Jennifer @Red Robin

Have you ever just come out and asked them what their problems are?
"hey, I've noticed there is some tension going on since we're in the grown up world now - can you please tell me what your issue with me is? "

That or just spray paint whore on their cars.

And they are both in their mid-50s :mad:


Registered User
One rolls her eyes at me every time she sees me and hangs up on me before I can talk.. The one who yelled at me the other day treats me like dirt because I am a contractor.... She thinks I should have access to nothing because I am not government and she tries to tell my boss that. :coffee:

Contrary to her belief, I don't ####ing work for her :tantrum but I have to play nice because she is a GS-14 :cds:

Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.

OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can accidentally drop some roofing tacks as I drive by.
Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.

OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can accidentally drop some roofing tacks as I drive by.

:jet: ooOoOoOOoh I like you. You sound just as ####ed up as I am. Let's go to dinner. :coffee:


Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.

OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can accidentally drop some roofing tacks as I drive by.

We here on the SOMD forums do not condone vandalism in any shape or form.

This has been a public service anouncment. :coffee:


aka Mrs. Giant
We here on the SOMD forums do not condone vandalism in any shape or form.

This has been a public service anouncment. :coffee:

:roflmao: Liar...It all started with the feral cat tread...then there was something about St Mary's Lake, and then the secret service was called to shut the place down and Mikey's been missing ever since.


:roflmao: Liar...It all started with the feral cat tread...then there was something about St Mary's Lake, and then the secret service was called to shut the place down and Mikey's been missing ever since.

That is why we do not condone these actions. :coffee:

RIP poor feral kitty. :bawl:


Jam out with ur clam out
:nono:...never use tacks....

things can back fire .....

I know many ways to make someone pay...:evil:


Registered User
:jet: ooOoOoOOoh I like you. You sound just as ####ed up as I am. Let's go to dinner. :coffee:

I am the sweetest woman ever, until I meet a mean person. Then I feel the need to show them the true meaning of mean.

We here on the SOMD forums do not condone vandalism in any shape or form.

This has been a public service announcement. :coffee:

OMG, you are 100% correct and I deeply apologize!! How’s this instead…

Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.

OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can show up with Sasha, my 5ft long Ball Python and toting Jupiter my 2ft long dragon, Nova, 1.5 ft long Dragon, Rhea, 1.5 ft long dragon, Zed, Terra, and Helios, all 1 ft long dragons. Most women in their mid-50’s are scared of reptiles.

I also have a freezer full of dead rats..On Halloween I could wear my witch costume (not really a costume :evil:) and make a rat necklace and with all my reptilian family members....I could just walk by and say HI!


I am the sweetest woman ever, until I meet a mean person. Then I feel the need to show them the true meaning of mean.

OMG, you are 100% correct and I deeply apologize!! How’s this instead…

Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.

OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can show up with Sasha, my 5ft long Ball Python and toting Jupiter my 2ft long dragon, Nova, 1.5 ft long Dragon, Rhea, 1.5 ft long dragon, Zed, Terra, and Helios, all 1 ft long dragons. Most women in their mid-50’s are scared of reptiles.

I also have a freezer full of dead rats..On Halloween I could wear my witch costume (not really a costume :evil:) and make a rat necklace and with all my reptilian family members....I could just walk by and say HI!

Oh you're one of those lizard people.


Registered User
Oh you're one of those lizard people.


Actually I am one of those crazy animal lovers. I have four cats, six lizards, 21 lizard eggs clutches, a snake, a husband, and kids. I feed the deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, humming birds, woodpeckers, and anything else that comes on my property. I have spent hours in my pool fishing out the frog eggs, dumping them into bins, buying food for them and feeding them until they are baby frogs and then release them…

I am a crazy animal lover.
I am the sweetest woman ever, until I meet a mean person. Then I feel the need to show them the true meaning of mean.

OMG, you are 100% correct and I deeply apologize!! How’s this instead…

Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.

OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can show up with Sasha, my 5ft long Ball Python and toting Jupiter my 2ft long dragon, Nova, 1.5 ft long Dragon, Rhea, 1.5 ft long dragon, Zed, Terra, and Helios, all 1 ft long dragons. Most women in their mid-50’s are scared of reptiles.

I also have a freezer full of dead rats..On Halloween I could wear my witch costume (not really a costume :evil:) and make a rat necklace and with all my reptilian family members....I could just walk by and say HI!

NO DINNER! :jameo: Scary snake lizard dragon lady :cds:


Registered User
NO DINNER! :jameo: Scary snake lizard dragon lady :cds:

LMAO But they are good reptiles and They all have cages in a room in the basement which is dedicated to them only. I never bring them out around guests unless asked. You would never see them or even know they exist.


Finishing last

Actually I am one of those crazy animal lovers. I have four cats, six lizards, 21 lizard eggs clutches, a snake, a husband, and kids. I feed the deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, humming birds, woodpeckers, and anything else that comes on my property. I have spent hours in my pool fishing out the frog eggs, dumping them into bins, buying food for them and feeding them until they are baby frogs and then release them…

I am a crazy animal lover.

What do you feed frog eggs?


Registered User
Frog sperm. Standard. :coffee:

omg.. I just spewed green tea all over my keyboard, desk, papers onm my desk, monitor, was choking with green tea coming out my I have to clean it all mean mean woman for being so funny.

I love it.


omg.. I just spewed green tea all over my keyboard, desk, papers onm my desk, monitor, was choking with green tea coming out my I have to clean it all mean mean woman for being so funny.

I love it.

So we know you are a freaky animal woman, but the real question is.....Are you a geek? :nerd: Do you like Doctor Who, Battlestar Galctica (Old or new), Star Wars, or any other sci-fi stuff. :coffee: