. Just food condisive to weight gain. If someone is having a hard time gaining weight, then they don't want to eat the same things that someone having a hard time losing weight eats. I notice that you don't provide any examples.

If you want to gain weight, you eat foods condusive to weight gain.

And I didn't just pull that out of my butt. I was passing on first-hand experience.


New Member
Toxick said:
Bah! It worked for me.

What piles of crap? I didn't suggest any junk food. Just food condisive to weight gain. If someone is having a hard time gaining weight, then they don't want to eat the same things that someone having a hard time losing weight eats. I notice that you don't provide any examples.

If you want to gain weight, you eat foods condusive to weight gain.

And I didn't just pull that out of my butt. I was passing on first-hand experience.

Dang, Ya'll some stubborn people!! I do know what I am talking about after all I am a certified nutrition consultant! If a Person is looking to gain Weight/ NOT fat They CAN and SHOULD eat the same as a person looking to loose weight.. JUST INCREASING the caloric intake. A person looking to loose would eat 1500... a person looking to gain could eat 3000. Think about it... you have an ill Grandmother who is loosing weight.... do you Feed her Pumpkin pie and Sour Cream ... OR make her a VEGGIE juice made with many veggies?? IN order to gain weight? Yes....... Just as I thought!!!
No doubt If you ate all that crap and took your body fat percent .. indeed it would have increased. The GOAL is to gain weight, yet maintain if not LOOSE some body fat percent!!! SO YES.... even though your trying to go with your " internet CLICK" YOU should eat HEALTHY ( the same as a PERSON trying to loose) and INCREASE caloric intake!!!!!! DON"T mistake trying to loose weight for strickly SALADS and TRIM SPA... IT"S not like that !


Right Where I Belong
From what I read on the other have a very bad attitude. I don't think you know half of what you are talking about!


New Member
Like I said Before.... Eat your Sugar filled Diet Bars and pop Your Magic pills. Loose 10 pounds this month , gain 20 pounds next month. Do your thing!!!
Attitude!! Never Seen people so uptight on a COMPUTER, I feel sorry for those around u everyday. But then again.. I'll blame in on your Unbalanced DIET!


Right Where I Belong
TrainHer said:
Like I said Before.... Eat your Sugar filled Diet Bars and pop Your Magic pills. Loose 10 pounds this month , gain 20 pounds next month. Do your thing!!!
Attitude!! Never Seen people so uptight on a COMPUTER, I feel sorry for those around u everyday. But then again.. I'll blame in on your Unbalanced DIET!

Read my post one more time! I EAT healthy, exercise, drink water, etc... Get over yourself!


Go Braves!
TrainHer said:
Like I said Before.... Eat your Sugar filled Diet Bars and pop Your Magic pills. Loose 10 pounds this month , gain 20 pounds next month. Do your thing!!!
Attitude!! Never Seen people so uptight on a COMPUTER, I feel sorry for those around u everyday. But then again.. I'll blame in on your Unbalanced DIET!
:blahblah: :blahblah:

You really need to get over yourself.