It's TrimSpa, Babeeee!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I've been thinking about using TrimSpa in combination with WW.
To me... WW doesn't give me enough points, so maybe if I used an appetite suppressant + WW, I'd be good to go.


My Sweetest Boy
Sharon said:
I read somewhere that the ideal weight for a woman 5' in height is 100 lbs. and then add 3-5 lbs. for every inch taller. So if a person is 5'5" their ideal weight would be between 115-125 lbs.
Age and bone structure figure into it too. WW gives you a bit more for somebody 5'5" -- up to 140/145 or so. I always thought I was 5'4" (found out a few weeks ago I was only 5'3") and I could go up to 135/140 with a small frame and since I'm over 40. I stay well below that in the low 120's. It really depends on the individual, I think. I haven't gone to the meetings in over a year but I've managed to keep the weight off and changed my eating habits but I still enjoy a variety of foods and goodies.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I always thought I was 5'4" (found out a few weeks ago I was only 5'3") and I could go up to 135/140 with a small frame and since I'm over 40.
I'm 5'3" and 115 is very thin for me. I look and feel best between 120 and 125.
My bro is having issues with the whole "chart" thing. He is 6' 2" and weighs in at 208. According to the chart, he has weight to lose, but he is already in size 32" waist jeans and had no azz to keep those up anymore. :ohwell:


Go Braves!
kwillia said:
My bro is having issues with the whole "chart" thing. He is 6' 2" and weighs in at 208. According to the chart, he has weight to lose, but he is already in size 32" waist jeans and had no azz to keep those up anymore. :ohwell:
That's crazy! He'll blow over in the wind:yikes:
CMC122 said:
That's crazy! He'll blow over in the wind:yikes:
But according to his WW team lead he needs to hit 200 to be able to do WW for free. I keep telling him to get a note from his doctor. You can see his shoulder bones. He is too skinny. :ohwell:


Go Braves!
kwillia said:
But according to his WW team lead he needs to hit 200 to be able to do WW for free. I keep telling him to get a note from his doctor. You can see his shoulder bones. He is too skinny. :ohwell:
You are kidding me! That's not good. Does he really feel he need's to go along with this?


My Sweetest Boy
kwillia said:
But according to his WW team lead he needs to hit 200 to be able to do WW for free. I keep telling him to get a note from his doctor. You can see his shoulder bones. He is too skinny. :ohwell:
He can get a note from his dr. WW is very good about working with physicians and individuals. They also don't want you too thin. At lease my group leader was very good about tailoring the program to individual needs.
CMC122 said:
You are kidding me! That's not good. Does he really feel he need's to go along with this?
He started going to WW last November when he realized he needed to lose weight or face taking meds for the rest of his life for blood pressure and other things that catch up with you when you hit 40... he was wearing 42" waist when he started. He is a vegetarian so he was able to fair well on salads and the zero point veggie soup. He cut out the fats he was taking in in cheese and the likes. He faithfully counted his points everyday and there were many days he didn't even eat his daily allotment. Like I said, he is wearing 32" waist jeans now, but his whole focus seems to be on the scale. He is an iron worker and was telling how he was really bummed to find out he is wearing smaller sizes then some of the other guys and they are weigh way less than him. I keep telling him he needs to take into account that frame and bone structure play a big part in total overall weight, after all he wears size 12 triple E width shoes, but he keeps focusing on the "goal weight" set by WW...:ohwell:
CMC122 said:
Back on the TrimSpa, there is alot of chocolate in my house right now and I have absolutely no desire to eat any:banana:

Seriously I'm going to have to try this stuff if you can swear off chocolate on it. Does it affect you on fast food..that is my other vice?

CMC122 said:
:yeahthat: 120 for one person is totally different for another person! I prefer to go by the size of my clothes:lol:

I would love to be a size 6, right now I'm a 8/10 depends on the brand


My Sweetest Boy
kwillia said:
there were many days he didn't even eat his daily allotment.
our leader would fuss at us if we didn't eat our total point allotment...she looked at our planners...

kwillia said:
but he keeps focusing on the "goal weight" set by WW...:ohwell:
There is a lot of incentive because of the cost. I could have weighed as much as 141. I set my goal weight at 135, just to get there, stay there for 6 weeks and then became a life member. 135 is heavy for me though, but it was better than picking the lowest weight and not being able to stay there, although surprising, I have. We had several people who had doctors assessments saying what was an appropriate goal weight for them and WW has happy work with that and allow the individuals to set a goal weight recommended by their doctors and still allowing them to take advantage of becoming a lifetime member. If he finds that is a problem within his group, he should contact the main offices of WW.


b*tch rocket
I've given up on weight loss. It'll happen when it happens. :lol: Right now I just don't have the willpower to be bothered with it all.

I'm still pissed that they took ephedra off the market. :tantrum Metabolife worked great for more than just weight loss, it was the best hangover prevention pill EVER. :lol:
From what I'm hearing he got a new WW team leader a couple weeks ago and she is pushing him hard to get a doctor's note. He may end up doing that, because he seems to be having a hard time losing now and he is not eating much at all.

IMO, The up side is he lost a lot of weight. The down side is he is a year in, down to pretty much goal weight and he has yet to discover a healthy relationship with food. :ohwell:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Christy said:
I've given up on weight loss. It'll happen when it happens. :lol: Right now I just don't have the willpower to be bothered with it all.

I'm still pissed that they took ephedra off the market. :tantrum Metabolife worked great for more than just weight loss, it was the best hangover prevention pill EVER. :lol:
I thought Metabolife was ephedra-free?? :confused:


My Sweetest Boy
kwillia said:
IMO, The up side is he lost a lot of weight. The down side is he is a year in, down to pretty much goal weight and he has yet to discover a healthy relationship with food. :ohwell:
I did that the first time I did WW about 10 years ago. Guess what..put the weight back on and more. This time I had a great leader but I educated myself. Otter thought I was a "bit" obsessive but I was determined that I was going to change my eating habits and stick with it. From my observations, the men in my group lost very fast without really trying and they were not as diligent in learning about the "healthy" side of it. Being that he's a vegetarian, he really has to make sure he's getting his protein, etc. Is he educated on how to eat healthy for a vegetarian? Then adding WW to the mix adds a whole new angle.

I'm a great advocate for WW because I think it really offers you the most flexible weight loss plan. They give you guidelines but you have to learn how to eat, how to balance your choices of protein, carbs, etc. You can cram a lot of food into your point totals if you get creative. It's easy to fall into a rut because of time and ease, but really if you read the cookbooks, etc. and rethink your ways a bit, eating and cooking healthier isn't that hard.

Sounds like your brother has done really well and a visit to his doctor would really help. If he keeps going like he is he could become discouraged and that would be a real shame.

Okay...I'm done now...:blushing:


Go Braves!
kwillia said:
He started going to WW last November when he realized he needed to lose weight or face taking meds for the rest of his life for blood pressure and other things that catch up with you when you hit 40... he was wearing 42" waist when he started. He is a vegetarian so he was able to fair well on salads and the zero point veggie soup. He cut out the fats he was taking in in cheese and the likes. He faithfully counted his points everyday and there were many days he didn't even eat his daily allotment. Like I said, he is wearing 32" waist jeans now, but his whole focus seems to be on the scale. He is an iron worker and was telling how he was really bummed to find out he is wearing smaller sizes then some of the other guys and they are weigh way less than him. I keep telling him he needs to take into account that frame and bone structure play a big part in total overall weight, after all he wears size 12 triple E width shoes, but he keeps focusing on the "goal weight" set by WW...:ohwell:
Those are some big feet:really: