I am the sweetest woman ever, until I meet a mean person. Then I feel the need to show them the true meaning of mean.
OMG, you are 100% correct and I deeply apologize!! How’s this instead…
Go to HR and lodge a formal complaint that she is creating a hostile work environment, then list times, dates, and actions to back up your complaint.
OR...tell me which parking lot and car on base, so I can show up with Sasha, my 5ft long Ball Python and toting Jupiter my 2ft long dragon, Nova, 1.5 ft long Dragon, Rhea, 1.5 ft long dragon, Zed, Terra, and Helios, all 1 ft long dragons. Most women in their mid-50’s are scared of reptiles.
I also have a freezer full of dead rats..On Halloween I could wear my witch costume (not really a costume

) and make a rat necklace and with all my reptilian family members....I could just walk by and say HI!