“Why is it that we can sit here in the white house briefing room with no masks, but people can’t sit in an airplane cabin with no masks?” Doocy asked in reference to the national mask mandate being
struck down in a federal court in Florida on Monday.
“Well, Peter, I’m not a doctor,” she said condescendingly. “You’re not a doctor that I’m aware of. If you’re a doctor, I wasn’t aware of that today until today. Okay. Not a doctor. Just making sure. I don’t know. ”
“Nor do you play one on TV… most days,” she added. “There you go. Most days. But these determinations, remember the mask and guidance is there are, is green, yellow, and red. We are currently in a green zone in Washington, DC. So they’re not recommending it.”
“Some people can still wear a mask if they want to, many people do or wear them in meetings or wear them at certain times where you’re going to be around or sitting close to people, or maybe you have an immunocompromised parent or, or friend. And so people make that decision,” she added. “And there’s, this is based on health considerations and data that the CDC looks at about transmissibility as, we’ve seen increasing cases on, on airplanes.”
Once again, this is a complete lie. There is no data to show that
masks work on airplanes, work in states that
mandate them, or
work in schools that mandate them. Anywhere. Period. End of story.
Jen Psaki and Peter Doocy clashed on Monday in the first White House press briefing following the infamous 'stupid SOB' incident between the media adversaries. Watch...