Jennifer @Red Robin

Dearest WR,
Bubba is absolutely adorable. Happy happy HAPPY Birthday to your sweet little boy!

Our days are long but the years fly by ((sniffle))

XO - Kris10


Adopt me please !
I have 1 son and a stepson. The one in the pic is the one I bitched about my entire pregnancy on the forums because I was so sick all the time... :coffee:
Turns out I actually had a good reason... but still. :lol:

Time really does fly because I remember you being pregnant.
Time really does fly because I remember you being pregnant.

:lol: That's because I was so avatar29956_50.gif the whole time.

I was positive I was going to die. :coffee:


Jam out with ur clam out

now I can settle in and get to work.....

spent the AM planning out upcoming events to attend!!!! :yahoo: :buddies:

...... WOW.... life is so good!!!!! :bann:


Adopt me please !
Happy birthday, Bubba!


amazingly he survived (born weighing 1 lb 12 ounces) and was in ICU at Bethesda Naval for 4 months (they called him a million dollar baby and said most preemie boys died that were that size), before being transferred to Malcolm at AAFB where he stayed another month or so. Rode the short bus to school for many years also.

I am proud to say that when presented with the option to work or collect SSI, he chose to work and got a decent job via Melwood. Melwood keeps people off of SSI (or at reduced payments) - we need more support for Melwoods' service for sure! Melwood
You know... I just gotta say somethin' if I could say somethin' here... If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's catty women. :mad: One of the women at work is making me so uncomfortable. :cds:


Jam out with ur clam out
You know... I just gotta say somethin' if I could say somethin' here... If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's catty women. :mad: One of the women at work is making me so uncomfortable. :cds:

.... Tell her!!

She needs to stop!!

I had to do that with one here already!!!!


Jam out with ur clam out
It is two of them and it is a racism issue. I would end up being the bad guy if I brought it up to leadership. :coffee:

then ask them directly to stop... that you are offended by the way they are behaving and its inappropriate for the work place. And that they should be more professional.