Jennifer @Red Robin


Well-Known Member
It is two of them and it is a racism issue. I would end up being the bad guy if I brought it up to leadership. :coffee:

Well if you don't like confrontation put a friendly love note on their desk, and tell them how much you appreciate them. If you make a complaint they are going to know its you and pull their claws out.
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aka Mrs. Giant

:huggy: Want me to come for a visit at work? :dance: We can sit and giggle and point fingers in her general direction.

Actually, mean people suck, but you can't let them suck the life out of you.

Since you can't ignore her and her behavior is bothering you...sit back for a minute and think, she's a miserable person. She doesn't have as many wonderful things going on for her that you do. You have friends, a loving family, you are beautiful and intelligent and you can wear pencil dresses with flair. :smile:

Now feel sorry for her and realize what a wretched life she must have. Feel empathy and pity for her wash over you.

Visualization does powerful things. You'll be able to treat her with more kindness and you won't let her petty behavior get to you.

we need specific details to as how they are making you uncomfortable so we can tell you what to do to get them back.

One rolls her eyes at me every time she sees me and hangs up on me before I can talk.. The one who yelled at me the other day treats me like dirt because I am a contractor.... She thinks I should have access to nothing because I am not government and she tries to tell my boss that. :coffee:

Contrary to her belief, I don't ####ing work for her :tantrum but I have to play nice because she is a GS-14 :cds:


Active Member
You know... I just gotta say somethin' if I could say somethin' here... If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's catty women. :mad: One of the women at work is making me so uncomfortable. :cds:
You are allowing her to do so WR. I used to worry about stuff like that, and then I said to myself..."She/He doesn't pay my Bills, and I don't have to sleep with them, so eff em"!!


One rolls her eyes at me every time she sees me and hangs up on me before I can talk.. The one who yelled at me the other day treats me like dirt because I am a contractor.... She thinks I should have access to nothing because I am not government and she tries to tell my boss that. :coffee:

Contrary to her belief, I don't ####ing work for her :tantrum but I have to play nice because she is a GS-14 :cds:

Have you ever just come out and asked them what their problems are?
"hey, I've noticed there is some tension going on since we're in the grown up world now - can you please tell me what your issue with me is? "

That or just spray paint whore on their cars.