Jen Psaki Dancing and Ducking


PREMO Member

Jen Psaki Notices A ‘Pattern’ When Putin Decides To Invade Ukraine

Other folks have noticed a pattern of behavior in geopolitical relations as well.

Recently, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Biden’s “weakness” in a lengthy speech from the senate floor, detailing exactly how Biden’s “pattern” of ineptitude on the world stage has led to the war in Ukraine, The Daily Wire reported. The list of debacles Cruz pointed out is worth reading in full to understand the calamity that the Biden team has caused:

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): It’s a pattern. As a result of President Biden’s weakness and appeasement, this administration gave Afghanistan to the Taliban, and 13 American service members were tragically murdered. As a result of President Biden’s weakness and appeasement, this administration is ramping up to give a nuclear arsenal to the Ayatollah in Iran.
The very same Ayatollah who chants “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” the Biden administration is preparing to facilitate that Ayatollah having the weapons of mass murder to carry out those pledges.
As a result of President Biden’s weakness and appeasement, the Biden administration is in the process of ceding Taiwan to Xi. President Biden has even banned any Taiwanese official from displaying a Taiwanese military uniform or displaying a Taiwanese flag on U.S. government property.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member

Jen Psaki Blames Putin For High Cost Of Gas, Ignores Price Hikes In 2021

On Friday, The Daily Wire reported that over the past 24 hours, national gas prices rose an average of 11 cents. That was the most in one day since Hurricane Katrina impacted oil costs in 2005. The surge in prices from Thursday to Friday makes the national cost of a gallon of gas on average $3.837.

While these immediate price hikes may be caused by disruptions to the global oil supply due to Russia’s war, it is largely because of Biden’s policies that we are so reliant upon foreign oil and Russia in the first place.

As The Daily Wire reported in August of 2021, Biden has taken several steps that have made energy more expensive. The first step was the cutting of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The second was banning most new oil leasing on federal lands:

As one of his first acts as president, Biden revoked a permit from the Keystone XL Pipeline project allowing the planned pipeline to cross over from Canada into the United States. Biden’s action effectively killed the pipeline, costing thousands of jobs. If completed, the pipeline would have shipped over 800,000 barrels of oil a day from Alberta, Canada, to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas.


PREMO Member
Psaki continued by saying the White House and Biden administration "are very focused on minimizing the impact to families" caused by rising gas prices. "If you reduce supply in the global marketplace, you are going to raise gas prices, you are going to raise the price of oil," Psaki then added, saying such supply reductions and subsequent cost increases are "something the president is very mindful of and focused on."

A great followup question for Psaki to the latter of her claims would have been: "If President Biden is so mindful and focused on the impact reducing oil supply has on gas prices, why did he kill the Keystone XL pipeline project on his first day in office? Did he not care about 'minimizing the impact to families' then?"

Back to Psaki's first claim — that rising gas prices are apparently solely to blame on Putin's invasion of Ukraine — one that is equally defied by reality and her proclaimed understanding of how basic economic principles of supply and demand impact goods.

To claim that gas price increases are not because of anything Biden has done but due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, again, ignores reality. From the time President Biden took office until the day before Putin rolled into Ukraine, the nationwide average price for a gallon of gas rose more than $1.



Well-Known Member
Like every other Democrat… no matter what stupid decisions they make, no matter what cluster **** they create… Everything’s always somebody else’s fault.

All you will hear from a dem is, the President doesn't control gas prices. No, but his policies sure affect them .


PREMO Member

Psaki’s remarks come after gas prices broke an all-time record in the U.S. on Monday, according to fuel savings platform.

“The national average price of gasoline in the U.S. today broke the existing record, rewriting the all-time high to today’s $4.104 per gallon,” GasBuddy reported. “The previous all-time high was set back in 2008 at $4.103 per gallon, just ahead of the U.S. Great Recession and housing crisis.”

“In addition to setting a new all-time high, the national average is seeing its largest ever 7 day spike: 49.1 cents per gallon, eclipsing the 49.0 cent weekly rise after Hurricane Katrina in 2005,” the company’s statement continued. “On Saturday, the U.S. national average gas price surpassed $4 per gallon for the first time since 2008, and Friday’s spike alone came close to the record daily rise of 18 cents per gallon, increasing nearly 16 cents per gallon in one day. Diesel prices, however, did break records on Friday, as diesel soared to its largest daily gain ever: 22.2 cents per gallon, 6 cents higher than the previous record from 2013.”



Well-Known Member

Psaki’s remarks come after gas prices broke an all-time record in the U.S. on Monday, according to fuel savings platform.

“The national average price of gasoline in the U.S. today broke the existing record, rewriting the all-time high to today’s $4.104 per gallon,” GasBuddy reported. “The previous all-time high was set back in 2008 at $4.103 per gallon, just ahead of the U.S. Great Recession and housing crisis.”

“In addition to setting a new all-time high, the national average is seeing its largest ever 7 day spike: 49.1 cents per gallon, eclipsing the 49.0 cent weekly rise after Hurricane Katrina in 2005,” the company’s statement continued. “On Saturday, the U.S. national average gas price surpassed $4 per gallon for the first time since 2008, and Friday’s spike alone came close to the record daily rise of 18 cents per gallon, increasing nearly 16 cents per gallon in one day. Diesel prices, however, did break records on Friday, as diesel soared to its largest daily gain ever: 22.2 cents per gallon, 6 cents higher than the previous record from 2013.”

So if she says, the President is doing all he can about gas prices, why did she say he can't .? :dork:


Power with Control
No, Jen, hes not doing all he can. Simply ripping up some of those stupid executive orders from Day One would do more than hes done since.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if she believes the misinformation she puts out, but it pisses me off that they think Americans do.


PREMO Member

‘What Additional Permits Do They Need?’: Psaki Mocks Question About Oil Drilling Regulatory Hurdles

Psaki also reiterated an argument that fossil fuel companies are purposely neglecting to drill on roughly 9,000 public leases. Industry groups have accused the White House of misleading the public on leases, arguing that not all leases contain oil or natural gas, drilling requires sizable private investment and further permitting is required before a company can begin extracting resources from the ground.

The groups have also pointed to the fact that the vast majority of leases are being used. There are more than 37,496 active oil and gas leases nationwide, meaning more than 75% are in use, according to the latest Bureau of Land Management data.

“The federal permit to drill is not the only government approval required. Rights of way (ROW) must be acquired to access the lease and for natural gas gathering systems,” Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma wrote in a blog last week. “ROWs can take years to acquire. With the pressure not to flare from regulators and investors, most companies cannot drill before the gathering lines are in place.”

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources, for example, lists a dozen permits and requirements companies must obtain before drilling on a lease on its website.


Well-Known Member
Just like the other day when asked about the Keystone pipeline. She said the oil was still being moved by truck & train without the pipeline. Does she realize the pollution created by those 2 .


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just like the other day when asked about the Keystone pipeline. She said the oil was still being moved by truck & train without the pipeline. Does she realize the pollution created by those 2 .
Out of sight, out of mind.


PREMO Member

Peter Doocy Humiliates Psaki Over Gas Prices, and It’s Glorious

“Why did you guys decide to rebrand the rise in gas prices as the #PutinPriceHike?” Doocy asked.

“I mean, if you want to use that on Fox, I welcome that,” she quipped because apparently, she thought it was funny.

“I think it’ll get a lot of airtime,” Doocy shot back, “because we have heard the President warned for months, the gas prices were rising because of the supply chain and because of post-pandemic demand. If you guys knew for months that this was going to be the ‘hashtag Putin price hike,’ why are we just hearing that now?”

That’s when Psaki went it a long rambling non-answer.

“Well, Peter, if we go back to six months ago, I don’t think anybody was predicting we would be exactly where we are as it relates to Russia and Ukraine,” she said, ignoring rising gas prices and the Biden administration’s excuse Rolodex for them through 2021. “As you know that events in the world including the invasion by Russia, of a foreign country does prompt instability and volatility in the global oil markets.”