It's TrimSpa, Babeeee!


BuddyLee said:
What do you recommend for me?

I thought you didn't want to lose weight? If you're trying to gain, and can't, you're going to have to do several things... And it really depends on your dedication and available gym-time - because that's what it's going to take.

Chow down on carbs. I know you are going to say you already do, but eat more. Eat potatoes covered in sour cream and butter. Fried chicken, pumpkin pie, heaping mounds of rice-pilaf speckled with steamed shrimp. Au gratin potatoes, and not that crap you get in a store. Huge piles of brocolli in hollindaise sauce or melted cheese... I wouldn't worry overmuch if you eat fatty foods, and cholesterol, but I wouldn't recommend overdoing it either, because that way lies madness.

So, if you're eating all this food, you're going to have to spend much more time in the gym so you put the weight in your muscles, instead of in your gut. And focus more on resistance training than cardio. Don't forget milk and meat. You are going to need protein as well, particularly if you're going to be hitting the weights... And before you work out, drink an energy drink (or two), so you're burning the carbs from the drink instead of stored carbs from your breakfast and lunch.

Another thing to look into is creatine. If you do decide to do that, you will most definitely have to follow the directions. It's not like ephedra where you will die of stroke or heart attack if you don't follow directions. But if you don't drink as much water as they say, you will get the most ungodly agonizing muscle cramps that you can imagine. It's an amino acid that keeps your muscles energized, and if you don't keep it wet, you will be squealing and limping around your apartment at 3AM begging God to make it stop. I tell you this from experience. I let that happen to me ONCE.

And last but not least, patience.

Don't expect to be as buff as you want to be for a few years. I never achieved my goal body until I was at least 24-25 years old - and I have never had a problem gaining weight.

BuddyLee said:
And how is life in the desert?

Even more beautiful than I ever thought it would be. I don't believe I'll ever get used to this. And I mean that in a good way. Sometimes I'll turn a corner and the view will stop me in my tracks. It's like those mountains come from out of nowhere and pummel you. It's awesome.

I got a sunburn yesterday. In October. I got it at the pool :biggrin:

Another thing. Arizona doesn't do Daylight Savings time - we're always on Mountain Standard - and now I know why. We don't need to save daylight here. There's too much as it is. We went to an Arizona Wildcats game last weekend, and we had to leave early. The gaze of Amun Ra was simply brutal, and in that stadium there was nowhere to hide.

And as it is in any big city, there is PLENTY to do. Everything is in walking distance, and almost every weekend we do something different. We went up into the mountains over the weekend and picked out our picnic spot for when my parents come to visit. And there is actually a "local music scene" and it doesn't totally suck. And there are always a good concerts or stand-up comedy going on at the casinos.

The schools are really good. The school that my son is in is in the 78-89 percentile in all categories across the board. I was impressed with that.

But I miss Maryland crabs. About the only thing we get out here is snowcrab legs from Red Lobster or whatever - but there is literally NOWHERE you can just stop, sit down and order a dozen crabs. THere's this one place where a Baltimore Crab Dinner was on the menu! I didn't even bother with it.

We're all digging it here.

If we ever get these pictures developed or scanned in, I'll post them.


Right Where I Belong
I have been taking TrimSpa for over 2 months - as I stated in my previous post. I tried WW but just didn't like the results. So, I decided to start eating healthier on my own. No more fast foods, no more junk food, drinking more water and exercising more. I do not weigh myself at all. Once in a great while I will get on the scale just to get a feel for how much I have lost. I just go by how my clothes fit. TrimSpa gets rid of my cravings for snacking between meals and makes me feel full faster when I am eating. My trainer told me that most times when we have cravings that it is more psychological (sp?) than actually physical. If you feel cravings coming on - drink water. I tried that and I can honestly say that it works.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Grrr. I don't want to weigh more and have muscles. I want to be a skinny zoner chick. :lol:

Sometimes We think We are eating "HEALTHY" and Watching our weight but when u count calories you end up with WAYYYYYYY more then you thought.
ALSO........FAT weighs less then MUSCLE!!! You should monter your Body fat percent NOT your weight! .Also If your looking to drop Weight..... UP your heart rate percent while doing your cardio,.... or do INTERVALS ..FAST..SLOW...FAST SLOW..
DECLINE...INCLINE ...DECLINE etc.... AS well OUTSIDE running works WAYYYYYYYYYYY better then inside on a tredmill. You shouldn't stick to the same workout more then a couple weeks at a time for weight loss.


New Member
itsbob said:
I don't remember the name of it, but there is a pill for that too.. anytime alcohol touches your system you throw up violently.. Remember some guys being put on it in Germany, and they would STILL try to drink..

Damn some of ya'll will take a "MAGIC PILL" for anything :razz:


Football addict
Toxick said:
I thought you didn't want to lose weight? If you're trying to gain, and can't, you're going to have to do several things... And it really depends on your dedication and available gym-time - because that's what it's going to take.

Chow down on carbs. I know you are going to say you already do, but eat more. Eat potatoes covered in sour cream and butter. Fried chicken, pumpkin pie, heaping mounds of rice-pilaf speckled with steamed shrimp. Au gratin potatoes, and not that crap you get in a store. Huge piles of brocolli in hollindaise sauce or melted cheese... I wouldn't worry overmuch if you eat fatty foods, and cholesterol, but I wouldn't recommend overdoing it either, because that way lies madness.

So, if you're eating all this food, you're going to have to spend much more time in the gym so you put the weight in your muscles, instead of in your gut. And focus more on resistance training than cardio. Don't forget milk and meat. You are going to need protein as well, particularly if you're going to be hitting the weights... And before you work out, drink an energy drink (or two), so you're burning the carbs from the drink instead of stored carbs from your breakfast and lunch.

Another thing to look into is creatine. If you do decide to do that, you will most definitely have to follow the directions. It's not like ephedra where you will die of stroke or heart attack if you don't follow directions. But if you don't drink as much water as they say, you will get the most ungodly agonizing muscle cramps that you can imagine. It's an amino acid that keeps your muscles energized, and if you don't keep it wet, you will be squealing and limping around your apartment at 3AM begging God to make it stop. I tell you this from experience. I let that happen to me ONCE.

And last but not least, patience.

Don't expect to be as buff as you want to be for a few years. I never achieved my goal body until I was at least 24-25 years old - and I have never had a problem gaining weight.

Even more beautiful than I ever thought it would be. I don't believe I'll ever get used to this. And I mean that in a good way. Sometimes I'll turn a corner and the view will stop me in my tracks. It's like those mountains come from out of nowhere and pummel you. It's awesome.

I got a sunburn yesterday. In October. I got it at the pool :biggrin:

Another thing. Arizona doesn't do Daylight Savings time - we're always on Mountain Standard - and now I know why. We don't need to save daylight here. There's too much as it is. We went to an Arizona Wildcats game last weekend, and we had to leave early. The gaze of Amun Ra was simply brutal, and in that stadium there was nowhere to hide.

And as it is in any big city, there is PLENTY to do. Everything is in walking distance, and almost every weekend we do something different. We went up into the mountains over the weekend and picked out our picnic spot for when my parents come to visit. And there is actually a "local music scene" and it doesn't totally suck. And there are always a good concerts or stand-up comedy going on at the casinos.

The schools are really good. The school that my son is in is in the 78-89 percentile in all categories across the board. I was impressed with that.

But I miss Maryland crabs. About the only thing we get out here is snowcrab legs from Red Lobster or whatever - but there is literally NOWHERE you can just stop, sit down and order a dozen crabs. THere's this one place where a Baltimore Crab Dinner was on the menu! I didn't even bother with it.

We're all digging it here.

If we ever get these pictures developed or scanned in, I'll post them.
Thanks for the sound advice Tox. It is much appreciated. Perhaps when you visit we can grab some crab meat and butter. :yay:


New Member
Toxick said:
I thought you didn't want to lose weight? If you're trying to gain, and can't, you're going to have to do several things... And it really depends on your dedication and available gym-time - because that's what it's going to take.

Chow down on carbs. I know you are going to say you already do, but eat more. Eat potatoes covered in sour cream and butter. Fried chicken, pumpkin pie, heaping mounds of rice-pilaf speckled with steamed shrimp. Au gratin potatoes, and not that crap you get in a store. Huge piles of brocolli in hollindaise sauce or melted cheese... I wouldn't worry overmuch if you eat fatty foods, and cholesterol, but I wouldn't recommend overdoing it either, because that way lies madness...c spot for when my parents come to visit. And there is actually a "local music scene" and it doesn't totally suck. And there are always a good concerts or stand-up comedy going on at the casinos.
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
WRONNNNNG ... Ohh lawd ANYONE trying to PUT on FAT pounds follow this diet plan. IF your trying to gain "healthy Weight" via/ muscle STAY AWAY from all the above!!! To gain Weight and NOT FAT you'll eat the same you would to LOOSE just much more.... you need 315 extra calories a day to gain 1 pound of muscle , BUT it has to be healthy FOODS not piles of crap, or else you will look like a jelly belly... and unless your trying out for sumo wrestling I don't think you want this. ALSO if you want to gain, Back off cardio to 1 day a week and 4-5 days a week :yeahthat: heavy weights.


New Member
KCM said:
I have been taking TrimSpa for over 2 months - as I stated in my previous post. I tried WW but just didn't like the results. So, I decided to start eating healthier on my own. No more fast foods, no more junk food, drinking more water and exercising more. I do not weigh myself at all. Once in a great while I will get on the scale just to get a feel for how much I have lost. I just go by how my clothes fit. TrimSpa gets rid of my cravings for snacking between meals and makes me feel full faster when I am eating. My trainer told me that most times when we have cravings that it is more psychological (sp?) than actually physical. If you feel cravings coming on - drink water. I tried that and I can honestly say that it works.

It's great your eating healthy and drinking lots of water!!! :getdown:
BUT im Sure you can do all that w/o TRIM SPA!!!
You rid your cravings w/ the food you crave in a healthier version. You want a Greasy Hamburger... EAT a Grilled turkey Burger
You want chocolate .. Drink Hot chocolate or make Sugar Free Pudding w/ fatfree milk (( TASTE like the REal deal )))
Eat a slice or TWO of THIN CRUST pizza topped with tons of veggies((( just don't eat 5))
When you "diet" It's a life Change... after u loose weight you can't just go back to eating what you ate before and all is cool. So you should TEACH yourself how to Eat , healthy portions w/o A "magic pill" NOR deprive your cravings. GOOD LUCK :thewave:


New Member
Hope Im NOT pizzin Ya'll OFF

Im NOT trying to Tic Ya'll Off or anything... I've been in your shoes , where Ive tried all the diet pills and the fad diets and every thing else you can think of. UP and down w/ my weight.. loose 40 gain 50 etc... Over and over.
THE ONLY thing that WILL WORK FOR LIFE IS HEALHTY EATING and EXERCISE!!!!!!!! Pills will mess you up in the long run, messin your metabolism up, increasing you resting heart rate , making it HARDER to loose weight on your own. Giving the companies more money, because you think you need there pills. :boxing: Im willing to help ANYONE with there weight loss, I know how much better I felt, the hardest yet greatest thing Ive ever done.
You can email me if you want any tips, help with meal plans, workouts etc...
GOOD LUCK and DO YOUR SELF a FAVOR ... leave TRIM SPA to the dinnnnnGY blonde and her hidden Eating disorder.


professional daydreamer
TrainHer said:
Im NOT trying to Tic Ya'll Off or anything... I've been in your shoes , where Ive tried all the diet pills and the fad diets and every thing else you can think of. UP and down w/ my weight.. loose 40 gain 50 etc... Over and over.
THE ONLY thing that WILL WORK FOR LIFE IS HEALHTY EATING and EXERCISE!!!!!!!! Pills will mess you up in the long run, messin your metabolism up, increasing you resting heart rate , making it HARDER to loose weight on your own. Giving the companies more money, because you think you need there pills. :boxing: Im willing to help ANYONE with there weight loss, I know how much better I felt, the hardest yet greatest thing Ive ever done.
You can email me if you want any tips, help with meal plans, workouts etc...
GOOD LUCK and DO YOUR SELF a FAVOR ... leave TRIM SPA to the dinnnnnGY blonde and her hidden Eating disorder.

Now you're pizzin me off. That dingy blond just happens to be a friend of mine and she's quite cute and very intelligent. She does not have an eating disorder, she's just trying to drop a few pounds, so don't go projecting your eating disorder on everyone else.

I, for one, would not want the help of someone who thinks that the only thing that will work for everyone is what worked for you. That's not how it works, dingbat.

And you have not been in my fat shoes, you've only been in your fat shoes.


New Member
elaine said:
Now you're pizzin me off. That dingy blond just happens to be a friend of mine and she's quite cute and very intelligent. She does not have an eating disorder, she's just trying to drop a few pounds, so don't go projecting your eating disorder on everyone else.

I, for one, would not want the help of someone who thinks that the only thing that will work for everyone is what worked for you. That's not how it works, dingbat.

And you have not been in my fat shoes, you've only been in your fat shoes.

You See How messed up those "pills" got ya... Goood LAWWWWWWWWD Im talking about ANNA NICOLE!!! NOT your friend!! Gheese maybe u need exlax and NOT trim SPA.. EASE up and STEP out ya "FAT shoes" RELAX


This Space for Rent
Being as incredibly skinny as I am, the doctor doesn't advise going on any weight loss program. Since he said that, I have decided I need to eat more of the good things in life... like cheesecake.

If anyone else wants to see this doctor, he works out of a storage lot next to a gynecologist.


professional daydreamer
TrainHer said:
You See How messed up those "pills" got ya... Goood LAWWWWWWWWD Im talking about ANNA NICOLE!!! NOT your friend!! Gheese maybe u need exlax and NOT trim SPA.. EASE up and STEP out ya "FAT shoes" RELAX

I'm not messed up by any pills because I don't take them.

Christ. Another night shift 'tard. :rolleyes:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
There's some give or take in there, considering weight fluctuations. But I still should be losing, not gaining. When I limit myself to 1200 calories a day with NO exercise, I can drop 3 pounds a week, easy. Now I've added exercise and I'm gaining. :mad:
Don't mind me asking .. but how much do you weigh? 3 pounds is not HEALTHY to loose in a week. Only 1/2 -2 pounds is healthy depending on how skinny/fat you are. If your like 300 then 3 pounds is okay to loose. If you email me , I can tell you how to tell how many calories you need to eat. Going UNDER 1200 is totally not healthy for ANYONE, your probally need like 1500 witch is normal for a woman


New Member
FromTexas said:
Being as incredibly skinny as I am, the doctor doesn't advise going on any weight loss program. Since he said that, I have decided I need to eat more of the good things in life... like cheesecake.

If anyone else wants to see this doctor, he works out of a storage lot next to a gynecologist.
:yay: hahahaha!!


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
First of all - there's nothing that I can see in TrimSpa that is harmful at all, nor is there anything that I really think will make you lose weight. BUT if one person thinks it's helping them and they are losing weight, then who am I (or YOU) to tell them to stop? In a sense it's really working for them and it's not hurting them in the least.

No offense TrainHer, but if you'd work on the spelling and grammar in your posts people might think you're more intelligent, informed, (than you come across) and knowledgable about what you speak. They might consider taking your advice.


New Member
I didn't tell her NOT to take trim Spa... And I am not a Computer wiz in the, fact that I sit on muh butt all day and type, im NOT typing up a report or anthing else my grammer when i type BOTHERS me NOT!! Ya'll just can't take the truth... so POP your pills and look back on these post in a couple years when its banned too... STOP looking for a QUICK fix!! HEALTH and FITNESS doesnt work like that. PERHAPS if you ALL got off the computer and STOPPED perfecting your typing and did some exercise your butt would be smaller.... lol


Football addict
TrainHer said:
I didn't tell her NOT to take trim Spa... And I am not a Computer wiz in the, fact that I sit on muh butt all day and type, im NOT typing up a report or anthing else my grammer when i type BOTHERS me NOT!! Ya'll just can't take the truth... so POP your pills and look back on these post in a couple years when its banned too... STOP looking for a QUICK fix!! HEALTH and FITNESS doesnt work like that. PERHAPS if you ALL got off the computer and STOPPED perfecting your typing and did some exercise your butt would be smaller.... lol
This reminds me of my posts last November.:twitch:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
TrainHer said:
I didn't tell her NOT to take trim Spa... And I am not a Computer wiz in the, fact that I sit on muh butt all day and type, im NOT typing up a report or anthing else my grammer when i type BOTHERS me NOT!! Ya'll just can't take the truth... so POP your pills and look back on these post in a couple years when its banned too... STOP looking for a QUICK fix!! HEALTH and FITNESS doesnt work like that. PERHAPS if you ALL got off the computer and STOPPED perfecting your typing and did some exercise your butt would be smaller.... lol

:duh: :dur: