I try, I try :glasshalffullyouknow:

It repels mosquitos.
It also helps with static in your hair

let's go shoe shopping !
Ooh, oooh I like shoes

It repels mosquitos.
let's go shoe shopping !
I try, I try :glasshalffullyouknow:
It also helps with static in your hair
Ooh, oooh I like shoes![]()
I have to do some diversity training....
.... FML
I'm making a whole bunch of crap that I most likely won't eat.
Jk I'm chubby I love food...lol
No, it's for his summer camp at Rec and Parks. I didn't see where parents could sign up for the trip so I assumed they weren't taking parents. But they told me this morning that I was supposed to ask in the beginning of the week to go.
Small world. My daughter is attending the Park and Rec camp as well. I didn't send her this week since it was a short week.
Is he in Hollywood or Wildewood group?
He was supposed to be in the Wildewood group but they moved the Wildewood group to the Hollywood location a couple weeks ago. So he is at Hollywood. It's been a new experience for him because he has gone to the same daycare since he was 1 so I thought he might like something different and it'd be good for him to have new experiences. I think he likes it but he has shed some tears and been anxious about it.
My daughter is in Wildewood also.
Just FYI, even though they moved the Wildewood group to Hollywood, they are still keeping the Hollywood and Wildewood groups separate because they are divided by age groups.
This is new for my daughter too, she has been at the same dayceare since she was 2. It was at her request to do something new.
She seems to like it so far, although she wants to go to the pool everyday. She went to the Fit and Swim week and they spent 4 hours at the pool everyday. She loved it!!!
Yeah, I noticed when I go pick him up they give me a lost look until I tell them Trek Wildewood.
Today is their field trip day to the Pirate Adventures places. He was nervous that I wasn't going so I hope he will have fun today.
The pool week sounds fun! He was happy at daycare because there are other boys his age and they play outside and in the woods but I asked him about this months ago and he said he wanted to do it. So we are doing it regardless of his tears and anxieties.![]()
I'm making a whole bunch of crap that I most likely won't eat.
Jk I'm chubby I love food...lol
How old is he?
It repels mosquitos.
He's 6.
I hope he enjoys the rest of his summer. We've signed up for all the other weeks, but she'll be going to the fit and swim the last week again.
Might run into you there, but even if I did I wouldn't know it![]()
you should get a Fudgie the Whale to satisfy your cravings
Are you calling me a whale?![]()
Are you calling me a whale?![]()