Why does everyone answer with "I PERSONALLY don't know anyone....." Do you look around when you are away from your home? Do you read or listen to the news? Do you not see a great many people driving around in new cars? Do you not watch sporting events? Do you not hear or read about sold-out performances?
I am a normal average everyday person. The vast majority of my friends and family are the same. People I interact with on a casual daily basis are largely normal everyday.
I don't see a lot of people driving around in new cars. I do hear them gasping about the cost of groceries and gas for their car, not to mention their heating bill and the price of real estate. I don't hear them all excited about their concert tickets and I know not one single person who is watching sporting events at Madison Square Garden.
What are you personally seeing?
Because the news is telling me that scalpers are getting $30k for Taylor Swift tickets and wearing Balanciaga couture, but I'm going to guess that those aren't normal average everyday people that make up the majority of Americans.
Perhaps you run in tonier circles than I do. Maybe all those car ads showing some guy surprising his wife with not one but TWO cars, maybe that's you and the people you know. But it's not me or mine. In my world couples discuss car purchases, take test drives, and come to an agreement - they don't run out and buy one as a gift.